Saturday, April 14, 2007


Sat., April 14, 2007 - The Tongue Untied

The Tongue Untied
The Tongue Untied: an on-line guide to grammar, style and punctuation


Sat., April 14, 2007 - Make Beliefs Comix

--------Forwarded Message--------
Hi! It's Wednesday, February 7, 2007, and time for Language Arts at

Recommended Website:
Make Beliefs Comix

Age Range: All! (Non-readers will need some assistance.)

It's easy, fun, and educational to create your own comic strips! This
website, launched by author and journalist Bill Zimmerman, offers a perfect
demonstration that playing is learning. Visitors who use this interactive
comic strip "game" will simultaneously practice and improve their language
arts skills including, reading, writing, spelling, and creative thinking.
Young and old, and everyone in between, will enjoy arranging these cartoon
characters and putting words into their mouths.

When you reach this site, select which of the 10 animal and human cartoon
characters you wish to position in your comic strip. Then decide what mood
you would like them to have in each frame. Your comic characters can be
happy, sad, angry, or worried. Using the tools provided, you can also decide
which direction they face, which character is in the foreground, and how
large or small each one is. If you like, you can make your comic strip 2 or
4 panels instead of 3 by clicking the appropriate number of boxes under
"panel choices." You can also change the background color.

But here's the best part: you get to decide what to write in the word or
thought balloons that accompany your comics. It's amazing what children can
write when it's this much fun!

"More Story Ideas" has quite a few story starters, including Travel to a
Mysterious Place, A Day at School, Finding Your Courage, and many more!

After you have created your comics, you can print them out. Assemble them
into a book, display them on your wall, or use them to create your own
greeting cards. You can even email them to a friend and to yourself. And
don't forget to send a copy to Grandma.

Zimmerman says, "I know that creating comic strips can help people tap into
their creativity and practice their language and storytelling skills." Visit
this website and see for yourself! :)

MaryAnna Cashmore
Diane Flynn Keith
for ClickSchooling
Copyright 2007, All Rights Reserved

Note: We make every effort to recommend websites that have content that is appropriate for general audiences. Parents should ALWAYS preview the sites for suitable content.

Click Schooling (Clickschooling) is a Federally Registered Trademark.


Sat., April 14, 2007 - Kids Rock: Songwriting for Kids

--------Forwarded Message--------
Hi! It's Saturday, February 3, 2007, and time for Music at ClickSchooling!

Recommended Website:
Kids Rock: Tami Mulcahy's Songwriting for Kids

Age Range: 7 to 12

Tami Mulcahy is a Northern California songwriter who started quite young;
now she is back in the community as an example to inspire, encourage, and
assist other children who want to get started with writing songs of their
own. Her CD's can be purchased from this site, or she can be invited to
visit your group of students, but some of the light rock songs that she
wrote in collaboration with classes at Santa Rita School are freely
available here in their entirety.

To read the lyrics that the children wrote and listen to the audio, click on
"got music!" As you click on each title, you get to preview the lyrics
first, which is a nice feature. Also, a "modem" version of each song is
available for those who don't have a high-speed internet connection. These
songs are quite impressive!

*"Welcome to the World," co-written with second graders, Santa Rita School.

*"Give Some Back," co-written with 80 third graders, Santa Rita School.

*"When I Grow Up," a tribute to 9-11 and the Olympics, co-written with 5th
graders, Santa Rita School.

There are several others, including three more written by students between
the 2nd and 5th grades.

After listening to these songs, you may be inspired to write something of
your own. You can find advice to help you do just that in the section,
"start writing." These tips apply to many types of songs, not just rock.

MaryAnna Cashmore
Diane Flynn Keith
for ClickSchooling
Copyright 2007, All Rights Reserved

Note: We make every effort to recommend websites that have content that is appropriate for general audiences. Parents should ALWAYS preview the sites for suitable content.

Click Schooling (Clickschooling) is a Federally Registered Trademark.


