Saturday, September 16, 2006


Sat., Sept. 16, 2006 - Is Global Warming Really a Threat?

The science debate behind climate change
From the site:
“Is global warming really a threat?”


Sat., Sept. 16, 2006 -

Sites found in:
Public Agenda Alert
Thu, 14 Sep 2006

* Behind the Headlines:
Arctic Sea Ice Rapidly Shrinking, Says NASA

Arctic sea ice melted from 2004 to 2005 at a rate 10 to 15 times faster
than it has in the 27 years that satellite data has been available,
according to new NASA findings. Researchers point to the rapid melting
as evidence that greenhouse gases created by autos and industry are
warming the Arctic and the globe. Public opinion findings show that
while nearly three-quarters of Americans say they believe in the theory
of global warming and seven in 10 Americans say they're at least
"somewhat" worried about global warming, it is low on their list of
environmental concerns.

Find out more Behind the Headlines: Scroll down to posting from September 14, 2006

Arctic Ice Meltdown Continues With Significantly Reduced Winter Ice Cover

[NOTE: Other pages from previously posted. - Phyllis ]


Sat., Sept. 16, 2006 - Sites from 13 May 2006 Earth Science Sites of the Week

Sites found in:
13 May 2006 Earth Science Sites of the Week

Searchable archives of the Earth Science Site of the Week, dating back to 1999, are now available. To access past archives go to the “Earth Science Site of the Week Archives” link at


ENVIRONMENTAL INQUIRY, Cornell University, (suggested by Donna Connery Trumansburg, NY), in your search for problem-based science materials, I recommend that you check out Cornell University's inquiry-based science curriculum materials (published through NSTA Press) at their Environmental Inquiry (EI) website. The four EI focus areas are watersheds, toxic risk, invasive species, and decay/renewal. The website also gives opportunity for students to give/receive feedback through an on-line peer review process (they participate both as a peer reviewer and as a contributor).
[NOTE: Previously posted. - Phyllis ]


MAPPING THE BIOSPHERE, Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment, the site is dedicated to the dissemination of global and regional environmental data. Downloadable data sets (in raster format) include base files covering water resources (runoff, wetlands, precipitation), ecosystems (soil organic carbon, soil pH, lakes and wetlands), landuse (built up land, croplands, irrigated lands), and human impacts (infant mortality, literacy rate, per capita oil usage). More detailed .jpg maps are also available for world regions like Europe, North America, and Asia but not in any GIS format.

PLANETARY TIMES, Space Explorers, (suggested by Cheryl Dodes, Weber Middle School, Port Washington, NY), the stated mission of this site is to bring the excitement of space exploration into classrooms worldwide. The purpose and benefit of NASA missions are brought to the forefront. This is a wonderful site for justifying the importance of space exploration. Past issues of their online journal, may be accessed at:

The Groundwater Story, (suggested by Michelle Mansfield, Groundwater Protection Program Animation Team), “Watch this musical animation while learning about the importance of groundwater to living things -- including people -- and how to help protect this hidden resource. The Groundwater Story is designed for kids and adults who like watching funny cartoons while learning.”
[NOTE: If the above link does not work, try - Phyllis ]
Tasa GeoCube, Tasa, (suggested by Eliese M. Edgcomb, Cuba-Rushford Central School, NY), are you geologically challenged? To find out, go to

Mark Francek
Professor of Geography
Central Michigan University
Resource Page:


Sat., Sept. 16, 2006 - Teaching Theme: Environment / Environment Links

Sites found in:
Weekly Teacher Tip Newsletter
Tips for Teachers #308- Environment Issue
Date: Sat, 13 May 2006
To view this week’s newsletter, visit the following web address:

Teaching Theme: Environment

Scroll down for 49 annotated sites.
Shortened URL:

Friday, September 15, 2006


Fri., Sept. 15, 2006 - Banned Books Week 2006 (Sept. 23-30)

Banned Books Week 2006 (September 23-30)
Banned Books Week Background
From the site:
“History of Banned Books Week and why it is important to celebrate your freedom to read.”


