Saturday, August 06, 2005


Sat., Aug. 6, 2005 -

books Price

From the web site:
“We compare book prices in 34 Book Stores to find the best price for the books in your Book Cart.”


Sat., Aug. 6, 2005 - Folktales

Found in:
Education World Site Reviews
Volume 9, Issue 19
May 10, 2005

Sites to See: Folktales
Discover a variety of folktale resources, including online books, writing prompts, interviews, folktale exchanges, units and lesson plans, more.

Education World®


Sat., Aug. 6, 2005

Found in:
Newsletter of Web English Teacher
May 10, 2005
1. New Pages

* Ralph Ellison
Lesson plans for Invisible Man.

* Barbara Kingsolver
Lesson plans for The Bean Trees.

* Edwin Arlington Robinson
Lesson plans for "Richard Cory," "Miniver Cheevy," and other

2. Site to Check Out

* Shakespeare
You think you know your Shakespeare? Try these games!


Carla Beard
Web English Teacher

This newsletter is copyright 2005, Web English Teacher.


Sat., Aug. 6, 2005

Found on:
ResourceShelf 29-2005 – May 5, 2005

Source: BIOME
New on the BIOME Gateway: "Hot Topics"
“From a newsletter: BIOME, the RDN's [Resource Discovery Network] free information source for health, medicine and life sciences, have launched a 'Hot Topics' section in response to user demand. The "Hot Topics" are useful for those seeking inspiration for project work, possible ideas for essay themes, or simply as a quick route into subjects of interest. Topics recently covered include Multiple Sclerosis and Food Safety, including the recent Sudan-1 scare.”
[NOTE: From the previously posted home page
“BIOME is a collection of gateways which provide access to evaluated,
quality Internet resources in the health and life sciences,” – Phyllis ]


Péter's Digital Reference Shelf
May 2005®ion=7&fileName=reference/archive/200505/nytbra.html
[Shortened URL: ]

Title: New York Times Book Review Archive
Publisher: The New York Times
Cost: Free (for reviews from the past 10 years), registration required
Tested: April 16-19, 2005
"More than 16,000 free reviews from the newspaper that used to be the most respected daily publication. While the book review section has had its own share of criticism in recent years, its importance in making or breaking a book has remained intact. The rich content is easily browsable, but the search function could stand improvements."


National Park Service Online Books
"The National Park Service manages a vast library of research reports covering all aspects of the history, culture, anthropology, archeology and natural resources in our national parks. The NPS Online Book series contains the full text of some of this research, both recent studies and many that are out-of-print. This effort to make such studies easily accessible to the public has only just started and will grow as more titles are placed online." Alphabetical, by place name.
[NOTE: Other pages from previously posted. - Phyllis ]
Gary Price
Editor, ResourceShelf

The ResourceShelf & DocuTicker Team

Post via ResourceShelf
for even more resources visit

Friday, August 05, 2005


Fri., Aug. 5, 2005 - Edutopia

Found in:
======== The NSDL Scout Report for Math, Engineering, and Technology ==
======== May 6, 2005 ===
======== Volume 4, Number 9 ======

Edutopia [pdf]
The George Lucas Educational Foundation (GLEF), which "documents and disseminates information about exemplary programs in K-12 schools to help these practices spread nationwide" provides this website, Edutopia. The website and the organization's magazine and documentaries are intended to"celebrate the unsung heroes across our nation who are making 'Edutopia' a reality." Recognizing that for innovations to spread, educators and parents, as well as business and community leaders, must see them and understand them, the organization offers the Documentary Gallery, which helps visitors visualize what these innovations look like. The extensive collection of online videos is complemented by articles, research summaries, and links to relevant websites, books, organizations, and other publications. The materials are organized onto web pages designed for a particular audience(students, teachers, business and community leaders, parents, and policy-makers) on through pages highlighting the thirteen topics the organization has identified as critical elements in public education (Assessment, Business Partnerships, Community Partnerships, Digital Divide, Emotional Intelligence, Mentoring, Ongoing Professional Development, Parent Involvement, Project-Based Learning, School-To-Career, Teacher Preparation, Technology Integration, and Technology Professional Development). [VF]
The single phrase below is the copyright notice to be used when reproducing any portion of this report, in any format.
>From The NSDL Scout Report for Math, Engineering, and Technology, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2005.