Sat., April 14, 2007 - L. M. Montgomery: Anne of Green Gables

Anne of Green Gables
This site, the official government site for Prince Edward Island, includes links to biographies, criticisms, bibliographies and
Teacher's Guides to L. M. Montgomery and her writings.
- Phyllis ]

Friday, April 13, 2007


Fri., April 13, 2007 - Animation, Interaction, Multimedia: Flash Projects

Animation, Interaction, Multimedia: Flash Projects
From the site:
“You'll find many examples of Flash technology on the web. The following links take you to websites that contain Flash projects.” Sites are listed by subject areas.
[NOTE: Other pages from previously posted. - Phyllis ]


Fri., April 13, 2007 - Alien Earths / Educators' Bridge / Medicines by Design

Sites found in:
Date: Tue, 06 Feb 2007

New resources at FREE, the website that makes
teaching resources from federal agencies easier to find:
Federal Resources for Educational Excellence


Alien Earths
Alien Earths explores the formation of stars and planets and the quest for a habitable planet. Create a virtual a community of microorganisms. Try to build the perfect solar system. See how planets react with one another, and how some planets help keep our solar system stable. Look at images: see if you can recognize life.

Educators' Bridge
Educators' Bridge provides lessons and guides for teaching about earth's climate
and the role of carbon, weather, the sun, wildfires, the water
cycle, clouds, storms, atmospheric science, and other earth
science topics.

Resources for Elementary Science Education

Resources for Middle School Science Education

Resources for High School Science Education


Medicines by Design

Medicines by Design explains how scientists unravel the many different ways
medicines work in the body and how this information guides the
hunt for drugs of the future. Learn about the science of
pharmacology, how drugs work in the body, and recent research
developments. (National Institute of General Medical


To view an archive of past messages


Fri., April 13, 2007 - The Evolution of the Conservation Movement, 1850-1920

Taken From:
======== The Scout Report ==
======== August 8, 2003 ====
======== Volume 9, Number 31 ======

The Evolution of the Conservation Movement, 1850-1920

The development of a conservation ethic in the United States was (and is) a
process that displayed a great deal of heterogeneity, and to a certain
extent, a good deal of contentious debate about what might be done to
conserve natural resources and landscapes throughout the country. Some of
the phenomena that manifested themselves during this period included a
perceived crisis in American national identity and purpose, expressions of
anti-urbanism, and the growth of travel literature. All of these subjects
(and quite a few more) are explored within this fine documentary archive of
materials developed by the American Memory group at the Library of Congress.
In total, the archive contains 62 books and pamphlets, 140 Federal statutes
and Congressional resolutions, various Presidential proclamations, 170
prints and photographs, and 2 motion pictures. The collection can be
searched by keywords, or users may elect to browse an index of subjects,
authors, or document titles. [KMG]

>From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2003.
[NOTE: Previously posted. - Phyllis ]


Fri., April 13, 2007 - Voyage of the Lonely Turtle / First Flower / America at a Crossroads

Sites found in:
PBS Teachers Newsletter: April 15 - 21, 2007

Voyage of the Lonely Turtle
On-Air & Online
6-8 / 9-12
Sunday, April 15, 2007
8 - 9:00 pm
A female loggerhead turtle sets off to lay eggs in the place
where she was born. Her voyage will take her across the
Pacific, from the west coast of Mexico to Japan. It is the
longest journey undertaken by any animal on land or sea and she
will make it all alone. (CC, Stereo, DVI, 1 year)

Download our lesson plan in which students use real data to
plot loggerheads' migratory routes.
(Available April 12, 2007)


First Flower
On-Air & Online
6-8 / 9-12
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
8 - 9:00 pm
Join NOVA on a spectacular journey of discovery to a remote
mountain region of China to explore our fascination with
flowers and solve the puzzle of their beginnings. (CC, Stereo,
DVI, HDTV, 1 year)

Play our online game ""Pick the Pollinator;" test your
knowledge of how insects, birds and other pollinators help
flowering plants flourish.
[NOTE: See teaching guide pasted below – Phyllis ]

America at a Crossroads
On-Air & Online
Sunday, April 15, 2007 thru Friday, April 20, 2007
9 - 11:00 pm
This series of 11 documentaries, hosted by journalist Robert
MacNeil, explores the challenges confronting the world post
9/11. Tonight's episode provides an in-depth look at the ideas
and beliefs that inspire modern, radical Islamic groups, along
with the challenges they pose for governments in the Middle
East and the West. (CC, Stereo, DVI, Unlimited through 4/14/12)

Use our "Educator's Page" to find out how to adapt our online
discussion guide for high school students. The guide addresses
current issues related to world history and U.S. government

