Saturday, October 08, 2005


Sat., Oct. 8, 2005 - Buddy Project Web Links

Web Links
[NOTE: Other pages from previously posted. – Phyllis ]


Sat., Oct. 8, 2005 - Middle School Portal

Middle School Portal
Created for middle school teachers: A direct path to selective online resources for instruction and professional development from the National Science Digital Library. Enter each subject pathway below to browse a list of topics and take an in-depth look at teachable concepts in science, math, or technology.
[NOTE: Previously posted. Updated URL. – Phyllis ]



Sat., Oct. 8, 2005 - Technology Integration Resources

Sites to See: Technology Integration Resources

From the site:
“A growing number of Web sites offer ideas, suggestions, and lesson plans,
for integrating technology, increasing student learning.”
“Included: More than a dozen Web sites to help educators increase and
improve technology integration.”

[NOTE: Sites not checked. Some were previously posted. – Phyllis ]


Sat., Oct. 8, 2005 - Web Resources searchable by discipline

Target Marketing’s Internet Educational Resources Guide
“Target Marketing provides a continually updated directory of web resources for educators.”

Search by Discipline

Some of the disciplines included are:

Science Resources
Math Resources
Music Resources
History Resources
Social Studies Resources
Geography Resources
Physical Education Resources
Career Resources
English Resources (includes literature)

Friday, October 07, 2005


Fri., Oct. 7, 2005

Found in:
The Scout Report
June 24, 2005
Volume 11, Number 25


While some may think that world's fairs may no longer be important events
for cities around the world, the ExpoMuseum website may prove those persons
completely wrong. The site pays tribute to the past, present, and future of
these immensely popular expositions, and also includes a number of fun
features, such as a discussion area and a special section dedicated to the
architecture of these places. From the homepage, visitors can also learn
about the upcoming world's fairs, such as Shanghai's Expo 2010. The
historical material here is the real highlight, as visitors can peruse a
timeline of these fairs, and move to various other sites that provide
substantive explorations of each fair through primary documents and first-
hand recollections. Also, the Architecture section of the site provides
images of such well-known buildings as the Space Needle (built for the 1962
World's Fair) and the Hungarian Pavilion at the 2000 World's Fair in
Hanover. [KMG]

Association of Hispanic Arts

Based in New York, the Association of Hispanic Arts (AHA) was founded in
1975 as a not-for-profit organization "dedicated to the advancement of
Latino arts, artists and arts organizations as an integral part of the
cultural life of the nation." With generous funding from a variety of
organizations, including the Rockefeller Foundation and the National
Endowment for the Arts, AHA continues to fulfill this admirable mission.
First-time visitors will want to start by looking through the Latino Events
On-line (LEO) calendar, which serves as a clearing-house of information
about upcoming cultural events in the Latino community, such as exhibitions
and readings. Equally valuable is the archive of the issues of
organization's publication, _AHA! Hispanic Arts News_. The site is rounded
out by an area that allows users to peruse various Latino-themed videos,
musical recordings, and books. [KMG]

Henry O. Tanner [Macromedia Flash Player]

Henry Ossawa Tanner, 1859-1937, was a deeply religious, mystical painter,
who, as an African-American, found it difficult to gain acceptance for his
artwork in the United States, and lived most of his life in France. The
Smithsonian American Art Museum presents this comprehensive online
exhibition on Tanner's life and work, utilizing both paintings and archival
materials from its collections. The Flash exhibit is divided into three
sections. First, there is Biography, essentially an illustrated timeline,
including photographs showing Tanner in his studio at 51 boulevard Saint-
Jacques, Paris, ca. 1900, and Tanner's wife, Jesse Macauley Olssen, at the
time of their marriage in 1899. Second, Work in Context, where users can
first read a bit about Tanner's education and contemporaries, then view
examples of Tanner's work, and try a self-test, attempting to pick out the
Tanner paintings from groups of four paintings on particular themes, e.g.
Nocturnes, Portraits, Shepherds. Finally there is a Gallery of all 57
Tanners held by the Smithsonian American Art Museum. [DS]
[NOTE: See Also: Online Exhibits - Phyllis ]

Radio Memories [QuickTime]

