Saturday, February 02, 2008
Sat., Feb. 2, 2008 - Probability Tutorials
PBS: Blythe Bennett's Recommended Site of The Week
Probability Tutorials
[NOTE: Previously posted. - Phyllis ]
High School
Delve into complex mathematical concepts with this online
course on measure theory, lebesgue integration and probability.
Access definitions and theorems, test your knowledge with
exercises, read biographies of famous mathematicians and more.
Probability Tutorials
[NOTE: Previously posted. - Phyllis ]
High School
Delve into complex mathematical concepts with this online
course on measure theory, lebesgue integration and probability.
Access definitions and theorems, test your knowledge with
exercises, read biographies of famous mathematicians and more.
Sat., Feb. 2, 2008 - Harcourt Animated Math Glossary
Harcourt Animated Math Glossary (K-6)
Select a grade (K-6) and then select a word from the index.
At the bottom of the index for Grades 3-6 is a list of useful tables.
[NOTE: Previously posted. - Phyllis ]
Select a grade (K-6) and then select a word from the index.
At the bottom of the index for Grades 3-6 is a list of useful tables.
[NOTE: Previously posted. - Phyllis ]
Sat., Feb. 2, 2008 - Plagiarism, Education, and Information Security / Math Explorer Activity Database
Sites found in:
Oct. 5-11, 2007
Full Text Article: Plagiarism, Education, and Information Security
Shortened URL:
Plagiarism is becoming widespread in schools and workplaces; the Internet makes it easy to accomplish. Yet students tend to interpret the activities in terms of legal technicalities rather than intellectual honesty. This article presents a call to arms to confront the problem.
Source: IEEE Security & Privacy
Databases for Educators: Math Explorer Activity Database
This search tool lets you search for fun, hands-on, math activities. Select activity types and topics in the boxes below. You can search for activities that are online, activities that are in The Math Explorer (a book by the Exploratorium), or both.
Activities include:
+ Crafts
+ Games
+ Outdoor
+ Science
+ Tools
+ Tricks and Puzzles
Topics Include
+ Addition
+ Algebra
+ Estimation
+ Fractions
+ Problem Solving
+ Scale
+ Volume
+ Weight
and MANY more.
You can also see all entries at one time.
Source: Exploratorium (San Francisco, CA)
[NOTE: Several pages from previously posted. - Phyllis ]
Gary Price
Editor, ResourceShelf
The ResourceShelf & DocuTicker Team
"Post via ResourceShelf"
for even more resources visit
Oct. 5-11, 2007
Full Text Article: Plagiarism, Education, and Information Security
Shortened URL:
Plagiarism is becoming widespread in schools and workplaces; the Internet makes it easy to accomplish. Yet students tend to interpret the activities in terms of legal technicalities rather than intellectual honesty. This article presents a call to arms to confront the problem.
Source: IEEE Security & Privacy
Databases for Educators: Math Explorer Activity Database
This search tool lets you search for fun, hands-on, math activities. Select activity types and topics in the boxes below. You can search for activities that are online, activities that are in The Math Explorer (a book by the Exploratorium), or both.
Activities include:
+ Crafts
+ Games
+ Outdoor
+ Science
+ Tools
+ Tricks and Puzzles
Topics Include
+ Addition
+ Algebra
+ Estimation
+ Fractions
+ Problem Solving
+ Scale
+ Volume
+ Weight
and MANY more.
You can also see all entries at one time.
Source: Exploratorium (San Francisco, CA)
[NOTE: Several pages from previously posted. - Phyllis ]
Gary Price
Editor, ResourceShelf
The ResourceShelf & DocuTicker Team
"Post via ResourceShelf"
for even more resources visit
Sat., Feb. 2, 2008 - Sites found in The Scout Report October 5, 2007
Sites found in:
The Scout Report
October 5, 2007
Volume 14, Number 38
The Scout Report on the Web:
Current issue:
This issue:
Historical Activities for the Calculus Classroom [pdf]
Shortened URL:
Calculus may seem to be quite dismal to some, but it comes alive through the
fine work of Gabriela R. Sanchis. Sanchis wrote this excellent piece on
teaching calculus by drawing on the historical evolution of some of its key
concepts. With support from the National Science Foundation, she also made
sure to include several interactive Java applets which educators can use in
the classroom. This piece is part of the Convergence math collection,
offered by the Mathematical Association of America. These materials can be
used in conjunction with other activities, and visitors may also use an
embedded link to send the piece to a colleague. [KMG]
Teaching About Evolution and the Nature of Science
The National Academy Press has crafted hundreds of resources for science
educators, and this online book will be most helpful for those seeking to
incorporate discussions of evolution into their classroom. The book contains
seven complete chapters and five appendices. The chapter titles include "Why
Teach Evolution?", "Evolution and the Nature of Science", and "Major Themes
in Evolution". Chapter Six is definitely worth a look as it includes eight
separate activities designed to be used in the classroom. They include
investigations into natural selection, looking at explanations of fossil
footprints, and examining connections between population growth and
biological evolution. [KMG]
Pfleger Institute of Environmental Research [pdf]
Established in 1998, the Pfleger Institute of Environmental Research (PIER)
is a non-profit organization "dedicated to education and research of the
marine environment." From their headquarters in Oceanside, California,
their team of scientists continues to work on a variety of studies on
thresher sharks, roosterfish, and the giant sea bass. One rather nice
highlight of the site is the "Field Notes" area. Here visitors can learn
about some of their ongoing research projects, which have included work on
the swimming muscle physiology of the common thresher shark and the fine-
scale movements of roosterfish. Visitors can also click on the
"Publications" section to read the results of some of their scientific
endeavors over the years. [KMG]
Little Shop of Physics: Online Experiments (Last reviewed in the Scout
Report on January 25, 2002)
[NOTE: Previously posted. - Phyllis ]
Not to be confused with a certain Roger Corman movie that has a rather
similar title, this site presents a wide range of very nice physics
experiments, all of which can be done online. Dedicated staff members of the
physics department at Colorado State University created the Little Shop of
Physics site. The site includes the "Amazing Physics" area, which features
experiments that will require common household items. There are a number of
rather fun experiments offered up, and they include the "Two Ball Bounce",
"Straw Flute", and "Vanishing Rods". Moving right along, "Computer Stuff"
offers users a clutch of engaging and potentially mind-blowing experiments
that require only a computer and just a touch of interest in physics.