Fri., Aug. 5, 2005 - Learning Wave Educational Links by Subject / Interactive Mathematics

Learning Wave
Educational links by subject
[NOTE: Absurd Math ( ) previously posted – Phyllis ]

Interactive Mathematics


Fri., Aug. 5, 2005 - Healthfinder Kids

Found on:;jsessionid=QF3C3RFGDJRDGQSNDBGCKHSCJUMEKJVN?articleID=159904280
[Shortened URL: ]
April 25, 2005

Site of the Day: Healthfinder Kids

Healthfinder Kids
[NOTE: Home page previously posted. – Phyllis ]

“Healthfinder Kids discusses important safety issues for students in a colorful way. There is a section on healthy and not so healthy things for your body and a section on Internet safety. You'll also find games, art contests, a section for parents, and more.".

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services


Fri., Aug. 5, 2005 - NetSmartz Workshop

Found on:
USA Today Web Guide Hot Sites

The NetSmartz Workshop
“Some dangers on the Internet can't be prevented by a Microsoft security upgrade. This site seeks to protect and serve by providing an interactive resource to teach kids and teens how to stay safer online. It's chock full of information for teens, including safety tips and real-life video stories about young adults that faced Internet dangers. Kids can check out the interactive sub-site,, where cartoon characters provide protection pointers.” — MB

Copyright 2005 USA TODAY

Thursday, August 04, 2005


Thurs., Aug 4, 2005 - International Perfume Museum

---------Forwarded Message--------
Site of the Day for Thursday, April 28, 2005

International Perfume Museum

Today's site offers a tour through the rarefied world of perfumery. Gentle
Subscribers will discover there's more to a scent than meets the nose.

"Inaugurated in 1989 at Grasse, "the cradle of traditional perfumery", the
International Perfume Museum's exceptional collections retrace the history
of perfumes, and also that of soap, and make-up and cosmetics, over 4,000
years. ... As both the memory and the partner of the perfume industry, it
unveils all the stages of perfume creation, from the harvest and the
treatment of raw materials to the launching of the finished product. ...
This site welcomes you on a journey through a magical world where dreams
become perfumes." - from the website

The site provides information on a range of ingredients used in the
creation of perfumes, from the sprightly tuberose to the unappealing gray
amber, with photos, origins, characteristics, particular odor qualities and
some of the perfumes in which they may be found. A section on the history
of perfumes sweeps through time from the antiquity of the ancient Greeks to
the decades of the twentieth century, accompanied by an extensive
collection of perfume containers. The science of perfumes is not
overlooked, with material on distillation and extraction techniques --
enfleurage, cold pressing and volatile solvents; and the use of such modern
chemical processes such as chromatography in scent identification.

Sniff over to the site for an illustrative tour of this ancient industry

A.M. Holm
view the List archives on the web at:


Thurs., Aug 4, 2005

Found on:
======== The NSDL Scout Report for the Physical Sciences ===
======== April 29, 2005 ===
======== Volume 4, Number 9 ======

The Nobel Prize in Physics-Educational [gif, Macromedia Shockwave
The Nobel Foundation provides a host of animated and interactive materials
to educate individuals about the fascinating world of physics at this
website. Through clear articles and helpful images, students can discover
the principles of special relativity, quantum mechanics, vacuum tubes, x-
rays, and accelerators. The website offers an interactive microscope
simulator, a pictorial tutorial of how to prepare specimen, and an
interesting photo gallery of fluorescence microscope. Users can play online
games to learn about liquid crystals, lasers, and transistors. This website
will kindle everyone's interests in physics. [RME]
[NOTE: Other pages from previously posted. - Phyllis ]

SCH3U Grade 11 Chemistry [Chime]

Tom Stretton, a science teacher in the Upper Canada District School Board,
provides chemistry notes, figures, and quizzes intended for eleventh-grade
chemistry students. Within the Databook link, students can learn the origins
of names of the elements, electromagnetic spectrum, ionization energies, and
much more. Visitors can find twelve laboratory activities, fun chemistry-
related conundrums, a timetable of the history of alchemy and chemistry, and
information on the metric system. The website offers details about
molecules, ions, bonding, stoichiometry, and additional topics usually
discussed in high school chemistry classes. [RME]