Fri., Sept. 15, 2006 - Books Into Movies

Books Into Movies
[NOTE: Other pages from previously posted. - Phyllis ]


Fri., Sept. 15, 2006 - Booklists by Grade

Booklists by Grade
From the site:
“Compiled by the children's librarians of Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, each of these lists is targeted to different ages and levels of readers. Whether you're a kid looking for a book to read, or a grownup looking for a book for a kid you know, be sure to take a look at these lists!”

[NOTE: Links to other booklists. Some previously posted. Updated URL - Phyllis ]


Fri., Sept. 15, 2006 - Chimpanzee Central / Literature Map

Sites found in:
Neat New Stuff, June 2, 2006

Chimpanzee Central - the Jane Goodall Institute
A whole lot of basic information on chimpanzees, chimpanzee conservation, and the work of Jane Goodall and her institute.
[NOTE: Other pages from previously posted. - Phyllis ]

Literature Map
Type in the name of an author and get a conceptual map of authors that people who like that author also read, whether related by topical interests (John McPhee to Aldo Leopold, Rachel Carson, Edward Abbey, etc.) or style or genre (JD Robb to Sara Paretsky, Anne Perry and Nora Roberts).

Neat New Stuff I Found This Week
Copyright, Marylaine Block, 1999-2006.

Thursday, September 14, 2006


Thurs., Sept. 14, 2006 - Free Information Society

Site found in:
The Cool Tricks and Trinkets Newsletter #405 6/1/06

The Free Information Society
With the motto "Information deserves to be free", this website lives up to
its name. The Free Information Society provides free articles and MP3
downloads of historical sounds, speeches, interviews and other significant
moments in audio history.

Listen to Malcolm X talk about revolt, Mahatma Gandhi talk about peace,
Amelia Earhart talk about aviation, and other significant figures speak on
a host of topics. The site, which is updated regularly with new
recordings, is divided into sections such as "History", "People",
"Mathematics", "Science", "Arts & Entertainment", etc., so it is easy to
find the voice you are looking for.

Home Page:


Thurs., Sept. 14, 2006 - BiblioCat's Website

BiblioCat's Website
From the site:
“Resources for Librarians, School librarians, Library/Media Specialists,
Teachers, Parents, and Homeschoolers.”


Thurs., Sept. 14, 2006 - Top Research Resources

Site found in:
Subject: [Innovative-Teaching] ITN: Top Research Resources
Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2006 19:36:15 +0000

Top Research Resources

As the school year begins, keep this hotlist of excellent online
research resources handy:

presented by
Walter McKenzie
The One and Only Surfaquarium


Thurs., Sept. 14, 2006 - Gumshoe Librarian 2006

Gumshoe Librarian 2006

“This site provides links to material for conducting research on
international topics. Includes "business and corporate data,
global news, search engines, guides to international and
comparative law, country profiles and statistics, locating people,
businesses, places and useful services around the world, banking
resources, and data on terrorism and security issues." Most sites
listed are free. Created by law librarians Barbara Fullerton and
Sabrina Pacifici for the Law Library Resource Xchange (LLRX).”

Copyright by Librarians' Internet Index
[NOTE: Previously posted. Updated 2006. – Phyllis ]

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Wed., Sept. 13, 2006 - Subpoena Power

---------Forwarded Message--------
From: URLwire - News of Useful, Unique and Educational Web Content
Subject: New Web based Game Subpoena Power Lampoons Corruption in Congress
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2006 16:21:51 +0000

New Web based Game Subpoena Power Lampoons Corruption in Congress

Summary... "Subpoena Power" by NoEvil Productions is a Flash
animation civic action game that has something for computer gamers,
blogosphere activists, and amateur time-wasters alike. Published on
the Internet in time for the 2006 election season, it serves up satire,
and commentary on good government while offering a challenging computer
game entertainment. The site is located at

Full text...


Wed., Sept.13, 2006 - NY Times 2006 Election Guide / NPR Election Map

NY Times 2006 Election Guide
NY Times Ratings
[NOTE: Free registration required. – Phyllis ]


Election Map 2006
Identifies the states where Senate seats are up for election, which are currently Republican, Democratic or Independent seats, and which are the key races/


Wed., Sept. 13, 2006 - Elections 2006 Map / Library & Information Science Glossary

Sites found on:
May 19-25, 2006
Elections 2006–Interactive Map
Source: Congressional Quarterly (CQ)
CQ 2006 Election Forecast Map
“when you first click on the link above, you see a map of the United States broken down by congressional district. Each district is color-coded by political leaning: Safe Republican, Republican Favored, Leans Republican, No Clear Favorite, Leans Democrat, Democrat Favored, Safe Democrat.”