The "Golden Age of Radio" that arguably lasted until the early 1950s may be
hard to imagine today in an era of swirling iPod playlists and other genre-
bending devices and technologies, but during this time the radio reigned
supreme. People tuned in every week to hear the exploits of Flash Gordon,
Sam Spade, and Amos n' Andy. Thanks to the Radio Memories website, many of
these memories can be relived, or just experienced for the first time.
Started in May 2005, the site contains a host of compelling programs,
including episodes from the Interplanetary Adventures of Flash Gordon and a
number of original episodes of the fabled Radio Detective Story Hour. If
those types of programs fail to pique the interest of the casual visitor,
the site also contains archived shows that explore the world of radio soap
operas from the 1940s and the musical worlds of such stars as Tommy Dorsey
and Harry James. [KMG]

>From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2005.


Fri., Oct. 7, 2005 - CNN Special Report: Hurricane Season 2005

CNN Special Report: Hurricane Season
[NOTE: An update of the previously posted 2004 site. - Phyllis ]


Fri., Oct. 7, 2005 - Amazon Warrior Women

Found on:
PBS Teacher Previews: October 9-15, 2005
Secrets of the Dead
"Amazon Warrior Women"
TV> PBSOL> Middle / High School
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
8 - 9:00 pm
The myth of the Amazons, a tribe of bloodthirsty blond women
thundering across arid battlefields to the horror of their male
foes, has lingered for centuries. But proof of their existence
had always been lacking. Now, a 2,500-year-old mystery may have
been solved, cracked by an American scientist whose 10-year
odyssey led her tens of thousands of miles in pursuit of the
truth. (CC, Stereo, 1 year)

Download our lesson plan "Making Faces" in which students learn
about archaeological and DNA evidence in support of the Amazon
Warrior Women myth.

Copyright 2005 PBS Online.


Fri., Oct. 7, 2005 - American Jewish Experience / Public Theater

Found on:
Date Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2005 3:50 PM
Subject: Thirteen Ed Online Bulletin -- October 2005

HERITAGE: CIVILIZATION AND THE JEWS, "The Golden Land - The American Jewish Experience: 1654-1932," airs October 9th at 7PM on THIRTEEN/WNET.
From colonial times through the Great Depression, this episode examines Jewish integration into American society and the variety of Jewish experiences in different parts of the country. History and Social Studies teachers should check out TEACHING HERITAGE, a Web site designed to help teachers build powerful world and Jewish history learning environments using the HERITAGE DVD-ROM by going to



Take your students to the theater with this month's theme - PUTTIN' ON PUBLIC THEATER! Ed Online offers two new lesson plans inspired by the NEW YORK VOICES two-part special "The Public" at 50, which celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Public Theater in New York. Take advantage of these multi-layered activities that ask students to explore theater through a variety of curricular areas.

1. NEW YORK VOICES airs on Fridays at 9:30PM ON THIRTEEN/WNET The two-part NEW YORK VOICES special presentation "The Public" at 50," airs October 21st and 28th. For additional information about NEW YORK VOICES, including past features, video clips, and more, visit the Web site by going to and selecting NEW YORK VOICES.

2. Two NEW YORK VOICES "The Public" at 50 Lesson Plans Challenge your students to become producers and culminate with the creation of a press packet or playbill with the lesson "On With the Show: Fifty Years of the Public Theater." And to entice the thespians in your class, use "NYC: Passionate About Shakespeare," in which students learn about the history of Shakespeare's plays in New York City and, as a final assessment, simulate a town hall meeting where "citizens" battle to ensure that funding of free Shakespeare continues. Go to for links to these two sensational lessons.


Thursday, October 06, 2005


Thurs., Oct. 6, 2005 - Thanksgiving Timeline, 1541-2001

Thanksgiving Timeline, 1541 - 2001


Thurs., Oct. 6, 2005 - Halloween / Harvest, Leaves, Pumpkins / Thanksgiving

Found on:
Date Sent: Sunday, October 03, 2004 9:31 AM
Subject: [Innovative-Teaching] ITN: Fall Themes

[NOTE: Sites not checked. – Phyllis ]

Wonderful Halloween recipes: cakes, cookies, pies and breads; easy to follow directions in a nicely formatted page ready to print out and enjoy with your class.