Molecular Expressions: Optical Microscopy Primer [jpeg]

Produced by the Florida State University, this website offers a host of
tutorials about microscopy and its related principles. In the Physics of
Light and Color link, students can learn about electromagnetic radiation,
fluorescence, light filters, lasers, and much more. The website offers an
introduction to the use of a microscope, animations of light pathways, and a
history of the instrument's development. Researchers can discover countless
techniques to aid in contrast enhancement, the properties of digital images
and processing, fundamentals of photomicrography, specimen preparation for
confocal microscopy, and much more. With the handy Java tutorials and
images, individuals are sure to find help understanding the intricacies of
optical microscopy. [RME]
[NOTE: Previously posted. - Phyllis ]

Periodic Table Live! [QuickTime, jpeg, Java]

Periodic Table Live!, produced by the Division of Chemical Education at the
University of Wisconsin-Madison, allows users "to explore a broad range of
information about the elements, their reactions, their properties, their
structures and their histories." After selecting an element from the
periodic table, users can access a myriad of information divided into three
sections: Description, Physical, and Atomic. Students can view short videos
of many of the elements' reactions with air, water, acids, and bases. The
website is equipped with a helpful glossary and images of the elements,
scientists, and other related items. [RME]

The University of California, Berkeley: Understanding Geologic Time
[NOTE: Previously posted. See Also: K-12 Resources - Phyllis ]

Through this University of California, Berkeley website, both students and
teachers can understand the complexities of geologic time. Through
interactive timetables, students can discover when key events occurred in
the earth's history, the difference between relative and absolute time, the
Law of Superposition, and the Geologic time scale. At the end of the
tutorial, users can test their knowledge. Educators can find preparation
steps, technical requirements, standards, and user tips. The website
provides a list of terms, simplified version of the geologic time scale,
quizzes, assessment materials, and other lesson plan ideas. [RME]

A Century of Einstein [Macromedia Flash Player]

This intriguing MSNBC website addresses how Einstein's theories still affect
the world we live in today. Users can view a Macromedia Flash Player-
enhanced slide show summarizing Einstein's life and major accomplishments.
Visitors can download the five papers from 1905, Einstein's "miracle year."
Students can find a helpful interactive module discussing the principles of
relativity and its importance. The website discusses Einstein's personality
and beliefs and hypothesizes how Einstein might have faired in today's
world. Users can learn about the questions dealing with dark matter and dark
energy that scientists are still trying to understand today. [RME]

The New World-wide Earthquake Locator

The World-Wide Earthquake Locator, developed at the University of Edinburgh,
"aims to provide up-to-date information and detailed dynamic maps of
earthquakes across the world within a maximum of 24 hours of their
occurrence." Through online, interactive maps, users can determine the
location, size, and time of recent earthquakes. While the authors concede
that the prediction model is inaccurate, students and educators can utilize
the forecasting tool to help understand the earthquake processes. By
providing the current data as well as information on past earthquakes, the
developers hope to increase the efficiency of disaster relief response and
help scientists predict the occurrences of large, destructive geologic
events. [RME]

>From The NSDL Scout Report for the Physical Sciences, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2005.


Thurs., Aug 4, 2005 - Ecology Picture of the Week / eMedicine Health

Found on:
USA Today Web Guide Hot Sites
04/24/2005 - Updated 10:51 PM ET

EPOW — Ecology Picture of the Week
“It won't change the world, but this site, which features an archive of ecology related images free to view, is a nice break from the typical backgrounds and images that our eyes become trained to expect when searching and surfing the Internet. Each week a clear, compelling image of the environment is shown. Accompanying the image is an explanation written by a professional ecologist, so you're not only seeing a nice picture; you're learning something as well!” — MB

eMedicine Health
“Among the slew of health related web sites available on the Net, eMedicine certainly stands out as a highly useful source. Information on the site is organized into three centers: health resource, lifestyle and wellness and first aid and emergencies. Topics on the site are also categorized alphabetically for convenience. There is also a medical dictionary and information on drug recalls and alerts.” — MB

Copyright 2005 USA TODAY


Thurs., Aug. 4, 2005 - Earth911 / Earthquakes

Found on:
23 April 2005 "Earth Science Sites of the Week"

EARTH 911: MAKING EVERY DAY EARTH DAY, Earth 911, (suggested by Holly
Devaul, DLESE), the mission of Earth 911: Making Every Day Earth Day
is to empower the public with resources to improve quality of life. The
site offers very practical information on a wide range of environmental
topics including recycling, household hazardous waste, water quality,
composting, air pollution prevention, fire prevention, green shopping
tips, and mercury pollution.
[NOTE: Previously posted. - Phyllis ]
Their "For Kids" site offers grade-level resources, environmental news
links, games and activities for kids, and local news and events.