For complete review:


Library and Information Science–Glossary
Source: School of Information Resources & Library Science, the University of Arizona
SIRLS: The Information Professional’s Glossary

See Also: OCLC Glossary

Gary PriceEditor,
The ResourceShelf & DocuTicker Team
"Post via ResourceShelf"
for even more resources visit


Wed., Sept. 13, 2006 - History of the Supreme Court

History of the Supreme Court
From the site:
“This site is made possible by New York Life Insurance Company, which will sponsor a public television series on the Court set to air during the 2006-2007 broadcast season.”

A Four-Part PBS Series on The Supreme Court and Its Impact

“This site presents educators and students with new resources and teaching ideas on the history, character, and drama of the U.S. Supreme Court.”

Teacher Resources and Lesson Plans


Wed., Sept. 13, 2006 - Phyllis' Favorites from CJRLC Aug/Sept 2006 Newsletter

Phyllis' Favorites from the Aug/Sept 2006 CJRLC Newsletter, Page 3


Age of Exploration Curriculum Guide


Blue Planet Biomes

The English Server

exZOOberance - Celebrating the Animal Kingdom

History Lab Primary Source Links

The Middle Ages

PBS TeacherSource

Rock Wisdom

The Vietnam Project

Virtual Reference Shelf: Selected Web Resources

Wayne’s Word: An On-Line Textbook of Natural History

Winged Sandals

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Tues., Sept. 12, 2006 - HHMI 2006 Holiday Lectures

The 2006 Holiday Lectures on Science – live webcast
Stem Cells, Cloning, and Regeneration
Lectures 1 & 2 – Nov. 30
Lectures 3 & 4 – Dec. 1
Video on Demand after Dec. 4
From the site:
“This year's Holiday Lectures will explore exciting progress toward the goal of harnessing stem cells to treat diabetes, nerve damage, and heart disease.”

Register for more information and a Free Poster

Previous Holiday Lectures on Science (includes on-demand webcasts of the lectures and the student discussion sessions)
From the site:
“Each year in early December, during HHMI's Holiday Lectures on Science, high school and college students and teachers join two pioneers of biomedical science for a guided tour of a scientific frontier.”
[NOTE: Previously posted. - Phyllis ]


Tues., Sept. 12, 2006 - Diseases, Disorders, & Related Topics / History of Disease

Diseases, Disorders & Related Topics
From the site:
“The largest amount of biomedical links are collected in the section for Diseases, Disorders & Related Topics. Here are close to 14.000 links to web resources in the English language considering diseases and disorders. The links are categorized according to the subject headings for diseases in the Medical Subject Headings.”

History of Diseases
[NOTE: Previously posted. - Phyllis ]


Tues., Sept. 12, 2006 - Genetic Basics

Site found in:
New Teaching Resources at FREE
Date: Fri, 11 May 2006

New resources at FREE, the website that makes
teaching resources from federal agencies easier to find:
Federal Resources for Educational Excellence


"Genetic Basics"
looks at how genes work, exceptions to Mendel's rules, how DNA
gets replicated, genes and disease, current research and
recent discoveries, and how applications of genetic research
(biotechnology) are being used in agriculture, health, and
medicine to change our world for the better. (NIH)

Past messages:


Tues., Sept. 12, 2006 - Genetic Diseases & Disorders

Genetic Diseases and Disorders

[NOTE: The following sites were found on another list. I have not checked them. – Phyllis ]

Accelerated Cure Project - - a national nonprofit organization dedicated to curing MS by determining its causes.

All About Multiple Sclerosis - - "aims to provide accurate and comprehensive medical information about multiple sclerosis (MS) written in plain English by people with the disease." There is an encyclopedia, personal narratives on different aspects of MS, a list of famous people with the disease, and numerous related links.

Alphabetic List of Specific Disease/Disorders - - allows you to search for valid sites and articles dealing with specific diseases.

ALS/MND Alliance - - provides "a forum for support and the exchange of information between the worldwide associations" concerned with the disease known as amyotrophic
lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neuron disease (MND).