Discussion Guide

Educator’s Page

Copyright 2007 PBS Online

---------Forwarded Message--------
Subject: [NOVA Teachers] First Flower airs Apr. 17
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2007 15:03:57 -0400 (EDT)

Hello Educators,

In next week's "First Flower," NOVA probes the controversial
discovery of Archaefructus, a Chinese fossil some scientists believe
is the earliest evidence of a flower yet found on Earth. (Subjects
covered: life science, botany, classification)

Karen Hartley
Teachers Editor
NOVA Web Site

* * * * * * * *

NOVA presents "First Flower"
Broadcast: Tuesday, April 17, 2007
(NOVA airs on PBS at 8 p.m. ET/PT. Check your local listings as
broadcast dates and times may vary. This program can be used up to
one year after it is recorded off the air.)

21st-Century Plant Hunter
Find out the difference between wild plants and garden flowers,
what it was like during the golden age of plant hunting, how
plant diversity in China compares to that in the United States,
and more in this interview with horticulturist Dan Hinkley. Five
video extras of plant life the Hengduan Mountains are featured.
(QuickTime, RealVideo, or Windows Media plug-in required for
video.) (Grades 6-8, 9-12)

Mother of Gardens
Take a look at some of the most stunning transplants from the
wilds of China to the world's gardens. (Flash plug-in required;
printable version available.) (Grades 3-5,6-8, 9-12)

Flowers Modern & Ancient
Watch a video that illustrates how a lily reproduces and see how
the lily's reproduction compares to that of an ancient
Archaefructus plant. (Flash plug-in required.) (Grades 6-8, 9-12)

Pick the Pollinator
Match seven plants with their pollinators and find out how
flowering plants have come to dominate the botanical world.
(Flash plug-in required; printable version available.) (Grades
6-8, 9-12)

Teacher's Guide
In this classroom activity, students extract DNA from bananas.
(Grades 6-8, 9-12)

Program Transcript
The site includes a complete narration for this program.

Plus Watch a Preview and Links and Books.

* * * * * * * *

Thursday, April 12, 2007


Thurs., April 12, 2007 - The Water Sourcebooks / Water Pollution

The Water Sourcebooks
From the site:
The Water Sourcebooks contain 324 activities for grades K-12 divided into four sections: K-2, 3-5, 5-8, and 9-12. Each section is divided into five chapters: Introduction to Water, Drinking Water and Wastewater Treatment, Surface Water Resources, Ground Water Resources, and Wetlands and Coastal Waters.
[NOTE: Other pages from previously posted. - Phyllis ]


Nonpoint Source Pollution: The Nation's Largest Water Quality Problem
Polluted Runoff (Nonpoint Source Pollution) Kids Page
NPS pollutants include pesticides, oil, grease, and toxic chemicals
From the site:
“Nonpoint source (NPS) pollution, unlike pollution from industrial and sewage treatment plants, comes from many diffuse sources. NPS pollution is caused by rainfall or snowmelt moving over and through the ground. As the runoff moves, it picks up and carries away natural and human-made pollutants, finally depositing them into lakes, rivers, wetlands, coastal waters, and even our underground sources of drinking water.”
[NOTE: Other pages from previously posted. - Phyllis ]


Thurs., April 12, 2007 - Smog City 2

Smog City 2
From the site:
“While Smog City 2 is an imaginary place, its pollutant emissions are similar to those in many large cities in the United States. The ozone and particle pollution levels in Smog City 2 are estimated by simulating the air quality over an imaginary city using a computer model. The model creates a box over the area to represent the atmosphere above Smog City 2. Air quality conditions in the box are simulated to account for both human influences and natural factors that affect ground-level concentrations of ozone and particle pollution. Each simulation represents one day.”


Thurs., April 12, 2007 - Spartan World

Spartan World
From the site:
This website “covers every facet of Spartan culture…To understand the Spartan World (“Spartiatikos Cosmos”), we must however look at the "bigger picture" of the ancient Greek world, as a result, Spartan-World will also look at the other Greek city states in an effort to bring the true picture of the Spartan world to life.”


Thurs., April 12, 2007 - Powhatan Renape Nation Museum, Powhantan History, Pocahontas Myth

Powhatan Renape Nation,

Site includes:

Powhatan History

The Pocahontas Myth

The Powhatan Renape Nation’s
American Indian Our American Indian Heritage Museum
From the site:
“the ONLY Indian owned and operated museum in New Jersey!”