WHY DO THEY HAPPEN? (suggested by Cheryl Dodes, Weber Middle School,
Port Washington, NY), the BBC has created an online guide to
Earthquakes. The site discusses why earthquakes happen, how often they
happen, dangers of earthquakes, etc. There are also two animated
guides: earthquakes and tsunamis.
[Shortened URL: ]

Mark Francek
Professor of Geography and Earth Science
Central Michigan University

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Wed., Aug. 3, 2005 - K-12 Resources


Online Free Science/Math Books

Links Lists and Resources Lists (Neuroscience)


Home page: NeuraLinksPlus
Lists of links for Biology, General & Reference
Scroll down for more “Non-Biology Subjects”


Wed., Aug. 3, 2005 - Sense of Smell

---------Forwarded Message--------
Site of the Day for Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Sense of Smell Institute (SOSI)

Today's site, despite its nomenclature, is a serious presentation dealing
with the science of olfaction, as indicated by its reference to the 2004
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine awarded "for ... discoveries of
odorant receptors and the organization of the olfactory system". Gentle
Subscribers will discover information of interest and possibly of
usefulness, at the site.

"SOSI’s website has long been considered a major resource for up-to-date
information relating to the sense of smell. ... The main window on the home
page ... feature[s] cutting edge reports on different olfactory topics
along with additional references and links. ...Smell 101 - A series of mini
lessons on various aspects of the sense of smell. ... Glossary of Olfaction
- a helpful tool for the non-scientists among us. ... Fun Facts About Smell
- showcases interesting fun tidbits of information about sense of smell." -
from the website

The site provides very brief summaries of scientific research on a range of
olfactory topics, under such themes as olfaction and human performance;
scent and social behavior; and fragrance and psychophysiology. The "Smell
101" section provides more extensive information in three lessons -- "How
Does the Sense of Smell Work?", complete with excellent diagrams; "Smell
Dysfunction" with its serious implications; and the particularly
interesting "Fragrance and Sleep" from research at Wesleyen University.
Some surprising human olfactory features are spotlighted in the Fun Facts

It is suggested that visitors use the "Site Map" link at the top right of
the home page as the most satisfactory way of navigating the site.

Sniff over to the website for absorbing olfactory information at:

A.M. Holm
view the List archives on the web at:


Wed., Aug. 3, 2005 - On-Line Biology Book / Anatomy:Significant Body Systems

The On-Line Biology Book
From the web site: “Welcome to an On-Line Biology Book Table of Contents. Click on the underlined items to go to those chapters.” “Use of my text for educational purposes is encouraged and appreciated,”


From: Web School Solutions
Anatomy: Significant Body Systems

The Cardiovascular System (including the Lymphatic System)

Other sections include the Nervous System, the Skeletal System,
the Musculoskeletal System and the Pulmonary System.


Wed., Aug. 3, 2005 - Genographic Project

--------Forwarded Message--------

Hi! It's Thursday, April 14, 2005 and time for Social Sciences at

Recommended Website: - The Genographic Project

List member, Ann Lauzau, recommended today's website that you can use to
simply access FREE, fascinating information on the history of human beings
by tracing their migration across the world through genetics, and/or you can
PAY to participate in a remarkable scientific research study by actually
submitting samples of your own DNA!

Ann wrote, "This site has a very cool interactive map of human migration
across the eons. The atlas will be refined with the help of the Genographic
Project that uses genetic data from thousands of participants who can pay to
have their genetic history analyzed."