Teachers can convert physics neophytes with this site, and students who
might be suspect of physics may become passionate converts after just a few
visits. [KMG]
Whatcom Online Math Center
Located in lovely Bellingham, Washington, Whatcom Community College serves a
diverse population from all across the state and beyond. Their math center
has developed this rather nice collection of math links that include helpful
test-taking hints, online exercises, and resources for teachers looking to
find new ways of exploring everything from geometry to measurement. While
the site doesn't have a search engine, visitors can browse through the links
at their leisure. Some of the topics covered within this site include
fractals, developmental math skills, pre-algebra, and applied math. After
looking over these sites, visitors can also go to the "Teaching Math"
section, which is designed specifically for teachers. [KMG]
Experiencing the War: Stories from the Veterans History Project [Real
The films of Ken Burns have covered the exuberance of jazz in the United
States, the world of baseball, and most recently, the experiences of
Americans during World War II. Working with the Veterans History Project at
the Library of Congress, Burns and staff members created this companion
website to the film series. The site includes letters, diaries, interviews,
and memoirs that cover the period from the attack on Pearl Harbor to V-E and
V-J Day. Visitors will find seven separate sections here, and will enjoy
looking through the different materials at their leisure. Additionally,
visitors can view stories by theme, and they can also search the Veterans
Database. Finally, there is also a "Field Guide" to the actual film series
which serves as a nice complement to the other materials. [KMG]
Mobilizing Minds: Teaching Math and Science in the Age of Sputnik
Shortened URL:
In October 1957, the Soviet Union successfully launched Sputnik, the first
artificial satellite to successfully orbit the earth. With its distinctive
"beep", it was a very real manifestation of the Soviet Union's growing
influence in the realms of science and technology. In the United States, it
spurred educators and others to create new and compelling ways to get young
people interested and passionate about these fields. This fun and engaging
online exhibit created by the National Museum of American History offers an
overview of some of these new and emerging educational tools, which included
textbooks, diagrams, hands-on activities, and even such seemingly common-
place items as slide rules. These items (and much more) are contained
within sections like "The Cold War and Sputnik", "Excitement", and
"Curricula-Novelty and Diffusion". [KMG]
Butterflies and Moths of North America
Drawing on the expertise of lepidopterists and other such experts at Montana
State University's Big Sky Institute and the National Biological Information
Infrastructure program, this site is a database that provides easy-to-use
information about over 2800 species of butterflies and moths. On the site,
visitors will find dynamic distribution maps showing verified species
occurrences, photographs of the adult and caterpillar (when available) and a
cornucopia of species accounts. Users may wish to look over the "Taxonomic
Groups" area if they just wish to browse around, or they can also perform a
map search, or even just browse image thumbnails by family. Those who are
new to the field may wish to look over the online glossary or external
links, and those who are ready to lend assistance should check out the "Get
Involved" area. [KMG]
Painted with Words: Vincent van Gogh's Letters to Emile Bernard [Adobe
Flash Player]
Although there have been other Web-based presentations of van Gogh's letters
that are more comprehensive (for example, van Gogh's Letters, Unabridged and
Annotated, mentioned in the Sept. 24, 2004 Scout Report
geninterest.php#2), this set of seven letters between van Gogh and his young
colleague, Emile Bernard, presented by the Pierpont Morgan Library, is
designed to allow the viewer to get the full visual impact of the letters
themselves. Beginning with a thumbnail view of a handwritten letter, one can
choose to translate the text, and read, for example, van Gogh critiquing
several sonnets his young friend has sent, asking which Albrecht Durer
drawing was a poem's inspiration, and concluding, "But all in all it's not
as good as your painting yet. Never mind. It'll come, and you must certainly
continue doing sonnets." It is also possible to zoom in on the many drawings
that decorate the letters, such as Still life with coffee pot, on the
back of a letter van Gogh sent to Bernard in June of 1888. Zooming in on
another letter from March 18, 1888, decorated with a sketch of people
walking on a footpath near a canal, reveals the color words that van Gogh
has written on the picture, indicating that the water will be green, the
shaded side of a bridge, purple, and the sky, yellow. [DS]
>From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2007.
The Scout Report
October 5, 2007
Volume 14, Number 38
The Scout Report on the Web:
Current issue:
This issue:
Historical Activities for the Calculus Classroom [pdf]
Shortened URL:
Calculus may seem to be quite dismal to some, but it comes alive through the
fine work of Gabriela R. Sanchis. Sanchis wrote this excellent piece on
teaching calculus by drawing on the historical evolution of some of its key
concepts. With support from the National Science Foundation, she also made
sure to include several interactive Java applets which educators can use in
the classroom. This piece is part of the Convergence math collection,
offered by the Mathematical Association of America. These materials can be
used in conjunction with other activities, and visitors may also use an
embedded link to send the piece to a colleague. [KMG]
Teaching About Evolution and the Nature of Science
The National Academy Press has crafted hundreds of resources for science
educators, and this online book will be most helpful for those seeking to
incorporate discussions of evolution into their classroom. The book contains
seven complete chapters and five appendices. The chapter titles include "Why
Teach Evolution?", "Evolution and the Nature of Science", and "Major Themes
in Evolution". Chapter Six is definitely worth a look as it includes eight
separate activities designed to be used in the classroom. They include
investigations into natural selection, looking at explanations of fossil
footprints, and examining connections between population growth and
biological evolution. [KMG]
Pfleger Institute of Environmental Research [pdf]
Established in 1998, the Pfleger Institute of Environmental Research (PIER)
is a non-profit organization "dedicated to education and research of the
marine environment." From their headquarters in Oceanside, California,
their team of scientists continues to work on a variety of studies on
thresher sharks, roosterfish, and the giant sea bass. One rather nice
highlight of the site is the "Field Notes" area. Here visitors can learn
about some of their ongoing research projects, which have included work on
the swimming muscle physiology of the common thresher shark and the fine-
scale movements of roosterfish. Visitors can also click on the
"Publications" section to read the results of some of their scientific
endeavors over the years. [KMG]
Little Shop of Physics: Online Experiments (Last reviewed in the Scout
Report on January 25, 2002)
[NOTE: Previously posted. - Phyllis ]
Not to be confused with a certain Roger Corman movie that has a rather
similar title, this site presents a wide range of very nice physics
experiments, all of which can be done online. Dedicated staff members of the
physics department at Colorado State University created the Little Shop of
Physics site. The site includes the "Amazing Physics" area, which features
experiments that will require common household items. There are a number of
rather fun experiments offered up, and they include the "Two Ball Bounce",
"Straw Flute", and "Vanishing Rods". Moving right along, "Computer Stuff"
offers users a clutch of engaging and potentially mind-blowing experiments
that require only a computer and just a touch of interest in physics.