Days of the Dead
Great presentation of the Mexican holiday which is celebrated every Autumn as monarch butterflies return from northern North America; great cultural comparisons and contrasts with Halloween.

Halloween Activities from NASA
Stories, games, greeting cards and recipes from NASA for Kids. Includes a Make a Black Hole Game, a land on Mars simulation and EL Nino Pudding. Uses JAVA to make the games interactive.

Halloween Safety Game
The West Michigan White Caps Baseball Team offers this collection of baseball history and terminology broken down by Math, Science, History and English. Foreign Language is said to be in the works. Lots of good meat for a baseball unit.

Little Shop of Patent and Trademark Horrors
The U.S. Office of Patent and Trademarks presents this collection of eerie inventions which have been awarded patents. See the electrified tablecloth, the air-powered web slasher, a cranial prosthesis and more!


Cyber Space Farm
Virtual experience takes you and your students to a Kansas farm and learn about the life of a farm family, the crops and creatures they tend, and and kids' playground to extend learning.

How We Make Maple Syrup
Ransom Farm in Connecticut offers this nice step-by-step guide on how to tap the trees, boil the maple sap and then finally bottle the delectable nectar; a New England tradition to share with your students.

The Inside Scoop on Farms
This 2003 ThinkQuest entry covers different kinds of farms and the work and equipment used on each of them. The Farm Fun link includes mazes, puzzles and games. The glossary and citations add to the site's content.

Virtual Farm House
This Flash-based tour of a classic L-farmhouse, so-named because the two rectangles of the original house and kitchen addition form an L shape. Dig further into the site to learn more about homes on the prairie.

Wheat Mania!
Wonderful site celebrating life on the farms of Kansas; discusses everything from planting to harvest with special emphases on wheat and prairie skyscrapers - very upbeat and chocked full of information.


Autumn Leaf Scrapbook
Nice look at deciduous trees, their colors and how to identify them as they fall to the ground this time of year; ideal for students making a leaf collection by species and color.

Fall Foliage
The Weather Channel offers this timely page on the changing of leaves throughout the country with a special emphasis on peak times and the science behind the process; interesting study for classes considering the impact of the dry summer on nature.

Fall Foliage Puzzles
Five different online jigsaw puzzles, each with an easier version (less than 20 pieces) and a more difficult version (50 pieces or more). Uses JAVAscripts to make the puzzles pieces easy to manipulate.

Tree Identification
The Cornell Sugar Maple Research and Extension Program presents this study of sugar maple, silver maple, red maple, black maple and boxelder, including their bark, leaves, twigs and fruit.

Why Do Fall Leaves Change Color?
Users can search by any date in a calendar year or the entire site by keyword. If you're studying World War II for example, you can bring up significant events that occurred within the context of baseball.


How to Grow Great Atlantic Pumpkins
Turns out Linus was on the right track - you can have the Great Pumpkin in your patch this Halloween (or more likely, next Halloween), and this page gives you everything you need to proceed.

The Pumpkin Patch
Ignore the error message and delve into a great collection of pumpkin facts, trivia and activities! Imagine the possibilities using Pumpkin World Records and How Big Is It? in your Fall Math classes!

Pumpkin Patch Poetry
Susan Silverman's collection of children's poetry on the grand gourd from school's across North America; excellent starting point to get students to respond and create their own verse.

Pumpkins & More
University of Illinois site presenting history, facts, varieties, folklore, recipes and all the how-tos for growing your own pumpkins - handy to have!

Swan Pumpkin Farm
Swan's Pumpkin Farm in Racine, Wisconsin offers this online tour of their facility, along with learning activities and games to help supplement your pumpkin study.


Thanksgiving Clip Art
Nice set of clip art from Kid's Domain, not exhaustive but good quality images perfect for use in school related publications and web pages.

Investigating the First Thanksgiving
From the official web presence of historic Plimouth Plantation in Massachusetts; helps clarify what occurred at the first Thanksgiving so students can separate historical fact from the traditions we have all come to know and love.

Pocahontas, John Rolfe, Jamestown and Virginia
Extensive collection of online resources looking at the colonists and Powhatans as they first learned to live with one another during the difficult history of Jamestown, Virginia; serious materials here for historical study.