By comparing the DNA of ancient and modern people scientists trace where and
when ancient humans moved around the world and their relationship to modern

When you get to the site you will see an introduction and an icon of the
"Interactive Atlas of The Human Journey." Click on "Explore the Atlas" to
see the migration of the various species of the "Homo" genus from 200,000
B.C. to 10,000 B.C. Click on the era bar to trace the migration pattern from
Africa to the rest of the world. Then, click on any dot on the map to get
more information about the region and the beings who populated it.

Don't stop there. This site offers a terrific "Genetics Overview" that
explains the anatomy of the genes of the human body, genetic signatures and
signposts, the genetics of various populations of people, and it provides a
glossary of genetic terminology.

But wait, there's more! Want to participate in the Genographic Project? From
the menu, click on "Your Genetic Journey." A new page opens that explains
how you can submit an anonymous sample of your DNA using a simple and
painless cheek cell swab. To do that, you will have to purchase the Public
Participation Kit that costs $107 and includes:

-Detailed brochure about the Genographic Project, featuring National
Geographic photography.
-A DVD with a Genographic Project overview hosted by Dr. Spencer Wells.
-A bonus feature program the National Geographic Channel/PBS production "The
Journey of Man".
-An Exclusive National Geographic map illustrating human migratory history
created especially for the Genographic Project.
-Buccal swab kit, instructions, and a self-addressed envelope in which to
return your cheek swab sample.
-Visual instructions on how to collect a DNA sample using a painless cheek
-Testing and analysis on your cheek cell sample.
-Confidential Genographic Project ID # (GPID) to anonymously access your
results at the Genographic Project website.

Once you have completed the cheek swabbing process, you will secure the
swabs inside the transport tubes, complete the informed consent form and
mail the tubes and form off to the lab using the supplied envelope. In about
4 to 6 weeks-the time necessary for the lab to process your sample and
analyze your DNA-your confidential and anonymous results will be ready. In
the meantime, you will be able to visit the web site to see where your
sample is in the analysis process.

By participating, you not only contribute to the Genographic endeavor, but
you may discover something fascinating about your own genetic past as well.
According to the website, "The proceeds from the sales of the Kits will be
channeled back into the Project to support additional research and to fund
educational and cultural preservation efforts benefiting indigenous
communities participating in the research."

Whether you pay to participate in the research study, or just access the
free information provided at the site, you will gain knowledge of genetics
and an interesting look at scientific efforts to understand the origins and
migration of the human race.

Diane Keith
for ClickSchooling
Copyright 2005, All Rights Reserved

Note: We make every effort to recommend websites that have content that is appropriate for general audiences. Parents should also preview the sites for suitable content, and then review the sites together with their children.

Click Schooling (Clickschooling) is a Registered Trademark and may not be used without written permission of Diane Flynn Keith.

Planning a family road trip? For FREE educational car games visit:

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Tues., Aug. 2, 2005 - Electric Money

Found in: newsletter #77
Date Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2005 9:34 PM

Electric Money

Learn about the history of currency from Before Computers to the E-MoneyRevolution. See how money has evolved by viewing the Money timeline. Put your monetary knowledge to work with a stock-trading simulator inFun Stuff. Money has come a long way from the shells and stones used inprimitive times to the paper, coin and electronic transactions of today.Visit the site and save a buck.
Linda Brandon


Tues., Aug. 2, 2005 - U.S. Economy at a Glance

U.S. Economy at a Glance

This Department of Labor site presents key economic statistics including:
Unemployment Rate, Average Hourly Earnings, Consumer Price Index and much more.

[NOTE: Previously posted. Current and back data available. For regions or
individual states, select “Other Available at a Glance Tables” - Phyllis ]