Teachers can convert physics neophytes with this site, and students who
might be suspect of physics may become passionate converts after just a few
visits. [KMG]
Whatcom Online Math Center
Located in lovely Bellingham, Washington, Whatcom Community College serves a
diverse population from all across the state and beyond. Their math center
has developed this rather nice collection of math links that include helpful
test-taking hints, online exercises, and resources for teachers looking to
find new ways of exploring everything from geometry to measurement. While
the site doesn't have a search engine, visitors can browse through the links
at their leisure. Some of the topics covered within this site include
fractals, developmental math skills, pre-algebra, and applied math. After
looking over these sites, visitors can also go to the "Teaching Math"
section, which is designed specifically for teachers. [KMG]
Experiencing the War: Stories from the Veterans History Project [Real
The films of Ken Burns have covered the exuberance of jazz in the United
States, the world of baseball, and most recently, the experiences of
Americans during World War II. Working with the Veterans History Project at
the Library of Congress, Burns and staff members created this companion
website to the film series. The site includes letters, diaries, interviews,
and memoirs that cover the period from the attack on Pearl Harbor to V-E and
V-J Day. Visitors will find seven separate sections here, and will enjoy
looking through the different materials at their leisure. Additionally,
visitors can view stories by theme, and they can also search the Veterans
Database. Finally, there is also a "Field Guide" to the actual film series
which serves as a nice complement to the other materials. [KMG]
Mobilizing Minds: Teaching Math and Science in the Age of Sputnik
Shortened URL:
In October 1957, the Soviet Union successfully launched Sputnik, the first
artificial satellite to successfully orbit the earth. With its distinctive
"beep", it was a very real manifestation of the Soviet Union's growing
influence in the realms of science and technology. In the United States, it
spurred educators and others to create new and compelling ways to get young
people interested and passionate about these fields. This fun and engaging
online exhibit created by the National Museum of American History offers an
overview of some of these new and emerging educational tools, which included
textbooks, diagrams, hands-on activities, and even such seemingly common-
place items as slide rules. These items (and much more) are contained
within sections like "The Cold War and Sputnik", "Excitement", and
"Curricula-Novelty and Diffusion". [KMG]
Butterflies and Moths of North America
Drawing on the expertise of lepidopterists and other such experts at Montana
State University's Big Sky Institute and the National Biological Information
Infrastructure program, this site is a database that provides easy-to-use
information about over 2800 species of butterflies and moths. On the site,
visitors will find dynamic distribution maps showing verified species
occurrences, photographs of the adult and caterpillar (when available) and a
cornucopia of species accounts. Users may wish to look over the "Taxonomic
Groups" area if they just wish to browse around, or they can also perform a
map search, or even just browse image thumbnails by family. Those who are
new to the field may wish to look over the online glossary or external
links, and those who are ready to lend assistance should check out the "Get
Involved" area. [KMG]
Painted with Words: Vincent van Gogh's Letters to Emile Bernard [Adobe
Flash Player]
Although there have been other Web-based presentations of van Gogh's letters
that are more comprehensive (for example, van Gogh's Letters, Unabridged and
Annotated, mentioned in the Sept. 24, 2004 Scout Report
geninterest.php#2), this set of seven letters between van Gogh and his young
colleague, Emile Bernard, presented by the Pierpont Morgan Library, is
designed to allow the viewer to get the full visual impact of the letters
themselves. Beginning with a thumbnail view of a handwritten letter, one can
choose to translate the text, and read, for example, van Gogh critiquing
several sonnets his young friend has sent, asking which Albrecht Durer
drawing was a poem's inspiration, and concluding, "But all in all it's not
as good as your painting yet. Never mind. It'll come, and you must certainly
continue doing sonnets." It is also possible to zoom in on the many drawings
that decorate the letters, such as Still life with coffee pot, on the
back of a letter van Gogh sent to Bernard in June of 1888. Zooming in on
another letter from March 18, 1888, decorated with a sketch of people
walking on a footpath near a canal, reveals the color words that van Gogh
has written on the picture, indicating that the water will be green, the
shaded side of a bridge, purple, and the sky, yellow. [DS]
>From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2007.
Friday, February 01, 2008
Fri., Feb. 1, 2008 - Aristotle
From the site:
“Aristotle (384 BCE - 322 BCE) was a Greek philosopher, teacher and scientist. Along with his teacher Plato, he's considered one of the greatest scholars of ancient Greek civilization. Although Aristotle's influence may be difficult to gauge, his methods of inductive reasoning have become the cornerstone of modern science, and modern philosophers also owe much to him.”
Site includes 9 links to related sites (5 annotated, 4 honorable mentions)
From the site:
“Aristotle (384 BCE - 322 BCE) was a Greek philosopher, teacher and scientist. Along with his teacher Plato, he's considered one of the greatest scholars of ancient Greek civilization. Although Aristotle's influence may be difficult to gauge, his methods of inductive reasoning have become the cornerstone of modern science, and modern philosophers also owe much to him.”
Site includes 9 links to related sites (5 annotated, 4 honorable mentions)
Fri., Feb. 1, 2008 - Venom: Striking Beauties: Snakes and Science
Blythe Bennett's Recommended Site
Hiss Hiss, Snakes and Science!
Venoms: Striking Beauties
This web site from the California Academy of Sciences show us the beauty of venomous animals, and how they inject their toxins by stabbing with a tail, chewing with teeth, and biting with fangs.
[NOTE: previously posted. Some of the other exhibits from
were also previously posted. - Phyllis ]
Hiss Hiss, Snakes and Science!
Venoms: Striking Beauties
This web site from the California Academy of Sciences show us the beauty of venomous animals, and how they inject their toxins by stabbing with a tail, chewing with teeth, and biting with fangs.
[NOTE: previously posted. Some of the other exhibits from
were also previously posted. - Phyllis ]
Fri., Feb. 1, 2008 - Sites found in: Librarians' Internet Index NEW THIS WEEK, October 11, 2007
Sites found in:
Librarians' Internet Index
Websites you can trust!
NEW THIS WEEK, October 11, 2007
Read This Online :
In Our Time's Philosophy Resource
Collection of materials about philosophy, expanded from a 2005 vote for the "greatest philosopher." Features a philosopher timeline, a quiz, and audio and text about the nominated philosophers, who include St. Thomas Aquinas, Aristotle, Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche, Plato, Jean-Paul Sartre, Socrates, Ludwig Wittgenstein, and several others. From the website for the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) program "In Our Time."
Shortened URL:
LII Item:
Milestones of the Italian American Experience
"This timeline [1492-2003] strives to capture the richness of the Italian American experience and to highlight the many valuable contributions this special group has made to the United States. ... 'Milestones' also explores the adversities encountered by Italian Americans." Provides material about topics such as Christopher Columbus and Italian maritime exploration, Frank Sinatra's legendary performances, and Nancy Pelosi becoming House minority leader in 2003. From the National Italian American Foundation (NIAF).
LII Item:
Uncomfortable Truths: The Shadow of Slave Trading on Art & Design
The year 2007 "marks the bi-centenary of the parliamentary abolition of the slave trade [in the U.K.]." In commemoration, this site from the V&A Museum features material about the works of contemporary artists dealing with the legacies of slavery, and trails through the museum focusing on works related to slavery (such as black servants in British homes). Also includes a reading list. From the Victoria and Albert (V&A) Museum in London.