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Wed., April 11, 2007 - Zoo Babies


Zoo Babies
A collection of baby animal photos from zoos all over the world.



Wed., April 11, 2007 - Story Behind a Loaf of Bread

---------Forwarded Message--------
Site of the Day for Tuesday, January 9, 2007

The Story behind a Loaf of Bread

Today's site, from a traditional bakery in North Yorkshire, England, offers
the interesting story of that everyday common staple -- bread. Gentle
Subscribers will discover a detailed presentation on the origins,
constituents and notable historical information on a food which has been a
principle part of the human diet in may regions of the world for millennia.

"Bread, in one form or another, has been one of the principal forms of food
for man from earliest times. ... Loaves and rolls have been found in
ancient Egyptian tombs. ... When ancient man discovered a food which would
keep through the winter months, and could be multiplied in the summer, it
could be said that civilization began." - from the website

The site explores where and when bread developed, noting references to it
in hieroglyphics, ancient texts and the Bible. Colorful tales of the bread
trade in the medieval period, with details of laws regulating its price,
are also included. Additional information is provided about wheat types,
yeast and milling techniques, along with notes on some of the superstitions
surrounding bread.

Pop over to the site for a look at the history of bread at:

A.M. Holm
view the List archives on the web at:


Wed., April 11, 2007 - EarthGuide

---------Forwarded Message--------
Site of the Day for Wednesday, January 10, 2007

[NOTE: Previously posted. - Phyllis ]

Today's site, part of the Geosciences Research Division at Scripps
Institution of Oceanography, presents a feature-rich site focusing on
Earth, oceans and the environment. Gentle Subscribers will discover a
comprehensive range of topics in this interactive resource.

"To seek, teach, and communicate scientific understanding of the oceans,
atmosphere, Earth, and other planets for the benefit of society and the
environment." - from the website

Among the site's highlights are exhibits on coastal change and a
fascinating look at underwater archaeology. In addition, the latest news
articles cover topics ranging from the esoteric -- examining creatures
living close to methane seeps -- to the prosaic -- the worldwide volume of
container shipping. Further resources offer image galleries, maps and
diagrams, as well as enlightening animations on tides, sonar methods and
waves. There's even an "EQ" Quiz so visitors can rate their Earth-knowledge

Sail over to the site for an excellent resource for Earth information at:

A.M. Holm
view the List archives on the web at:


Wed., April 11, 2007 - From Librarians' Internet Index, NEW THIS WEEK, January 25, 2007

Sites found in:
Librarians' Internet Index
Websites you can trust!
NEW THIS WEEK, January 25, 2007
Read This Online :

Chasing Crusoe/Buscado a Crusoe
This "multimedia documentary ... examines the lives and times of the mythical Robinson Crusoe and the Scottish sailor Alexander Selkirk, whose marooning is thought by many to be the inspiration for Daniel Defoe’s classic novel." In English and Spanish. A project from "students from the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a team of visiting students from Universidad de los Andes in Santiago, Chile."
LII Item:


Monster Librarian
Collection of horror fiction reading lists for adults and teens. Topics include vampires werewolves, zombies, horror-themed romance, and more. Also includes suggestions for scary books for children, and reviews of horror podcasts. From librarian Dylan Kowalewski.
LII Item:


Romare Bearden: Let's Walk the Block
"See Harlem street life through the eyes and imagination of Romare Bearden. This exploration of his famous collage, 'The Block,' includes a guided tour, music by the Branford Marsalis Quartet, and activities designed for kids, parents, and teachers." Includes background about Bearden, who was born in 1911 in North Carolina into a "middle-class, African-American family. When he was three, his family moved to Harlem." From the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
LII Item:
[NOTE: Other pages from previously posted. - Phyllis ]

Land, Air & Sea
Website for this virtual museum dedicated to alternative vehicles, including "flying cars, amphibious aeroplanes, amphibious cars, hovercraft, submarines and ATV's." The exhibits section features descriptions and images of vehicles such as the "Yellow Submarine," and the "Amfibidiver," a "twin seat machine, that drives on land, floats like a boat and dives like a submarine."
LII Item:

Avoice: African American Voices in Congress
This site was "designed to capture and preserve the rich history of political and legislative contributions of blacks for future generations. This virtual online library is a central source of information about historical and contemporary African American policy issues." Features exhibits on the history of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), the Voting Rights Act of 1965, the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday, and related topics. Developed by the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation.
LII Item:


P2008: Race for the White House
Coverage of the 2008 U.S. presidential elections, including candidates and their campaigns, media coverage, political parties, interest groups, and voting. Features background and analysis for the pre-campaign and pre-primary periods, primaries in specific states, conventions, debates, and other topics related to the elections. From Democracy in Action, a "nonpartisan, nonprofit effort dedicated to educating citizens about the political process and their role in making it work."
LII Item:

The Presidential Field: Full Coverage of the 2008 Candidates
Profiles of candidates for the 2008 presidential elections, "expected to be the first [election] in decades that won't include a sitting president or vice president in the field of candidates vying for the White House." Includes personal data, education, experience, books, and links to websites and news articles about the candidates. From the Washington Post.
LII Item:

Robert F. Kennedy Memorial: Life and Vision
Biographical material about Robert Francis Kennedy, the U.S. senator who "was shot on June 5, 1968 at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, California shortly after claiming victory in that state's crucial Democratic primary." Includes photos, speeches, recommended reading, and other resources on Kennedy. From a memorial "led by the Kennedy family, a staff of expert human rights activists and ... volunteers."
LII Item:


Holy Land Maps
Collection of over 1,000 maps of the Holy Land in Israel from the 15th century through the 1920s. Browsable by author, year, or by location, such as Bethlehem, Nazareth, and Tel Aviv. Also includes links to related sites. In English and Hebrew. From the Eran Laor Cartographic Collection, Jewish National and University Library. Note: detailed views may not be available in all browsers.
LII Item:

Endangered Species Program Kid's Corner
"This site from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Endangered Species Program demonstrates how loss of habitat and ecosystems can lead to a decline in biodiversity, and how the Endangered Species Act helps prevent extinction." Features a slide show, a quiz, resources for teachers, material about spotlight species (bats and frogs), and suggestions for how children can help. Includes links to related sites.
LII Item:
[NOTE: Home page previously posted. - Phyllis ]
Librarians' Internet Index
Websites You Can Trust!
Copyright 2006 by Librarians' Internet Index.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Tues., April 10, 2007 - PAWSS (Peace & World Security Studies) Conflict Topics / Podcasting

Sites found in:
INFOMINE Email Alert Service
Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2007

PAWSS : Conflict Topics : Weapons of Mass Destruction
Record Id: 656147
Created: 2007-01-28 22:40:42
Categories: govpub

The Five College Program in Peace and World Security Studies (PAWSS)
offers subject guides on conflict topics.

This subject guide is a collection of resources on WMD; overview and
website links for:
-- nuclear weapons
-- biological weapons
-- chemical weapons
-- atomic history

[NOTE: Source: Conflict Topics
From the site:
“An overview of selected aspects of contemporary conflict dynamics, intended to provide students and scholars with access to useful information and Internet links.”
Conflict Topics:
Child Soldiers
Conflict Diamonds
Resource Conflict
Small Arms
Violence Against Women
Weapons of Mass Destruction
Oil Conflict
- Phyllis ]

Podcasting @ the University of Wisconsin - Madison
Record Id: 656130
Created: 2007-01-25 16:33:42
Categories: liberal

Resources on podcasting for educators, including tutorials, examples,
and links to open source software.
From the site:
“This section contains information on podcasting: what it is, how to use it in teaching and learning, samples and how to create and deliver podcasts.”


Tues., April 10, 2007 - U.S. Government Reference Center / U.S. Government Podcasts

Reference Center and General Government
[NOTE: Previously posted. URL updated. - Phyllis ]

Podcasts from the U.S. Government :


Tues., April 10, 2007 - Sites for Poetry Month

[NOTE: Some of the following sites were previously posted. - Phyllis ]

---------Forwarded Message--------
22 Mar 2007 21:54:26 -0500
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2007 21:54:26 -0500
From: Margaret Stimson
Subject: [LM_NET] Sites for Poetry Month


Made this list for members of our local listserv...thought you might be able to use it.

Children's Poetry Archive
A very, very kid friendly site that is searchable by theme, includes audio and text files

Interviews with poets, teachers' guides, interactive poetry idea engine for students.
Also look through this Scholastic spot for handy reproducibles....

Poetry Teachers
Lots of resources for those who are teaching about poetry. The set of two dozen poetry theatre scripts is something different than at other sites.
For fun, check out the giggle poetry.