Teaching About Thanksgiving
Comprehensive lesson plans, for studying Thanksgiving at the elementary level, including study/discussion questions, enrichment activities, tips on how to avoid stereotypes, recipes, and the story of the corn husk doll.

Thanksgiving on the Net
All kinds of history, background, activities, music and more to help you further develop your observance and celebration of this most American of holidays; check out the virtual turkey!

The Innovative Teaching Web Site and

The Innovative Teaching Newsletter Archive

©2004 Walter McKenzie


Thurs., Oct. 6, 2005 - Halloween Sites


PBS Kids: Halloween
Get ready for trick-or-treating with some of you favorite PBS shows and characters like Arthur or Cyberchase.

Howell Family Pumpkin Farm
Find tips on how to Carve Pumpkins, view and download unique
Carving Patterns for free, check out interesting Pumpkin Trivia, go to cool Pumpkin Links and get great tasting Pumpkin Recipes.

Hershey's Halloween
Download spooky screen savers and wallpaper. Get pumpkin carving help, "Mummy's Favorite Recipes," safety tips, and more ideas for Halloween fun! Click on “Visit our Spooky Town!”
Dare to be scared? Venture into the Slapstick Swamp or Magigoria Mansion, and find Halloween songs, costumes, jokes, recipes and cartoons.

Animated Halloween
Find ideas for costumes, decorating, recipes, and party planning plus haunting jokes, games, coloring, music, and holiday history.

Ben & Jerry's Halloween
These ice cream experts offer cool and creepy holiday fun! Check out the flavor graveyard, desktop wallpaper, games, coloring book, crafts, history, and more.


Thurs., Oct. 6, 2005 - Autumn Colors / Halloween Folklore

Found in:
LII: Librarians' Index to the Internet
NEW THIS WEEK for September 23, 2004

The Chemistry of Autumn Colors ------------------------------
This site briefly describes the chemical process that occurs each
fall when the leaves of plants in the Northern Hemisphere change
from green "to brilliant shades of yellow, orange, and red." From
a University of Wisconsin-Madison chemistry professor.
* Fall foliage
* Leaves
Created by: mcb

11. Halloween: The Fantasy and Folklore of All Hallows --------------------
An essay about the historical origins of Halloween in the Samhain
holiday, "the biggest and most significant holiday of the Celtic
year." Also includes a brief bibliography. From the American
Folklife Center of the Library of Congress.
* Halloween
* Samhain
* Calendar, Celtic
* Holidays
Created by: mcb

Use of the annotations from this list must be accompanied by:
Copyright 2004 by Librarians' Index to the Internet, LII.
Thank you for using Librarians' Index to the Internet!
Karen G. Schneider, kgs@lii.orgLII
New This Week Listowner, and Director,
Librarians' Index to the InternetInformation You Can Trust!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Wed., Oct. 5, 2005 - StarDate Online

Found on:
USA Today Web Guide Hot Sites 6/03/05

StarDate Online
“The McDonald Observatory at the University of Texas places everything in the universe at your fingertips. Look up facts on Mercury or find out the best ways to find a particular constellation by using the easy-to-navigate cateogies. An extensive image gallery make the site pleasing to the eye and the text itself is never too complicated for the amateur astronomer. — JT”

[NOTE: Teachers’ Guide previously posted.
See also: StarDate Resources - Phyllis ]

Copyright 2005 USA TODAY


Wed., Oct. 5, 2005 - A Virtual Journey into the Universe

---------Forwarded Message--------

Hi! It's Tuesday, June 7, 2005 and time for Science at ClickSchooling!

Recommended Website:
ThinkQuest: Virtual Journey Into the Universe
[NOTE: Previously posted. - Phyllis ]

Wow! At this website you can take a virtual tour of the universe! Just wait
a minute for the site to load and then click on the picture to enter. A new
screen appears with an animation of the planets revolving around the sun.
Click on any planet or the sun, and its name will appear on the screen.
Click on the name and a new screen appears with a menu that will help you
explore that piece of celestial real estate including its history, surface,
interior, and its satellites.

But that's not all! Each and every planet exploration includes a menu item
titled "Interactive." Click on that button and you can play some of the most
amazing games that let you experience how scientists discover a planet or
calculate comet collisions and much, much more. The "Interactive" button
also offers some incredible simulations that explain concepts such as The
Greenhouse Effect and the topography of asteroids.