LII Item:
[NOTE: Other pages from - previously posted. - Phyllis ]
The History of Fitness
Article on the history of physical fitness from primitive times through the 20th century. Includes discussion of exercise and fitness in ancient China, India, the ancient Near East, Greece and Rome, Europe, and the U.S. The U.S. sections cover President Theodore Roosevelt's physical fitness ideologies, physical education in public schools, fitness pioneer Jack LaLanne, Dr. Kenneth Cooper, and other exercise-related trends and people. Written by exercise science professors.
LII Item:
Faster Than Sound
Companion website for this Nova program about the breaking of the sound barrier (flying faster than the speed of sound) in 1947 by test pilot Chuck Yeager. Features cover the Bell X-1 aircraft and the team that worked with it, military applications of high-speed flight, the science behind sonic booms, and the fastest airplane, boat, and car (as of 1997). Includes a teacher's guide and program transcript.
LII Item:
Kenneth E. Behring Family Hall of Mammals
Companion website for this permanent museum exhibition of mammal specimens and fossils that "takes visitors around the world to see how mammals have adapted to different habitats, from the sweltering desert to the bone-chilling north." Interactive exhibits explore the characteristics of mammals, evolution of mammals, and mammal habitats around the world. Also includes behind-the-scenes material (including a taxidermy demonstration), classroom materials, and related resources. From the Smithsonian Institution.
LII Item:
German-American Teaching Resources and Units
Collection of links to resources related to the study of German-American history and culture. Topics include German-American dialects, German names and words, German immigration, Germantown, Pennsylvania, Saint Nicholas and Christmas, and more. Sponsored and maintained by Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) University Libraries.
LII Item:
Virtual Exhibits of the Max Kade Institute
Collection of online exhibits related to German-American history and culture. Topics for exhibits include bread baking traditions in Wisconsin, German American music, 19th and early 20th century German immigration to America, German-language literature in America (1830-1930), German-American documents (such as letters, an autograph book, and recipes), and a presentation "How German Is American?" From the Max Kade Institute for German-American Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
LII Item:
International Slavery Museum
Website for this British museum in Liverpool that opened in 2007, the 200th anniversary of the abolition of the slave trade in Britain. The museum "explores both the historical and contemporary aspects of slavery." The site provides images of highlights from the collection, a history of the transatlantic slave trade, and an interactive feature that follows four Africans on a sinking slave ship.
LII Item:
[NOTE: Includes: The history of the transatlantic slave trade - Phyllis ]
Librarians' Internet Index
Websites You Can Trust!
Copyright 2007 by Librarians' Internet Index.
Librarians' Internet Index
Websites you can trust!
NEW THIS WEEK, October 11, 2007
Read This Online :
In Our Time's Philosophy Resource
Collection of materials about philosophy, expanded from a 2005 vote for the "greatest philosopher." Features a philosopher timeline, a quiz, and audio and text about the nominated philosophers, who include St. Thomas Aquinas, Aristotle, Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche, Plato, Jean-Paul Sartre, Socrates, Ludwig Wittgenstein, and several others. From the website for the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) program "In Our Time."
Shortened URL:
LII Item:
Milestones of the Italian American Experience
"This timeline [1492-2003] strives to capture the richness of the Italian American experience and to highlight the many valuable contributions this special group has made to the United States. ... 'Milestones' also explores the adversities encountered by Italian Americans." Provides material about topics such as Christopher Columbus and Italian maritime exploration, Frank Sinatra's legendary performances, and Nancy Pelosi becoming House minority leader in 2003. From the National Italian American Foundation (NIAF).
LII Item:
Uncomfortable Truths: The Shadow of Slave Trading on Art & Design
The year 2007 "marks the bi-centenary of the parliamentary abolition of the slave trade [in the U.K.]." In commemoration, this site from the V&A Museum features material about the works of contemporary artists dealing with the legacies of slavery, and trails through the museum focusing on works related to slavery (such as black servants in British homes). Also includes a reading list. From the Victoria and Albert (V&A) Museum in London.
LII Item:
[NOTE: Other pages from - previously posted. - Phyllis ]
The History of Fitness
Article on the history of physical fitness from primitive times through the 20th century. Includes discussion of exercise and fitness in ancient China, India, the ancient Near East, Greece and Rome, Europe, and the U.S. The U.S. sections cover President Theodore Roosevelt's physical fitness ideologies, physical education in public schools, fitness pioneer Jack LaLanne, Dr. Kenneth Cooper, and other exercise-related trends and people. Written by exercise science professors.
LII Item:
Faster Than Sound
Companion website for this Nova program about the breaking of the sound barrier (flying faster than the speed of sound) in 1947 by test pilot Chuck Yeager. Features cover the Bell X-1 aircraft and the team that worked with it, military applications of high-speed flight, the science behind sonic booms, and the fastest airplane, boat, and car (as of 1997). Includes a teacher's guide and program transcript.
LII Item:
Kenneth E. Behring Family Hall of Mammals
Companion website for this permanent museum exhibition of mammal specimens and fossils that "takes visitors around the world to see how mammals have adapted to different habitats, from the sweltering desert to the bone-chilling north." Interactive exhibits explore the characteristics of mammals, evolution of mammals, and mammal habitats around the world. Also includes behind-the-scenes material (including a taxidermy demonstration), classroom materials, and related resources. From the Smithsonian Institution.
LII Item:
German-American Teaching Resources and Units
Collection of links to resources related to the study of German-American history and culture. Topics include German-American dialects, German names and words, German immigration, Germantown, Pennsylvania, Saint Nicholas and Christmas, and more. Sponsored and maintained by Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) University Libraries.
LII Item:
Virtual Exhibits of the Max Kade Institute
Collection of online exhibits related to German-American history and culture. Topics for exhibits include bread baking traditions in Wisconsin, German American music, 19th and early 20th century German immigration to America, German-language literature in America (1830-1930), German-American documents (such as letters, an autograph book, and recipes), and a presentation "How German Is American?" From the Max Kade Institute for German-American Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
LII Item:
International Slavery Museum
Website for this British museum in Liverpool that opened in 2007, the 200th anniversary of the abolition of the slave trade in Britain. The museum "explores both the historical and contemporary aspects of slavery." The site provides images of highlights from the collection, a history of the transatlantic slave trade, and an interactive feature that follows four Africans on a sinking slave ship.
LII Item:
[NOTE: Includes: The history of the transatlantic slave trade - Phyllis ]
Librarians' Internet Index
Websites You Can Trust!
Copyright 2007 by Librarians' Internet Index.