Alzheimer's Association - - discuses the facts, health care, medical issues and research on this disease.

Aplastic Anemia & Myelodysplastic Syndromes International Foundation, Inc. - - has information on bone marrow failure diseases (including aplastic anemia, myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), and paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH)). It also provides information about clinical trials and research, news, and a FAQ section that includes a glossary of relevant medical terms and links to related sites.

Blazing a Genetic Trail: Research on Mutant Genes and Hereditary Diseases - - contains many articles on different aspects of genetics.

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - - offers news, educational material for those seeking information on cystic fibrosis. There are articles on the latest research and clinical trial information.

Down Syndrome - - established in February of 1995 and has been (and still is) compiled from the contributions of members of the Down Syndrome Listserv and others. Includes sections on medical articles, health care guideline, and FAQ's.

Featured Genes - - an alphabetical list of genetic diseases. Click on the first column for a description of the disease, and the second to find the chromosome that causes the disease.

Genes and Disease - - click on the gene number to find diseases related.

Genetic Disorders & Birth Defects Information Center - - provides links to information about genetic diseases and birth defects. It covers the basics of genetics, including ethics, forensic uses, and career possibilities. Features information about adult genetic risks, resources for genetic testing and counseling.

Genetics Home Reference: A Guide to Understanding Genetic Conditions - - provides "consumer information about genetic conditions and the genes responsible for those conditions." A searchable and browseable directory includes FAQ's and links to related resources about specific genes and conditions. The site also offers a basic explanation of how genes work; a glossary; and information about genetic testing, gene therapy, and the Human Genome Project.

The Genographic Project - - a collaborative effort by the National Geographic Society, IBM, and others to "assemble the world's largest collection of DNA samples to map how humankind populated the planet." The study is being conducted at ten research centers around the world; and "will result in the creation of a global database of human genetic variation and associated anthropological data (language, social customs, etc.)." The site offers an educational Genetics Overview section, and an Interactive Atlas of the Human Journey.

Genomic Revolution - - this online exhibit from the American Museum of Natural History provides this history of the discovery of the genome.

Glossary of Genetic Terms - - allows you to search to terms and diseases.

Health Information A to Z - - click on the first letter of the disease to find information concerning it.

Health Information Resources: Keyword Listing - - allows you to search by keyword to find a variety of diseases and heath related topics, produced by the National Health Information Center.

Human Genome Organization - - this site is developed by The Human Genome Organization (HUGO), the international organization of scientists involved in the Human Genome Project (HGP), the global initiative to map and sequence the human genome. The best place to start is the "HUGO Chromosome Homepage," however, you need to know what the specific chromosome number is.

Human Genome Project Information - - Explore this site for information about the U.S. and worldwide Human Genome Project. Allows you to do keyword searching for diseases.

Huntington's Disease Information Page - -
contains fact sheet on this disease, which "results from genetically programmed degeneration of brain cells, called neurons, in certain areas of the brain. This degeneration causes uncontrolled movements, loss of intellectual faculties, and emotional disturbance." Includes links to related publications and organizations.

Jeffrey Modell Foundation - - a non-profit research foundation devoted to primary immune deficiency. The Foundation is active in four main areas: 1. research, physician and patient education, 3 .patient support, and 4. public awareness of primary immune deficiency.

Mononine - - this drug for use with hemophilia patients contains information about the disease and links for further information.

Muscular Dystrophy Association - - The Muscular Dystrophy Association is the definitive source for news and information about 40 neuromuscular diseases, MDA research and services available to adults and children with neuromuscular diseases and their families.

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases - - contains articles produced by the National Institute of Health, with especially helpful information in the section on "Health Information and Education Programs."

National Institutes of Health - - allows you to search their database for articles and press releases of their findings.

The National Parkinson Foundation - - A nonprofit organization dedicated "to find the cause and cure of this disease and other neurological disorders in our lifetime." Links to related sites, current research, and brochures.

NCI's CancerNet Cancer Information - - "accurate, credible cancer information brought to you by the National Cancer Institute (NCI). CancerNet information is reviewed regularly by oncology experts and is based on the latest research."