Tues., Aug. 2, 2005

Found on:
The ResourceShelf
April 15-21, 2005

Resource of the Week
by Shirl Kennedy, Deputy Editor
“Financial literacy is an important subset of information literacy. Our Resource of the Week is a content-rich site from the Federal Reserve Board. If you're a teacher, you'll really appreciate this site. Much of what's here is aimed directly at you.”
Financial Education
Source: Federal Reserve Board
Federal Reserve Education
The Federal Reserve System has just redesigned its financial education website, consolidating the contents of four different sites, with resources for teachers, high school and college students, and the general public. The four main sections of the site are:
+ Federal Reserve Education, which offers "links to instructional materials and tools that can increase your understanding of the Federal Reserve, economics and financial education." Some features of note include: Peanuts and Crackerjacks, an "educational unit on the economics of pro sports;" Fed Card Currency Trivia, which gives you an opportunity to "test your currency knowledge;" Ask Dr. Econ, who can enlighten you "on topical and challenging economic quandaries." There's also a collection of links to other economic education websites.
+ Teachers Resources ( ) offers a search engine that helps teachers locate "Federal Reserve System education materials that meet national education standards for incorporation in their lesson plans." There are title and keyword search boxes, and dropdown menus that let you restrict your search to level of material (elementary, middle or high school), type of material (comic books, games, videos, pamphlets, websites, teaching guides and more), and/or relevant National Council on Economic Education standard.
+ Personal Financial Education ( ) includes tutorials, brochures and other information covering consumer banking, consumer protection, homes and mortgages, interest rates, loans, and credit. Very cool: Video (MPEG format) showing The Life of a Dollar Bill "as it moves from printer to shredder."
+ Fed 101, ( ) [NOTE: Previously posted. – Phyllis ]
"an interactive site that provides an overview of the history and organization of the Federal Reserve System, monetary policy and federal regulations, and services provided to depository institutions."

Also here:
+ An extensive glossary ( ) of economics and money terminology
+ A searchable FedFAQ
+ Links to all the Federal Reserve Bank websites
+ Biographies of all Federal Reserve Bank presidents

The entire site is searchable; there's a keyword search box in the upper righthand corner of the home page and several other pages.


Medieval Studies--Web Resources
Source: C&RL News
New, Medieval studies: Gateways, subject guides, and more
[Shortened URL: ]
A new compilation of web resources compiled by John Jaeger, a librarian at Dallas Baptist University and Paul Victor Jr., a librarian at the University of Florida.


Electronic Journals--HighWire Press
Source: HP
Check out a Preview Version of the New HighWire Press Web Site
Preview Site:
[NOTE: Original Site: - previously posted. – Phyllis ]


Electronic Music
Source: IEEE Virtual Museum
New Online Exhibit, "Songs in the Key of E"
"The IEEE Virtual Museum has launched its latest exhibit, which explores the numerous ways electronics have been used to create music. With examples such as the singing arc, the theremin and the synthesizer, among others, the exhibit highlights both the inventors of electronic instruments and the instruments themselves, and uses audio clips to demonstrate the various sounds."
[See Also: Other IEEE Virtual Museum Exhibits NOTE: Other exhibits previously posted. – Phyllis ]

Gary PriceEditor, ResourceShelf

The ResourceShelf & DocuTicker Team
"Post via ResourceShelf"
for even more resources visit


Tues., Aug. 2, 2005 - Federal Reserve Archival System for Economic Research

Found on:
*** NEAT NEW STUFF, APRIL 29, 2005

FRASER - The Federal Reserve Archival System for Economic Research
Selected historical economic and statistical publications, including Economic Indicators, 1948-2005, bank statistics, Productivity and Costs, and more

Neat New Stuff I Found This Week
Copyright, Marylaine Block, 1999-2005.

Monday, August 01, 2005


Mon., Aug 1, 2005 - V-E Day

Found in:
The World Almanac E-Newsletter
Volume 05, Number 05 — May 2005

From the site:
Special Feature: V-E Day — The 60th Anniversary
by Mary Funchion

“Sixty years ago, on May 8, 1945, millions of people around the world celebrated V-E, or Victory in Europe, Day. On May 7, Germany signed an unconditional surrender with representatives of the Allied forces, ending almost six years of conflict on an unprecedented scale that had engulfed most nations of the world.”