Fri., Feb. 1, 2008 - PBS: NATURE: Unforgettable Elephants / AMEX: Grand Central Station
Sites found in:
PBS Teachers Newsletter: February 3 - February 9, 2008
Unforgettable Elephants
On-Air & Online
6-8 / 9-12
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Wildlife cameraman Martyn Colbeck has filmed African elephants
for 15 years, learning to anticipate their every move as he
follows them across plains and deserts and into jungles. He
shares his spectacular footage and unique insights about these
unforgettable elephants, including his conviction that they are
just as intelligent as the higher primates. (CC, Stereo, HD, 1
American Experience
Grand Central
On-Air & Online
Monday, February 4, 2008
This program recounts the dramatic story of Grand Central
Station's construction. When Grand Central Terminal opened on
February 12, 1913, the press heralded it as the greatest
railway terminal in the world. By 1947, more than 65 million
people -- the equivalent of 40 percent of the population of the
United States -- had traveled through the station. (CC, Stereo,
1 year)
Copyright 2008 PBS Online
PBS Teachers Newsletter: February 3 - February 9, 2008
Unforgettable Elephants
On-Air & Online
6-8 / 9-12
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Wildlife cameraman Martyn Colbeck has filmed African elephants
for 15 years, learning to anticipate their every move as he
follows them across plains and deserts and into jungles. He
shares his spectacular footage and unique insights about these
unforgettable elephants, including his conviction that they are
just as intelligent as the higher primates. (CC, Stereo, HD, 1
American Experience
Grand Central
On-Air & Online
Monday, February 4, 2008
This program recounts the dramatic story of Grand Central
Station's construction. When Grand Central Terminal opened on
February 12, 1913, the press heralded it as the greatest
railway terminal in the world. By 1947, more than 65 million
people -- the equivalent of 40 percent of the population of the
United States -- had traveled through the station. (CC, Stereo,
1 year)
Copyright 2008 PBS Online
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Wed., Jan. 30, 2008 - Art History Images / Canadian Atlas Online / Lewis Carroll / Sir Francis Drake
Sites found in:
INFOMINE Email Alert Service
Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2007
Art History Image Database
Record Id: 672700
Created: 2007-10-08 12:35:12
Categories: arts,liberal
Database of 4,000 images of art and architecture from prehistory through
the 20th century. Keyword search or browse by cultural period.
The Canadian Atlas Online
Record Id: 672698
Created: 2007-10-08 00:30:11
Categories: maps
Offers Canadian maps by location or theme, a gazetteer with over 200
entries, and articles on Canada's people, history, weather, and
The Lewis Carroll Scrapbook Collection
Record Id: 672690
Created: 2007-10-04 11:31:47
Categories: govpub,liberal
Library of Congress exhibition of a scrapbook kept by Lewis Carroll
between 1855 and 1872, including an expository essay, timeline, and
[NOTE: Previously posted. - Phyllis ]
The Kraus Collection of Sir Francis Drake
Record Id: 672689
Created: 2007-10-04 11:08:41
Categories: govpub,liberal
Correspondence, manuscripts, books, and maps related to Francis Drake
and his voyages as well as biographical material on his contemporaries.
[NOTE: Previously posted. - Phyllis ]
INFOMINE Email Alert Service
Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2007
Art History Image Database
Record Id: 672700
Created: 2007-10-08 12:35:12
Categories: arts,liberal
Database of 4,000 images of art and architecture from prehistory through
the 20th century. Keyword search or browse by cultural period.
The Canadian Atlas Online
Record Id: 672698
Created: 2007-10-08 00:30:11
Categories: maps
Offers Canadian maps by location or theme, a gazetteer with over 200
entries, and articles on Canada's people, history, weather, and
The Lewis Carroll Scrapbook Collection
Record Id: 672690
Created: 2007-10-04 11:31:47
Categories: govpub,liberal
Library of Congress exhibition of a scrapbook kept by Lewis Carroll
between 1855 and 1872, including an expository essay, timeline, and
[NOTE: Previously posted. - Phyllis ]
The Kraus Collection of Sir Francis Drake
Record Id: 672689
Created: 2007-10-04 11:08:41
Categories: govpub,liberal
Correspondence, manuscripts, books, and maps related to Francis Drake
and his voyages as well as biographical material on his contemporaries.
[NOTE: Previously posted. - Phyllis ]
Wed., Jan. 30, 2008 - eBook: Poe's "The Raven" / State Facts for Students / / Videos from the U.S. Government
Sites found in:
Sept. 28 – Oct. 4, 2007
Free Searchable eBook: Poe’s “The Raven”
The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe: Free Searchable Version
Search and analyze The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe in English and French translation. The Raven is Edgar Allan Poe’s most famous work and one of the most famous poems of all time. The Raven is a narrative work first published in 1845. The first publication of “The Raven” on January 29, 1845 in the New York Evening Mirror made Poe widely popular in his day. The text is extremely useful in a searchable eBook.
All of askSam’s free searchable ebooks and databases
Click the hypertext link to view and search the free eBook on-line.
Or: to download eBooks, first download the free askSam viewer ( )
New from U.S. Census: State Facts for Students
Select a state, click on the map and learn all sorts of interesting facts. For example:
+ Wisconsin has 2,036 dentists offices
+ Oregon has 196 toy stores
+ Florida’s largest city is Jacksonville.
+ and New Mexico’s State Bird is the Road Runner! Beep! Beep.
Source: U.S. Census.
------ offers numerous subject collections
( ) and a very
useful “this day in history” update. Both services are free.
[NOTE: Special subject collections previously posted. - Phyllis ]
Videos from the U.S. Government
Most of these videos are available for use in the public domain, and you may use and reproduce them without permission or fee. However, some videos may be protected by license. We strongly recommend you thoroughly read the disclaimers on each site before use.
Gary Price
Editor, ResourceShelf
The ResourceShelf & DocuTicker Team
"Post via ResourceShelf"
for even more resources visit
Sept. 28 – Oct. 4, 2007
Free Searchable eBook: Poe’s “The Raven”
The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe: Free Searchable Version
Search and analyze The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe in English and French translation. The Raven is Edgar Allan Poe’s most famous work and one of the most famous poems of all time. The Raven is a narrative work first published in 1845. The first publication of “The Raven” on January 29, 1845 in the New York Evening Mirror made Poe widely popular in his day. The text is extremely useful in a searchable eBook.
All of askSam’s free searchable ebooks and databases
Click the hypertext link to view and search the free eBook on-line.
Or: to download eBooks, first download the free askSam viewer ( )
New from U.S. Census: State Facts for Students
Select a state, click on the map and learn all sorts of interesting facts. For example:
+ Wisconsin has 2,036 dentists offices
+ Oregon has 196 toy stores
+ Florida’s largest city is Jacksonville.
+ and New Mexico’s State Bird is the Road Runner! Beep! Beep.
Source: U.S. Census.
------ offers numerous subject collections
( ) and a very
useful “this day in history” update. Both services are free.
[NOTE: Special subject collections previously posted. - Phyllis ]
Videos from the U.S. Government
Most of these videos are available for use in the public domain, and you may use and reproduce them without permission or fee. However, some videos may be protected by license. We strongly recommend you thoroughly read the disclaimers on each site before use.