This site offers a terrific blend of education and technology. A must see
for the whole family!

Diane Flynn Keith
for ClickSchooling
Copyright 2005, All Rights Reserved

Note: We make every effort to recommend websites that have content that is appropriate for general audiences. Parents should also preview the sites for suitable content, and then review the sites together with their children.

Click Schooling (Clickschooling) is a Registered Trademark and may not be used without written permission of Diane Flynn Keith.

Planning a family road trip? For FREE educational car games visit:



Wed., Oct. 5, 2005 - Astronomy Connections

[NOTE: There are several more Curriculum Guides and interactives
from the Astronomy Connections professional development and classroom
curriculum program of the Adler Planetarium & Astronomy Museum
at this site: Curriculum Guides & Plans - Phyllis ]

----------Forwarded Message--------
Subject: Virtual Tour Around The World to Understand Seasons

Hi! It's Friday, May 20, 2005 and time for a Virtual Field Trip at ClickSchooling!

Recommended Website:
Adler Planetarium: Astronomy Connections - Earth In Motion

The Adler Planetarium has designed this multi-media animated presentation to help kids understand seasons and why they are opposite in the northern and southern hemispheres of Earth.

When you get to the site, wait for the program to load. Then, your host, Max, will invite you to help him take a trip around the world -- but only under certain seasonal conditions in any given hemisphere. Through an interactive game, kids get to position the Earth in proximity to the sun to send Max where he wants to go. It's a simple and fun adventure that teaches the science behind the seasons in a cyber trip around the world. The whole family will enjoy this one. :)

Diane Flynn Keith
for ClickSchooling
Copyright 2005, All Rights Reserved

Note: We make every effort to recommend websites that have content that is appropriate for general audiences. Parents should also preview the sites for suitable content, and then review the sites together with their children.

Click Schooling (Clickschooling) is a Registered Trademark and may not be used without written permission of Diane Flynn Keith.

Planning a family road trip? For FREE educational car games visit:



Wed., Oct. 5, 2005 - Galaxy Evolution Explorer

Galaxy Evolution Explorer

From the web site:
“The Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) is an orbiting space telescope that will observe galaxies in ultraviolet light across 10 billion years of cosmic history. Such observations will tell scientists how galaxies, the basic structures of our Universe, evolve and change. Additionally, GALEX will probe the causes of star formation during a period when most of the stars and elements we see today had their origins.”

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Tues., Oct. 4, 2005 - American History II

----------Forwarded Message--------
Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 18:21:40 -0700
Subject: New on - American History II Theme Week
New on - American History II Theme Week

Full Story:
Direct to site:

Visit the new site to download lesson plans or purchase videos. Examine
the settling of the American West and the building and growth of New
York City. Investigate the causes of the Civil War and the
assassination attempts that Lincoln survived. Travel back a century to
meet this country's first organized gangs, and explore the United
States' troubled legacy with Latin America and with racial equality
within its own borders.
[NOTE: Urban Growth In America Airs October 24, 2005
The Civil War: A Nation Divided Airs October 25, 2005
At The Western Frontier Airs October 26, 2005
Racial Inequality: Remnants Of A Troubled Time Airs October 27, 2005
Battling Beyond U.S. Borders Airs October 28, 2005

Repeated during weeks of November 28, 2005 and January 2, 2006.

- Phyllis ]


Tues., Oct. 4, 2005 - Billy the Kid (7)

About Billie the Kid
Links to other Billy the Kid web sites:

Gilded Age (1878-1889) - Billy the Kid
[NOTE: Other pages from previously posted. – Phyllis ]

Billy the Kid Unmasked

Henry McCarty: The Wild West’s “Billy the Kid”

Scribe’s Tribute to Billy the Kid

Billy the Kid Historical Preservation Society
Includes page of links

Billy the Kid Legend


Tues., Oct. 4, 2005

Found in:
Date Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2005 1:12 PM
From: "Information from & about the U.S. Department of Education publications & more."
Subject: New Teaching Resources

NEW RESOURCES have been added to FREE, the website that makes
teaching resources from federal agencies easier to find:

Federal Resources for Educational Excellence


"Nineteenth-Century America in Art & Literature"
presents documents paired with 7 paintings, including
"Mahantango Valley Farm," "Jolly Flatboatmen," & "White Cloud,
Head Chief of the Iowas." These paintings & writings help
students see the impact of geography, technology, economics, &
politics as America moved west, shifted from farming to
industry, & fought a civil war. (NGA)
[NOTE: Other pages from
previously posted. – Phyllis ]

"Agricultural Fact Book"
provides a statistical look at food consumption, farms, &
rural places in America. Topics include eating out, fruit &
vegetable consumption, meat consumption, refined grain v.
whole grain, sweeteners, & food expenditures & prices. Learn
about diversity & specialization among American farms &
population changes in rural America. (USDA)

"Guide for Teaching About Coastal Wetlands"
helps students identify types of wetlands & understand the
role of wetlands in controlling erosion, retaining water,
filtering pollutants, & serving as nurseries for young
organisms. The barrier islands, the Mississippi River, & the
consequences of wetland loss are examined. (USGS)

Past messages:


Tues., Oct. 4, 2005 - Orphan Trains of Kansas / Kids in America

Found in:
Connect For Kids July, August and September 2005
Celebrating Families e-alert
Posted on LIFE, Inc. 05-24-2005
Learning is For Everyone, Inc.


Orphan trains of Kansas
contributed by Connie DiPasquale
“On this day in 1854, 46 children left New York City on the first Orphan
Train, organized by the Children’s Aid Society. The children were
headed to Dowagiac, Michigan to be placed with families.”

Kids in America: 500 Years of Change
a project by Connect for Kids

"Published by Connect for Kids ( ),
covering children's and family issues."

Monday, October 03, 2005


Mon., Oct. 3, 2005 - Classic Notes (TM)

ClassicNotes (TM)
From the site:
“The ultimate study guide collection, written exclusively by Harvard students.
ClassicNotes are the best free online literature notes available!”
[NOTE: Previously posted. - Phyllis ]


Mon., Oct. 3, 2005 - The Da Vinci Code / Chronicles of Narnia

Found in:
Sept. 8, 2005

Are you reading The Da Vinci Code and want to know more about the
man himself? Getting psyched for the new Chronicles of Narnia flick
and want a crash course on C.S. Lewis and the world he created?

Just to get you started, check out these new articles from
Da Vinci For Dummies and C.S. Lewis & Narnia For Dummies:

Getting a Quick Low Down on Da Vinci

Smile! Getting to Know Da Vinci's Mona Lisa

Poking Holes in The Da Vinci Code

Exploring the Spiritual Odyssey of C.S. Lewis

Peeking into C.S. Lewis's Version of Heaven

Did C.S. Lewis Create Narnia as an Allegory?


Mon., Oct. 3, 2005

Found in:
Newsletter of Web English Teacher
June 6, 2005

Some of the New Pages @ Web English Teacher:

Resources for working with the play.

Gerard Manley Hopkins
Ideas for working with his poetry, links to
some poems.

Yann Martel
Ideas for teaching Life of Pi.

Sylvia Plath
Ideas for working with several poems.

Robert Louis Stevenson
Teaching resources for The Strange Case of
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Carla Beard
Web English Teacher

This newsletter is copyright 2005, Web English Teacher.


Mon., Oct. 3, 2005

Found in:
Librarians' Index to the Internet
NEW THIS WEEK for June 2, 2005

"To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee ----------------------------------------------
This site was a companion to a 2001 citywide reading project in
Chicago. The site features discussion questions and activities, a
brief biography of Lee, information about the historical context
of the novel, comments on the book by prominent Chicagoans, and
links to related sites. (Note: Some of the links are no longer
available.) From the Chicago Public Library (CPL).
* Lee, Harper
* Lee, Harper. To kill a mockingbird
* Authors, American
* American literature
* People
Created by: mcb


George Armstrong Custer --------------------------------
Links to information about General George Armstrong Custer, his
activities in the Civil War, and the event known as Custer's Last
Stand (June 25, 1876), in which Custer and the troops he was
leading died in the Battle of Little Big Horn. Includes links to
related history topics. From the University of Louisville
Libraries, Kentucky.
* Custer, George Armstrong, 1839-1876
* Soldiers
* Little Bighorn, Battle of the, Mont., 1876
* People
Created by: je