[NOTE: for complete article, go to:
Select: Special Feature: V-E Day - Phyllis ]

© World Almanac Education Group


Mon., Aug 1, 2005

Found on:
The ResourceShelf
April 22-28, 2005

Thursday, April 28, 2005
Resource of the Week
by Shirl Kennedy, Deputy Editor
We know you like content-rich sites because we like content-rich sites. And for the American history researcher, we have something very cool this week.
U.S. History
Source: Houghton Mifflin

Reader's Companion to American History

What's here? The full text of several American history books. Containing full-text, signed articles. Available titles are:
+ Reader's Companion to American History
+ Reader's Companion to U.S. Women's History
+ Reader's Companion to Military History
+ Encyclopedia of North American Indians
+ Ships of the World: An Historical Encyclopedia
+ Civil War Battlefield Guide
+ Great American History Fact-Finder

The bad news is...the site is not searchable (although you could formulate a Yahoo or Google query to do it for you by using the advanced search feature). The good news is...the site is eminently browseable. Click on each book title to display a page containing a alphabetical list of entries. Browse till you find what you're looking for (or use your browser's "find" feature) and click to read. There are some hidden gems here; for instance, in the Civil War Battlefield Guide, when you click on the name of a battle to read about it, you'll see estimated Union and Confederate casualties for that battle at the bottom of the entry, as in this piece ( ) about the Appomattox Campaign. Ships of the World contains a section on Literary Ships ( ) -- e.g., an alphabetical list of ships found in literature. The Encyclopedia of North American Indians offers a small collection of maps (although I had trouble getting some of the images to load). The Great American History Fact-Finder includes a bibliography of Suggested Additional Reading.

This website contains a variety of other materials, some of which are password-protected, for instructors and students who are registered to use them. But it's worth clicking around to see what else you can find, such as:
+ Full-text Primary Sources in Western Civilization, from the Epic Of Gilgamesh to Simone De Beauvoir's The Second Sex: Existential Feminism.
+ Full-text Primary Sources in American History, from Cotton Mather's The Wonders of the Invisible World to Consumerism, which presents "census figures on annual earnings by industry and occupation from 1890 to 1926."
+ Recommended web links for American History, ( ) Western Civilization (annotated) ( , and World Civilizations (annotated) (

Publication data for the Reader's Companion to American History shows a copyright date of 1991, so this is obviously not the place to look for recent events, etc., in U.S. history.


Working Women--United States
Source: Employment Policy Foundation
New, Handbook on 21st Century Working Women
Full text online. "PF's Handbook on 21st Century Working Women continues a series of decennial data books on the circumstances of women produced under the auspices of U.S. Department of Labor's Women's Bureau. Since its inception 84 years ago, the Women’s Bureau has recognized that a solid foundation of data about women’s labor force experience and working conditions is essential to inform public policy analysis and workplace decisions. The complete Handbook is available for download in PDF format or for purchase in the EPF Bookstore. Individual chapters are also available for download as PDFs."

The ResourceShelf & DocuTicker Team
Post via ResourceShelf
for even more resources visit


Mon., Aug 1, 2005

Found in:
The Scout Report
April 22, 2005
Volume 11, Number 16

World War I Sheet Music

The Center for Digital Initiatives at Brown University has created a number
of fine collections since its inception in 2001, and this latest offering is
no exception to that trend. The site is focused on providing access to
hundreds of instances of sheet music that addresses various aspects of World
War I. In this area, it is a definite success as the material is perfect for
historians, musicians, or others who may be studying material and visual
culture in the early 20th century. Users may browse through the sheet music
by title, publisher, subject, and creator. Additionally, a historical essay
and general introduction should be forthcoming on the site in the near
future. Visitors would do well to check out such fine titles as "America
He's for You", "Salvation Sal", and of course, "The Girl Behind the Man
Behind the Gun," with lyrics by P.G. Wodehouse. [KMG]

Before Victoria: Extraordinary Women of the British Romantic Era

During the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century, life for women in
Britain was much different in many regards than in the present day. Women
could not join the professions, and married women had no rights to property.
By the time of Queen Victoria, women's lives had become even more
transformed, and this change produced new feminine roles and also produced a
clutch of great poets, novelists, and actresses. This online digital
exhibit, which complements an in situ installation, from the New York Public
Library contains seven brief topical essays, along with a nice selection of
images that afford additional insights. One such essay is the one titled
"Fables for the Female Sex", which addresses the explicit moral direction
handed down to women through visual culture, literature, and conduct books
during this period. For those who find this topic compelling, the site also
has a fine list of additional readings. [KMG]

The single phrase below is the copyright notice to be used when
reproducing any portion of this report, in any format.

>From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2005.