Teacher Planet: Poetry
Lots here, some good, some dead links

CBC:Words at Large - Poet of the Month
New. Includes audio files, background information
See CBC's poetry links at

Thinkfinity Search
Use the keyword poetry for more than you'll ever be able to share. Suggestions/resources for all levels

Poem Present
Readings and audio lectures from the University of Chicago. Senior level

Poetry 180
Library of Congress treasure. A poem a day for high school students,. More than 180 are archived

Poem Hunter
Poetry Search Engine

Song Lyrics
Search by artist or title. Browse alphabetical listing. Good for all levels depending on lyrics choices.

Marg S

Margaret Stimson
Educational Resources/Library Consultant
Pembina Trails School Division
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada,

Please note: All LM_NET postings are protected by copyright law.
Permission granted for reposting.


Tues., April 10, 2007 - Chem1 Virtual Textbook / Holocaust: Flight & Rescue / Drummerworld

Sites found in:
The Scout Report
February 2, 2007
Volume 13, Number 4

Chem1 Virtual Textbook [pdf]

Chemistry serves as a fundamental discipline for those who will go on to
careers in everything from medicine to nutrition and it is important for
students of this science to have a wide range of resources at their
disposal. One rather useful online resource is this virtual textbook for
general chemistry created and updated by Professor Stephen Lower of Simon
Fraser University. Visitors to the site can dive right in by reading an
introduction titled "What is Chemistry all about, anyway?", and then proceed
through a very well-structured set of chapters dedicated to the basics of
atoms, equations, chemical energetics and other topics that would be
typically covered in such a course. The site is rounded out by a good set of
links to related interactive chemistry tutorials and exercises. [KMG]

Starting Points
A selective, annotated collection of the best Web links for students in General Chemistry courses.

Resources for Chemistry Educators
A selective, annotated collection of the best Web links for Chemistry teachers and course developers

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum: Flight and Rescue [Macromedia
Flash Player]

As this online exhibit opens, visitors will hear a prelude played on the
piano and a map of Eastern Europe and Russia unfold before their eyes. This
is the beginning of the Flight and Rescue exhibit, presented by the United
States Holocaust Memorial Museum. With the use of powerful visual materials,
primary documents, interviews, and striking narration, this interactive
exhibit tells the story of how some 2100 Jewish refugees were able to escape
the Holocaust through the assistance of a Dutch businessman and a Japanese
diplomat. In each of the exhibit's four sections, visitors can pause the
narration to look through some of the primary documents that help provide
additional context for different elements of the refugee's journey. After
viewing each of these four sections, visitors can also read the full-text of
the exhibition, which is available in English, Chinese, Dutch, and Japanese.
For visitors who would like a closer look at any of the documents used to
create this exhibition, a search engine will let them examine each one in
great detail. [KMG]
[NOTE: Some of the other online exhibits from previously posted. - Phyllis ]

Drummerworld [Quick Time]

Drummers and those who generally love the musical arts will appreciate
Bernhard Castiglioni's very comprehensive website dedicated to the art and
practice of drumming. Based in Switzerland, Castiglioni has spent a great
deal of his personal attention and care in crafting a site that contains
information about dozens of drummers, material on drum clinics, and reports
from major drumming conventions and conferences. The "DrumClinic" section
should be a first-stop for aspiring drummers, as they can browse through
video clips of professionals demonstrating various techniques and grooves.
And best of all, the material is by no means limited to just jazz and rock
drumming, as other styles, such as Latin and gospel drumming are covered as
well. Of course, the section "Drummers" contains very fine clips of
numerous musicians, including contemporary favorites as Sheila E. and Meg
White and jazz stalwarts such as Rashied Ali and Art Blakey. Other notable
performances include a meeting between Gene Krupa, Sammy Davis, Jr. and the
man who was billed as the "world's greatest drummer", Buddy Rich. [KMG]


>From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2007.

Monday, April 09, 2007


Mon., April 9, 2007 - Science Storybooks / Math-Science Electronic Slideshows

Science Storybooks
From the site:
“These free electronic storybooks help teach science in a fun and entertaining manner”

Math/Science Electronic Slideshows
“Graphics help tell a story easily. Images of the Grand Canyon can tell more about that area than any words can convey. The Math/Science Nucleus is developing electronic slideshows that transform scientific subjects into pictorials.”