Malcolm X: The Search for Truth ---------------------------------------
Companion to an exhibit using materials from the Schomburg Center
for Research in Black Culture, New York Public Library, to present
"a provocative and informative perspective on the life of the
person known variously as Malcolm Little, 'Detroit Red,' Malcolm
X, and El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz." Includes timelines of the life
of the Black Nationalist leader, a bibliography, a filmography,
and related links.
* X, Malcolm, 1925-1965
* African Americans
* Black Muslims
* Black nationalism
* People
Created by: je
[NOTE: Other exhibitions from - previously posted. – Phyllis ]


Poynter's High School Journalism Guide -------------------------------------------
A collection of articles relating to writing for and editing high
school newspapers. Topics include writing editorials, ethics and
diversity, visual journalism, and legal issues. Also includes
links to related sites. Most articles are by a student who is
completing his master's degree in journalism. From the Poynter
* Journalism
* Student newspapers and periodicals
* High school students
Created by: mcb

Use of the annotations from this list must be accompanied by:
Copyright 2005 by Librarians' Index to the Internet, LII.

Thank you for using Librarians' Index to the Internet!
Karen G. Schneider,
New This Week Listowner, and Director, Librarians' Index to the Internet
Websites you can trust!

Sunday, October 02, 2005


Sun., Oct. 2, 2005 - Explorers


Jacques Cartier:

Jacques Cartier: New Land for the French King

Jacques Cartier (1491-1557)

Enchanted Learning- Zoom Explorers- Jacques Cartier
(SCROLL down to find this explorer)

Explorers of North and Central America
[NOTE: Previously posted. - Phyllis ]

Christopher Columbus:


Age of Exploration: Christopher Columbus
[NOTE: Home page Age of Exploration (Mariner's Museum) - - previously posted. – Phyllis ]

Christopher Columbus: Explorer

Christopher Columbus and The Great Age of Exploration

Christopher Newport:

Virtual American Biographies: Christopher Newport

Enchanted Learning- Zoom Explorers- Christopher Newport
(SCROLL down to find this explorer)

Juan Ponce de Léon:

Ponce de Leon
[NOTE: Portuguese, Spanish, English, and French Explorers previously posted. – Phyllis ]

Juan Ponce de Leon
[Shortened URL: ]

Hall of Explorers
[NOTE: Museum of History previously posted. – Phyllis ]


Sun., Oct. 2, 2005 - Christopher Columbus & other exhibits

Christopher Columbus the Genoese
Texas Council for the Humanities
[Shortened URL: ]
From the web site: “Using archival documents, paintings and maps, along with modern views of historical settings, this exhibit recreates the world and life of Christopher Columbus, the Genoese.”

[NOTE: Other pages from previously posted.
Each section (Border Studies, Ancient Cultures, Literature, New World,
Understanding Cultures and Medieval World) contains several exhibits - Phyllis]


Sun., Oct. 2, 2005 - Los Adaes Site Explorer

Found in:
SBC Blue Web'n Weekly Updates
Blue Web'n, June 3, 2005
Los Adaes Site Explorer

Los Adaes Site Explorer tells the story of an 18th century Spanish presidio and mission that played an important role in the balance of French, Spanish, and Caddo Indian power in North America. The settlement marked the eastern frontier of the Spanish Province of Texas, and it served as the provincial capital for more than 40 years. The present-day archaeological site is a National Historic Landmark and a State Historic Site that is open to the public. The online exhibit provides an opportunity for the public to learn about life at the site, as revealed through history and archaeology. The website presents interactive maps, artifact photographs, and illustrations, as well as summary text and supplementary historical documents. Its innovative layered design allows users to determine the amount and complexity of information received. (added 6/3/05, reviewed 6/3/05)

Grade Level: Elementary, Middle School, High School, College, Adult/Professional
Content Area: Community Interest (Regional Information), History & Social Studies (General/Other) [Dewey #900]
Application type: Information Resources


Posted with permission from SBC Knowledge Network Explorer

An archive of all Blue Web’n Updates is located at



Sun., Oct. 2, 2005 - Exploring Native Americans across the Curriculum

Exploring Native Americans Across the Curriculum

From the site:
“Blast stereotypes with across-the-curriculum activities for students of all ages.”

Includes links to sites for General Information about Native Americans

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