NOAH: The National Organization for Albinism and Hypopigmentation - - "NOAH is a volunteer organization for persons and families involved with the condition of albinism. It does not diagnose, treat, or provide genetic counseling. It is involved in self-help, while trying to promote research and education." The site provides information bulletins on topics such as ocular albinism and sun protection; information for children with albinism, including vision and education issues; discussion forums; and related links.

OmniMedicalSearch - - will search 15 medical search sites to help you find health information.

OncoLink: - - answers questions on specific types of cancer, its causes and prevention, treatment and FAQ's from the Cancer Center of the University of Pennsylvania.

Sickle Cell Information Center - - "The mission of this site is to provide sickle cell patient and professional education, news, research updates and world wide sickle cell resources."

The Symphony of Life - - provides basic information about genetics and medicine in jargon-free English. Browse through sections devoted to various genetic diseases to obtain a brief overview of each condition, and about ongoing research projects at the University on each particular disease. A glossary and terms section is also available.

Tourette Syndrome Association - - includes a definition, myths about TS, famous people with it, and answers to Frequently Asked Questions.

Understanding Genetics - - visitors can peruse the questions posed to geneticists in the "Ask a Geneticist" feature, browse a selection of recent news stories regarding genetics, and take a survey on the ethical questions posed by the issues of stem cell research and genetically modified foods. The feature story is a fine resource as well, as it provides basic, non-jargon-laden answers to such question as "What is a gene?" and "How do genes work?"

Your Genes, Your Health - - "an ongoing multimedia guide to genetic disorders." Currently includes 15 different disorders.

Monday, September 11, 2006


Mon., Sept. 11, 2006 - Ozone / AIRNow: Air Quality Index



AIRNow: The Air Quality Index

"The Air Quality Index (AQI) is an index for reporting daily air quality. It
tells you how clean or polluted your outdoor air is, and what associated
health effects might be a concern for you. The AQI focuses on health effects
you may experience within a few hours or days after breathing polluted air.
EPA calculates the AQI for five major air pollutants regulated by the Clean
Air Act: ground-level ozone, particle pollution (also known as particulate
matter), carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide."


Mon., Sept. 11, 2006 - The Green Squad: Environmental Issues / EcoKids

Sites found in:

InfoBytes - Best Environmental Education Resources Issue
May 7, 2006
Editor: Karen Franker

***Web-based version of this issue***


Natural Resources Defense Council – Green Squad

Green Squad Fact Sheets
From the site:
“fact sheets are organized according to the part of the environment they affect the most. The categories are Air, Water, Health and Planet.

Refererence / Links
From the site:
“Useful resources, including summaries of environmental laws and treaties, a glossary of environmental terms, links to our favorite websites, and more.”

Web Picks of the Week
Includes Picks Archive or search by topic.

[NOTE: Natural Resources Defense Council - previously posted. - Phyllis ]


“This site is full of games and activities about the environment.

Curriculum Directory
From the site:
“locate the specific curriculum connections related to various topics of interest on the EcoKids site.”


Mon., Sept. 11, 2006 - AlertMap: Emergency & Disaster Information

AlertMap from the The Havaria Emergency and Disaster Information Service
Alerts from around the world -- war, biological disasters, fires, explosions, earthquakes, typhoons, floods, toxic spills and airplane incidents/accidents.

World Map


Icon descriptions

Glide Codes


Mon., Sept. 11, 2006 - Perfect Disaster

Perfect Disaster
Shortened URL:
From the site:
“Learn the science behind the super storms that could wreak havoc on cities around the world.”
Site includes Ice Storm, Fire Storm, MegaFlood, Super Typhoon, Solar Storm, and Super Tornatdo.

Sunday, September 10, 2006


Sun., Sept. 10, 2006 - Guinness World Records

--------Forwarded Message--------
Hi! It's Monday, May 8, 2006 and time for Math at ClickSchooling!