[NOTE: Math Science Nucleus: Free Curriculum - previously posted. - Phyllis ]


Mon., April 9, 2007 - Thinkport: Internet Links / Villianry, Inc.

[NOTE: See Also:
Thinkport: Classroom: Internet Links (by subject)
From the site:
“Thinkport has found some of the most useful links for educators. Browse through one of our categories, or use our advanced search to find a site that's exactly right for you.”

Other pages from previously posted. - Phyllis ]


--------Forwarded Message--------

Hi! It's Monday, January 29, 2007, and time for Math at ClickSchooling!

Recommended Website:
Maryland Public TV's Villainy, Inc.

Age Range: 10 to 14 (Grade Range: 5-8; younger students may find this game
motivational and fun, if there is someone nearby to explain how to do the

When you get to this website you'll see the evil villain, Dr. Wick. who is
plotting to take over the world. You are a secret agent and your assignment
is to foil his plan by using your math skills in each of two missions. (Turn
on your speakers to hear the villainous conspiracy as it unfolds; captions
also appear at the bottom of the screen.)

Before embarking on the interactive missions, you must read the biographies
of five secret agents and select two to accompany you. You might have to
rely on them for hints from time to time, so choose carefully. :)

Here are just a few of the things you will practice:

*Figure out what you will need to do in order to solve a problem

*Use a calculator to multiply and divide large numbers

*Figure out the area of a rectangle

*Basic operations of fractions, decimals, and percents (add, subtract,
multiply, divide)

*Round to the nearest whole number

*Find the mean of a few numbers

*Label a graph, plot points, and interpret the graph

Fortunately, you can get cryptic hints along the way, and most of the time
you can redo each problem as many times as it takes to get the correct

For a complete list of the skills covered, complete text of the script, a
vocabulary list, supplementary worksheets, and even a teacher's manual, see
the section for teachers.

And for even more helpful tips you can use at home, see the section for

Enjoy! :)

MaryAnna Cashmore
Diane Flynn Keith
for ClickSchooling
Copyright 2007, All Rights Reserved

Note: We make every effort to recommend websites that have content that is appropriate for general audiences. Parents should ALWAYS preview the sites for suitable content.

Click Schooling (Clickschooling) is a Federally Registered Trademark.


Mon., April 9, 2007 - Sites to See: Math Homework Help

Sites to See: Math Homework Help
Online resources to help students -- and their parents -- with math homework.
From the site:
“Once upon a time…there was no recourse for children and their parents as they struggled over math homework armed only with half-remembered formulas, muddled operations, and (in the case of the parents) rusty skills. Times have changed. Now students -- or their parents -- can access those forgotten formulas, as well as tutorials demonstrating how to use them, with just a click of a mouse.” - 01/22/2007


Mon., April 9, 2007 - Education Oasis

Education Oasis
[NOTE: Previously posted. - Phyllis ]

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Sunday, April 08, 2007


Sun., April 8, 2007 - Email Newsletters from American Public Media

Several free newsletters via email from American Public Media

Some are:

Composers Datebook — Timely and engaging information about past and present composers and significant events in classical music history. Delivered daily.

Future Tense — News and information from the dynamic world of technology. Delivered weekly.

The Writer's Almanac — Poems, prose, and literary history every morning from Garrison Keillor direct to your inbox. Delivered daily.


Sun., April 8, 2007 - AMEX: America and the Holocaust

American Experience: America and the Holocaust
“The film is about America's controversial involvement in World War II and the Holocaust. This website offers extensive primary source documents related to America's relationship to the Holocaust, as well as a program description, transcripts of the film narration, references and links on the subject, timelines, maps, and a teacher's guide for using this film in the classroom.”


Sun., April 8, 2007 - From ResourceShelf Jan. 26 – Feb. 1, 2007

Sites found in:
Jan. 26 – Feb. 1, 2007


Database Update: Tox Town Adds New Neighborhood and Spanish Language Resources

Updated: From Ship to Shore…Tox Town’s New Port Scene Delivers the Goods on Coastal Environmental Health
What do longshoremen, sunbathers, ship crews, and shrimp lovers have in common? Whether they live on the coast, work in a maritime industry or play on the beach, they can find information about the environment and how it might affect their health at Tox Town’s new Port neighborhood. This imaginary port illustrates drinking water and air quality concerns along with wastewater treatment, shellfish safety, work hazards, sun and surf safety, aquaculture and many other topics. The port also highlights possible locations and descriptions of 26 hazardous chemicals.