Mon., Aug 1, 2005

Found on:
Cable in the Classroom: Access Learning, May 2005

CNN Special Report: D-Day: Return to Normandy
“Site offers video clips, photo galleries, historical
information, a quiz, stories, and more related
to the D-Day Allied invasion of France in 1944.”
[NOTE: Other Specials from previously posted. – Phyllis ]

Civil Rights Leaders,civil
“Audio clips of interviews with civil-rights
leaders Thurgood Marshall, Malcolm
A. Philip Randolph from C-SPAN’s American
Political Archive radio broadcast.”

[NOTE: See also: C-SPAN Web Resources - Phyllis ]

Sunday, July 31, 2005


Sun., July 31, 2005 - Guys Read / Kids Konnect

Found in:
May 2005 issue of The Busy Educator's Newsletter



“A lot of boys aren't too crazy about reading.

Author and teacher Jon Scieszka grew up with five brothers. He taught elementary school for ten years. He's been writing books for kids for fifteen years. And he has an idea why boys might not like reading.

Boys often have to read books they don't really like. They don't get to choose what they want to read. And what they do like to read, people sometimes tell them is not really reading.

He thinks boys need to:
o Choose what they read.
o Pick from all different kinds of reading - not just school novels.
o Find out what other guys like to read.

This GUYS READ website is made to help with all of those things.

So go choose something from all different kinds of reading and tell some other guys about it.”

[NOTE: Another “Guys Read” site that I recently posted: - Phyllis ]


[NOTE: Previously posted. - Phyllis ]
“KidsKonnect is a site that has over 330 portal pages and covers most of the curriculum topics taught in schools. All fifty states have a page. KidsKonnect also includes many fun pages, most of which have been requested by children.”



Sun., July 31, 2005 - Story Code

Found in:
The Cool Tricks and Trinkets Newsletter # 347 4/21/05

Story Code

“Many of us who love to read know how difficult it can be to find the "right" book. We often rely on recommendations from friends, media picks, Oprah, literary critics and a host of other sources to qualify a book before curling up on the couch and opening it up.”

“Find the next book on your reading list at StoryCode.Com, a very cool website that uses a community format to create reading recommendations. After you read a book just follow the site's easy steps for "coding" the book, then let the system run off and find a list of similar books for you to choose from. These books come with reviews or "codes" from other site users, so you get a quick, qualified and inspired novel to devour in your spare time.”

A complete archive of previous Cool Tricks can be viewed at


Sun., July 31, 2005 - Snow White / Kay E. Vandergrift's Children's Literature

Found in:

“Hi! It's Wednesday, April 27, 2005 and time for Language Arts at

Recommended Website:
Snow White
[NOTE: Other pages from previously posted. – Phyllis ]

This website is actually a literary study of the fairy tale, Snow White, for college and graduate students. However, there is something for everyone here -- from the incredible archive of illustrations of the story to the 36 variations on the storyline including the traditional "literary" version and an inexpensive "supermarket" edition. Whether you follow the study suggestions or not, it's fun to compare and contrast the textual differences and the changes to minor details in the story as well.

When you get to the site you will see a menu that includes:

-Introduction -- examine the purpose and objectives of this literary study.

-The Teaching of "Snow White" -- a variety of assignments designed for graduate students that might just inspire a simpler study for elementary and high school students.

-"Snow White" Text -- read a hypertext version of the fairy tale that allows users to compare and contrast textual changes and nuances in 36 versions. "For example, in some versions, it is the mother, rather than the stepmother who tries to kill Snow White. (There is evidence that this was the original version.) In some variants also, the seven dwarfs are replaced by seven lusty knights, forty thieves, robbers, or the moon." Look for questions in each section designed to focus attention on certain issues or concerns that are apparent in the different tellings.

-"Snow White" Illustrations -- a remarkable and extensive archive of story illustrations in different styles and mediums by a variety of artists.

-"Snow White" Media -- find information about different films, videos and audio versions of the fairy tale.

- and many more options including the study of issues, context, and criticism associated with "Snow White" as well as links to other fairy tales, folklore, and bibliographies.

Because this is designed for adult students, parents (as always) should review this website prior to sharing it with children to determine suitability.”

Diane Flynn Keith
for ClickSchooling
Copyright 2005, All Rights Reserved


Sun., July 31, 2005 - How to Teach Poetry
How to teach poetry, poetry theater, poetry activities

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