Gary Price
Editor, ResourceShelf
The ResourceShelf & DocuTicker Team
"Post via ResourceShelf"
for even more resources visit
Wed., Jan. 30, 2008 - Niccolo Machiavelli, Faith Ringgold, Sara Weeks / Center for Media Literacy
Sites found in:
The newsletter of Web English Teacher
October 8, 2007
What's new at Web English Teacher?
Niccolo Machiavelli
Lesson plans for The Prince
Faith Ringgold
Lesson plans for Tar Beach and other works
Sarah Weeks
Lesson plans for So B. It, more
Center for Media Literacy
The Center for Media Literacy is dedicated to promoting and implementing
media education programs. At this site look for a book on the theory and
practice of media literacy, including 25 lessons plans and more than 1000
pages on media literacy.
[NOTE: Previously posted. - Phyllis ]
Carla Beard
Web English Teacher
This newsletter is copyright 2007, Web English Teacher.
The newsletter of Web English Teacher
October 8, 2007
What's new at Web English Teacher?
Niccolo Machiavelli
Lesson plans for The Prince
Faith Ringgold
Lesson plans for Tar Beach and other works
Sarah Weeks
Lesson plans for So B. It, more
Center for Media Literacy
The Center for Media Literacy is dedicated to promoting and implementing
media education programs. At this site look for a book on the theory and
practice of media literacy, including 25 lessons plans and more than 1000
pages on media literacy.
[NOTE: Previously posted. - Phyllis ]
Carla Beard
Web English Teacher
This newsletter is copyright 2007, Web English Teacher.
Wed., Jan. 30, 2008 - English Grammar (4)
An overview of grammar, which includes parts of speech, phrases, clauses, punctuation and more.
Shortened URL:
From the site:
“This package is designed to allow users a great deal of freedom and creativity as they read about grammar. HyperGrammar allows users to create and follow their own lines of thought. On its first appearance on any page, every grammatical term is linked to its definition. A user reading about nouns might jump to the simple subject, and from there to subordinate clauses -- users are not required or even encouraged to use this material in order.
Exercise Central
From the site:
“Exercise Central’s quick check diagnostics, interactive tutorials, and hundreds of exercises help students improve their grammar and usage skills.”
[NOTE: Some free content, but mostly associated with textbook]
Guide to Grammar and Writing from Capital Community College Foundation
“The Guide to Grammar and Writing contains scores of digital handouts on grammar and English usage, over 170 computer-graded quizzes.”
[SEE ALSO: Index Page:
From the site:
“This index includes 427 references to both the Guide to Grammar and Writing and Principles of Composition.”
[NOTE: Previously posted. - Phyllis ]
English Grammar for ESL Learners
From the site:
“Welcome to English Club English Grammar for ESL learners. Many of these grammar lessons also have quizzes to check your understanding.”
An overview of grammar, which includes parts of speech, phrases, clauses, punctuation and more.
Shortened URL:
From the site:
“This package is designed to allow users a great deal of freedom and creativity as they read about grammar. HyperGrammar allows users to create and follow their own lines of thought. On its first appearance on any page, every grammatical term is linked to its definition. A user reading about nouns might jump to the simple subject, and from there to subordinate clauses -- users are not required or even encouraged to use this material in order.
Exercise Central
From the site:
“Exercise Central’s quick check diagnostics, interactive tutorials, and hundreds of exercises help students improve their grammar and usage skills.”
[NOTE: Some free content, but mostly associated with textbook]
Guide to Grammar and Writing from Capital Community College Foundation
“The Guide to Grammar and Writing contains scores of digital handouts on grammar and English usage, over 170 computer-graded quizzes.”
[SEE ALSO: Index Page:
From the site:
“This index includes 427 references to both the Guide to Grammar and Writing and Principles of Composition.”
[NOTE: Previously posted. - Phyllis ]
English Grammar for ESL Learners
From the site:
“Welcome to English Club English Grammar for ESL learners. Many of these grammar lessons also have quizzes to check your understanding.”
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Tues., Jan. 29, 2008 - HealthMap
Need to know where avian flu, salmonella or dengue fever been popping up? A quick view of HEALTHmap shows you where more than 50 diseases have been reported around the world, who is reporting and how 'hot' an outbreak is based on the number of reports. Drill down by content and city or narrow by disease and read what has been reported in the last 30 days. This site is by the Children's Hospital Informatics Program (Boston) and the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences & Technology.
From: Refdesk:
Need to know where avian flu, salmonella or dengue fever been popping up? A quick view of HEALTHmap shows you where more than 50 diseases have been reported around the world, who is reporting and how 'hot' an outbreak is based on the number of reports. Drill down by content and city or narrow by disease and read what has been reported in the last 30 days. This site is by the Children's Hospital Informatics Program (Boston) and the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences & Technology.
From: Refdesk:
Tues., Jan. 29, 2008 - Learn About Australia
Kids Down Under: Learn About Australia
A collection of resources about Australia
A collection of resources about Australia
Tues., Jan. 29, 2008 - The Traveler IQ Challenge
The Traveler IQ Challenge
Click on the map to identify the locations of the cities or landmarks.
There are 12 levels, from easy to difficult.
Site includes several “Challenges”
Click on the map to identify the locations of the cities or landmarks.
There are 12 levels, from easy to difficult.
Site includes several “Challenges”
Tues., Jan. 29, 2008 - TIME for Kids: Countries / Black History Month / Homework Helper
Faraway Places at Your Fingertips
From the site:
“Explore new places with Time For Kids Around the World…companion website celebrates the culture, people, landmarks and geography of places around the world through photographs, maps, diagrams, charts, folktales, language and activities.”
[NOTE: Previously posted. Site updated. - Phyllis ]
TIME for Kids: Black History Month,8805,97217,00.html
[NOTE: Previously posted. Site updated. - Phyllis ]
Homework Helper: Rapid Research
Search by Subject
[NOTE: Previously posted. URL updated. - Phyllis ]
From the site:
“Explore new places with Time For Kids Around the World…companion website celebrates the culture, people, landmarks and geography of places around the world through photographs, maps, diagrams, charts, folktales, language and activities.”
[NOTE: Previously posted. Site updated. - Phyllis ]
TIME for Kids: Black History Month,8805,97217,00.html
[NOTE: Previously posted. Site updated. - Phyllis ]
Homework Helper: Rapid Research
Search by Subject
[NOTE: Previously posted. URL updated. - Phyllis ]
Monday, January 28, 2008
Mon., Jan. 28, 2008 - FDA: Hot Topics / Religion Online
Sites found in:
INFOMINE Email Alert Service
Date: Wed, 03 Oct 2007
U.S. Food and Drug Administration : Hot Topics
Record Id: 672674
Created: 2007-09-30 22:39:31
Categories: govpub
The FDA offers links to frequently-requested information and seasonal
topics. Categories: prescription drugs, food safety, recalls, and
medical devices.