Tox Town,, uses neighborhood scenes - the Port, City, Town, Farm, and US-Mexico Border region - along with color, graphics, sounds and animation to add interest to learning about connections between chemicals, the environment and the public’s health. Tox Town’s target audience is high school, college and graduate students, educators (see the home page link For teachers), and the interested public. Tox Town also has a growing number of resources en español.
[NOTE: Previously posted. Site updated. - Phyllis ]


New From Merriam-Webster: Free Spanish/English Dictionary Online
From the site:
Providing accurate and up-to-date coverage of current vocabulary in both languages, it’s the perfect tool for language learners, teachers, office workers, tourists, business travelers—anyone who needs to communicate effectively in the Spanish and English languages as they are spoken and written in the Americas

Look for the Spanish/English option next to the thesaurus search option near the search box.
[NOTE: Home page previously posted. - Phyllis ]
Source: Merriam-Webster

A compilation of resources from
The Dag Hammarskjöld Library at the United Nations
in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust

See Also: Limelight: The Holocaust: Contemporary Experiences, Accounts and Records (via Intute)

See Also: Limelight: Holocaust Studies: Commemoration, Teaching and Research
One of the links included under Teaching Resources:
The Dinur Center for Research in Jewish History
Shortened URL:
Annotated links to 118 resources.

See Also: Limelight: The Holocaust and the arts (via Intute)


2007 Consumer Action Handbook
From the site:
This everyday guide to being a smart shopper is chocked full of helpful tips about buying a car or home, preventing identity theft, understanding credit, resolving problems after a purchase, and much more. In the 2007 edition, you’ll find new information about filing for bankruptcy, finding a lawyer, and planning a funeral, along with many other useful topics.

Download Complete Handbook (178 pages; PDF)

Download by Chapter

Order Up to 5 Full Text Editions of Handbook

Q. How do I order multiple copies for a library, school, community center or other organization?
A. If you represent an organization, like a school, a community center, or a consumer protection office, and would like multiple copies of the Handbook, email your request to . Please include your name, your organization’s name, a shipping address, the number of copies you would like, and how you plan to use the copies.
Source: Federal Consumer Information Center


Leonardo notebooks reunited online

Two of the great landmarks of world culture and science, Leonardo da Vinci’s Codex Arundel and Codex Leicester, have been brought together digitally for the first time since the dispersal of Leonardo’s manuscripts in the sixteenth-century…Codex Arundel, one of the British Library’s greatest treasures, and Codex Leicester, which is owned by Bill Gates, are compilations of the notes, diagrams and sketches Leonardo made while investigating subjects ranging from mechanics and engineering to optics and the properties of the moon. They document the inquiring scientific spirit that underpinned his artistic achievements and include discoveries and lines of thought that were far ahead of their time.

These precious manuscripts are kept under secure and controlled conditions in locations thousands of miles apart, but Turning the Pages 2.0 allows users to browse high resolution online versions of both texts, compare the volumes side-by-side in a 3-D workspace, magnify and rotate the pages and even reverse Leonardo’s famous ‘mirror writing’ so that it reads the right way around.

Direct to Turning the Pages 2.0
Review the books one page at a time. Very cool.
[NOTE: Shockwave version previously posted. Site and URL updated. - Phyllis ]

Source: BL

Gary Price
Editor, ResourceShelf
The ResourceShelf & DocuTicker Team
"Post via ResourceShelf"
for even more resources visit


Sun., April 8, 2007 - NewsHour Science

NewsHour Science

NewsHour Science Reports
[NOTE: Some reports previously posted. - Phyllis ]

NewsHour Science Reports – Archive

NewsHour Extra
From the site:
“NewsHour Extra, the education sub-site of the Online NewsHour, provides news for students and lesson plans, handouts and other classroom materials for teachers.”


Sun., April 8, 2007 - NewsHour Science

NewsHour Science

NewsHour Science Reports
[NOTE: Some reports previously posted. - Phyllis ]

NewsHour Science Reports – Archive

NewsHour Extra
From the site:
“NewsHour Extra, the education sub-site of the Online NewsHour, provides news for students and lesson plans, handouts and other classroom materials for teachers.”

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