Recommended Website:
Guinness World Records
[NOTE: Previously posted. - Phyllis ]

Okay, today's ClickSchooling review may seem like a stretch for a math
site -- but I have to tell you that reading the Guinness Book of World
Records is what inspired my own kids to measure, record, and graph. It also
sparked interest in a variety of subjects they had never previously
considered. Attempting to smash world records in the backyard led to
activities that helped them practice math skills and metric conversions too.
So, I was excited when list member MaryAnna forwarded a link to the Guinness
Book of World Records website with this note:

"Have you ever come across an exciting site that works great for every
subject in the curriculum? Well, this does exactly that! You can learn
history, geography, sociology, health, biology, botany, and more, and of
course you can practice reading while you're at it. You will be very tempted
to try to beat some of the records. (At least until you convert the units to
something manageable, to get a clear understanding of what exactly you're
trying to beat and what will be involved in doing it!) Some feats you may
want to try on a smaller scale to get an idea of just how hard they were to

When you get to the website you will see the current world record features
such as this fascinating gem: "The fastest dive by a bird was recorded in a
series of German experiments, when a peregrine falcon reached a velocity of
270 km/h (168 mph." (You can learn more about it at the website.)

Look at the menu bar at the top of the home page to see the many subject
areas for which there are world records:

*Human Body - From the shortest man to the hairiest family to the oldest
person -- the subject categories include: Age & Youth, Body Parts, Disease,
Medical Marvels, and more.

*Amazing Feats -- Find out who is the world's oldest water skier and check
out record-holders in: Unusual Skills, Tests of Strength, Courage &
Endurance, Teamwork and more.

*Natural World -- This section explores the most dangerous critters,
extraordinary animals and pets, the amazing world of plants, weather
extremes, natural disasters and more.

*Science & Tech -- Learn about record-holding robots, computers, gadgets,
buildings and structures.

*Arts & Media -- Ever wondered what film won the most Oscars? Find out that
and get the record-holding scoop on pop stars, film, music, TV Ads, stunts
and special effects, theater, cartoons, art, toys and more.

*Modern Society - Discover the most expensive burger and learn about: Big
Money, Big Business, the Super Rich, Fashion, Disasters, Wars & Weapons,
Crime, Explosions, Transportation, and much more.

*Sports & Games - See the record-holders in gymnastics, weight-lifting,
martial arts, ball sports, hockey, X-treme sports, water sports, winter
sports, auto sports and more.

Reading this info will undoubtedly inspire your kids to set their own
records. Information is provided at the website on how to make a record
attempt and how to track it -- you'll find it on the menu in the left margin
along with video clips, a special kids page, and more.

NOTE: As ALWAYS, parents should preview the website to determine
suitability of content.

Diane Flynn Keith
for ClickSchooling
Copyright 2006, All Rights Reserved

Note: We make every effort to recommend websites that have content that is appropriate for general audiences. Parents should ALWAYS preview the sites for suitable content.

Click Schooling (Clickschooling) is a Federally Registered Trademark.


Sun., Sept. 10, 2006 - Car of the Century / Book of Cliches

Sites found in:
The Cool Tricks and Trinkets Newsletter #402 5/11/06

Car of the Century

When Harley J. Earl introduced a new way to build cars in the 1920's, he
made Henry Ford's antique design methods obsolete. This jump in priority
of 'Design' on the assembly line permanently changed the direction of the
automotive industry worldwide.

Check out the official Harley Earl website to learn more about his role in
the automobile's evolution toward the 'body beautiful'. Visitors will find
heaps of information on the site including vintage schematics, photos, and
essays on the evolution of automobile aesthetic in the 20th Century.

The Book of Clichés

There is rarely a time of hardship that does not call for a good
old-fashioned cliché. This online Book of Cliches has a plethora of
phrases to say in times of trouble and despair.


Sun., Sept. 10, 2006 - Eigen's Political & Historical Quotations

Eigen’s Political & Historical Quotations
From the site:
“Eigen’s Political & Historical Quotations is the world’s largest collection of quotations about and by historians, politicians and other public figures. There are over 34,000 quotations with citations in the collection and the number grows every day. The quotes are organized in a searchable data base and is available to all on the World Wide Web of the Internet. The collection may be searched by author, idea, subject or actual text. The collection is designed for the use of journalists, teachers, historians, political scientists and the many other people who are interested in politics and political history. It is also a tool for working politicians and their staffs. Heavy use of it is made by students from elementary school through the universities.”


Sun., Sept. 10, 2006 - Quotes about Books & Reading

Reading Quotes
From the site:
“Enjoy favorite quotes about books and reading.

[NOTE: Other pages from
previously posted. - Phyllis ]

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