Religion Online
Record Id: 672627
Created: 2007-09-26 21:25:32
Categories: liberal
A library of religion and theology, offering articles, book chapters,
and more than 200 fulltext books. Most texts deal with Christianity, but
there are sections on Islam, Judaism, and other world religions, as well
as materials on ethics, history, and the sociology of religion.
INFOMINE Email Alert Service
Date: Wed, 03 Oct 2007
U.S. Food and Drug Administration : Hot Topics
Record Id: 672674
Created: 2007-09-30 22:39:31
Categories: govpub
The FDA offers links to frequently-requested information and seasonal
topics. Categories: prescription drugs, food safety, recalls, and
medical devices.
Religion Online
Record Id: 672627
Created: 2007-09-26 21:25:32
Categories: liberal
A library of religion and theology, offering articles, book chapters,
and more than 200 fulltext books. Most texts deal with Christianity, but
there are sections on Islam, Judaism, and other world religions, as well
as materials on ethics, history, and the sociology of religion.
Mon., Jan. 28, 2008 -
From the site:
“BioWorksU is a virtual environment where you can learn about exciting careers in biotechnology and health care. The goal of BioWorksU is to get young people – from 4th graders to young adults – interested in these growing industries. Along the way, BioWorksU also teaches important lessons in science, math and more. BioWorksU is a project of IPIC, the Indianapolis Private Industry Council Inc. BioWorksU was funded in part by the U.S. Department of Labor.
From the site:
“BioWorksU is a virtual environment where you can learn about exciting careers in biotechnology and health care. The goal of BioWorksU is to get young people – from 4th graders to young adults – interested in these growing industries. Along the way, BioWorksU also teaches important lessons in science, math and more. BioWorksU is a project of IPIC, the Indianapolis Private Industry Council Inc. BioWorksU was funded in part by the U.S. Department of Labor.
Mon., Jan. 28, 2008 - Jonathan BIrd's Blue World
Jonathan Bird's Blue World
From the site:
“Jonathan Bird's Blue World is an educational family-oriented underwater adventure series…The format is magazine style, with short 7-10 minute segments each containing a complete adventure story with an educational component…For internet delivery, each segment is self-contained. Segments encompass a variety of subjects, including stories about animals, stories about marine research and researchers, underwater exploration and recent discoveries. The stories will always have an underwater theme and will feature stunning underwater photography. The programs are geared towards a younger audience, but please do not consider it a "kids" show. Anyone from 6 to 60 will enjoy this series!”
[Requires Quicktime 7.]
Study Guides
From the site:
“Jonathan Bird's Blue World is an educational family-oriented underwater adventure series…The format is magazine style, with short 7-10 minute segments each containing a complete adventure story with an educational component…For internet delivery, each segment is self-contained. Segments encompass a variety of subjects, including stories about animals, stories about marine research and researchers, underwater exploration and recent discoveries. The stories will always have an underwater theme and will feature stunning underwater photography. The programs are geared towards a younger audience, but please do not consider it a "kids" show. Anyone from 6 to 60 will enjoy this series!”
[Requires Quicktime 7.]
Study Guides
Mon., Jan. 28, 2008 - Earthquakes for Kids / Dive & Discover / Rotating Sky Modules / Sidereal & Synodic Months
Sites found in:
6 October 2007 “Earth Science Sites of the Week”
EARTHQUAKES FOR KIDS (suggested by Cher Cunningham, Science
Information and Education Office, USGS) This comprehensive site contains
a wealth of information and activities for students as well as ideas for
teaching about earthquakes. With links to real-time earthquake events
and the research that USGS conducts, lessons can be built around the
science of earthquakes, historic earthquakes, earthquake prediction and
preparedness, natural hazards, and many other topics.
[NOTE: Other pages from previously posted. - Phyllis ]
Vinberg, Island Trees High School). Here is a cool site on Hydrothermal
Vents and Biogeography. This site offers many teaching resources in
Oceanography, Plate tectonics, and Earth's History and many others.
[NOTE: Home page previously posted. Site updated. - Phyllis ]
ROTATING SKY MODULE, Nebraska Astronomy Applet Project, (suggested by
Jon Krawiec, WCS Outdoors Club), I just was looking for pictures of star
paths and came across a really great web site on celestial sphere.
Scroll down to /*Rotating Sky*/ and click on any of the links; Paths of
the Stars, Bands in the Sky, and Rotating Sky Explorer. The site is
ANIMATIONS: Sidereal and Synodic Months, Freeman, (suggested by Wendy
Sheridan) This is not only an explanation but a cool animation to boot.
Shortened URL:
Mark Francek
Professor of Geography
Central Michigan University
6 October 2007 “Earth Science Sites of the Week”
EARTHQUAKES FOR KIDS (suggested by Cher Cunningham, Science
Information and Education Office, USGS) This comprehensive site contains
a wealth of information and activities for students as well as ideas for
teaching about earthquakes. With links to real-time earthquake events
and the research that USGS conducts, lessons can be built around the
science of earthquakes, historic earthquakes, earthquake prediction and
preparedness, natural hazards, and many other topics.
[NOTE: Other pages from previously posted. - Phyllis ]
Vinberg, Island Trees High School). Here is a cool site on Hydrothermal
Vents and Biogeography. This site offers many teaching resources in
Oceanography, Plate tectonics, and Earth's History and many others.
[NOTE: Home page previously posted. Site updated. - Phyllis ]
ROTATING SKY MODULE, Nebraska Astronomy Applet Project, (suggested by
Jon Krawiec, WCS Outdoors Club), I just was looking for pictures of star
paths and came across a really great web site on celestial sphere.
Scroll down to /*Rotating Sky*/ and click on any of the links; Paths of
the Stars, Bands in the Sky, and Rotating Sky Explorer. The site is
ANIMATIONS: Sidereal and Synodic Months, Freeman, (suggested by Wendy
Sheridan) This is not only an explanation but a cool animation to boot.
Shortened URL:
Mark Francek
Professor of Geography
Central Michigan University
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Sun., Jan. 27, 2008 - Biodiversity: Connecting with the Tapestry of Life
Biodiversity: Connecting with the Tapestry of Life [pdf - 32 pp]
From the site:
“About this Booklet
Biodiversity is the extraordinary variety of life on Earth
– from genes and species to ecosystems and the valuable
functions they perform. E.O. Wilson, the noted biologist and
author who coined the term “biodiversity,” explains it as “the
very stuff of life.”
“Species and the ecosystems in which they live are indelibly
linked. Conversion or loss of ecosystems inevitably impairs
the species that depend on them. As well, changes in the life
cycle of one species could impact the life cycles of many other
species (including humans), alter ecosystems and ecosystem
functions, and contribute to local, regional and, ultimately,
global changes.
“Life as we know it will not be the same if our rich
biodiversity heritage is dramatically altered. And the signs
indicate that this is precisely what is happening. Biodiversity
is threatened, and not because of catastrophic events such as
the asteroid crash that scientists believe caused the extinction
of the dinosaurs. The current threat to biodiversity, and thus
to the tapestry of life, stems primarily from expanding human
populations and increased human consumption of natural
resources…[This booklet]
explains what biodiversity is, why it is so important, why
it is threatened, and what can be done to conserve this
valuable resource.” <<>>
From the site:
“About this Booklet
Biodiversity is the extraordinary variety of life on Earth
– from genes and species to ecosystems and the valuable
functions they perform. E.O. Wilson, the noted biologist and
author who coined the term “biodiversity,” explains it as “the
very stuff of life.”
“Species and the ecosystems in which they live are indelibly
linked. Conversion or loss of ecosystems inevitably impairs
the species that depend on them. As well, changes in the life
cycle of one species could impact the life cycles of many other
species (including humans), alter ecosystems and ecosystem
functions, and contribute to local, regional and, ultimately,
global changes.
“Life as we know it will not be the same if our rich
biodiversity heritage is dramatically altered. And the signs
indicate that this is precisely what is happening. Biodiversity
is threatened, and not because of catastrophic events such as
the asteroid crash that scientists believe caused the extinction
of the dinosaurs. The current threat to biodiversity, and thus
to the tapestry of life, stems primarily from expanding human
populations and increased human consumption of natural
resources…[This booklet]
explains what biodiversity is, why it is so important, why
it is threatened, and what can be done to conserve this
valuable resource.” <<
Sun., Jan. 27, 2008 - Light and Matter
Light and Matter
Nine books ( 8 physics texts and 1 calculus) available free in HTML and PDF
Open Source Software:
Planet Finder - an applet that shows the locations of the planets, stars, moon, and sun in the sky from any location and for any date and time
Spotter - a program that lets students check their answers to math and science questions
OpenGrade - software for teachers to keep track of grades
Books are also available in print for purchase at
[NOTE: Home page previously posted. Site updated - Phyllis ]
Nine books ( 8 physics texts and 1 calculus) available free in HTML and PDF
Open Source Software:
Planet Finder - an applet that shows the locations of the planets, stars, moon, and sun in the sky from any location and for any date and time
Spotter - a program that lets students check their answers to math and science questions
OpenGrade - software for teachers to keep track of grades
Books are also available in print for purchase at
[NOTE: Home page previously posted. Site updated - Phyllis ]
Sun., Jan. 27, 2008 - Sites to See: Space Science
Sites to See
Space Science
From the site:
“These Space Science sites offer lesson plans, interactive activities, the latest news on space exploration and research, updates on current missions, as well as photos and videos for teaching and learning about space. Included: Twenty-one sites guaranteed to send your students into space.”
[NOTE: Previously posted. - Phyllis ]
Space Science
From the site:
“These Space Science sites offer lesson plans, interactive activities, the latest news on space exploration and research, updates on current missions, as well as photos and videos for teaching and learning about space. Included: Twenty-one sites guaranteed to send your students into space.”
[NOTE: Previously posted. - Phyllis ]
Sun., Jan. 27, 2008 - Jamestown: Polish Colonists / NEA: Monthly Reading Activities / Legacy of Thurgood Marshall / Sputnik
Sites found in:
Librarians' Internet Index
Websites you can trust!
NEW THIS WEEK, October 4, 2007
Read This Online :
Jamestown: The Birth of American Polonia, 1608-2008
Material related to Polish-American involvement in the 2007 celebration of the 400th anniversary of the first permanent English settlement in Jamestown, Virginia, and "a commemorative observance at Jamestown, Virginia on October 1, 2008. That date is believed to be the exact anniversary of the landing of the Polish settlers." Includes an essay on roles and accomplishments of Polish colonists, a Polish pioneers historic postcard, lesson plan, and a bibliography. From the Polish American Congress.
LII Item:
Monthly Reading Activities: A Month of Reading With the NEA
Collection of ideas for monthly reading activities for children. Includes ideas for Newbery and Caldecott Awards for January, Black History Month in February, National Poetry Month in April, Christopher Robin's birthday in August, National Book Month in October, and the winter solstice in December. Also includes short lists of author birthdays and links to reading lists. From the National Education Association (NEA).
LII Item:
Justice for All: The Legacy of Thurgood Marshall
Background about U.S. Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall, who as legal director of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) had argued "Brown v. Board of Education" before the Supreme Court. Also includes a timeline, photo gallery, video clips, bibliography, and material about his mentor and law school professor, Charles Hamilton Houston. Available in several languages. From the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of International Information Programs.
LII Item:
Solar System Exploration: Sputnik
Background about Sputnik, the basketball-sized spacecraft that was "the world's first artificial satellite," launched in 1957 by the former Soviet Union. "The U.S. responded in January 1958 with the launch of Explorer 1. Another American response to Sputnik: The creation of NASA in October 1958." Provides key dates, fast facts, and links to other websites about Sputnik. From NASA.
LII Item:
Librarians' Internet Index
Websites You Can Trust!
Copyright 2007 by Librarians' Internet Index.
Librarians' Internet Index
Websites you can trust!
NEW THIS WEEK, October 4, 2007
Read This Online :
Jamestown: The Birth of American Polonia, 1608-2008
Material related to Polish-American involvement in the 2007 celebration of the 400th anniversary of the first permanent English settlement in Jamestown, Virginia, and "a commemorative observance at Jamestown, Virginia on October 1, 2008. That date is believed to be the exact anniversary of the landing of the Polish settlers." Includes an essay on roles and accomplishments of Polish colonists, a Polish pioneers historic postcard, lesson plan, and a bibliography. From the Polish American Congress.
LII Item:
Monthly Reading Activities: A Month of Reading With the NEA
Collection of ideas for monthly reading activities for children. Includes ideas for Newbery and Caldecott Awards for January, Black History Month in February, National Poetry Month in April, Christopher Robin's birthday in August, National Book Month in October, and the winter solstice in December. Also includes short lists of author birthdays and links to reading lists. From the National Education Association (NEA).
LII Item:
Justice for All: The Legacy of Thurgood Marshall
Background about U.S. Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall, who as legal director of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) had argued "Brown v. Board of Education" before the Supreme Court. Also includes a timeline, photo gallery, video clips, bibliography, and material about his mentor and law school professor, Charles Hamilton Houston. Available in several languages. From the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of International Information Programs.
LII Item:
Solar System Exploration: Sputnik
Background about Sputnik, the basketball-sized spacecraft that was "the world's first artificial satellite," launched in 1957 by the former Soviet Union. "The U.S. responded in January 1958 with the launch of Explorer 1. Another American response to Sputnik: The creation of NASA in October 1958." Provides key dates, fast facts, and links to other websites about Sputnik. From NASA.
LII Item:
Librarians' Internet Index
Websites You Can Trust!
Copyright 2007 by Librarians' Internet Index.