Friday, April 02, 2010


Fri., April 2, 2010 - Understanding Science / Holocaust Survivor Recordings /

Sites found in:
January 23-31. 2009


New Web Site for Students and Teachers Aims to Demystify Science

Science doesn’t have to be the boring stuff of textbooks, University of California, Berkeley, professors are telling children and their teachers.

A new Web site, Understanding Science, dispels myths about science and scientists, explaining that everything from the automobile to the family cat can be better understood through science. Built by two UC Berkeley biology professors and a team of advisers, the site debuted recently


Holocaust Recordings Put Online by British Library
More than 440 hours of testimonies – representing the library’s entire audio collection – is being made available over the internet as part of a publicly funded project to digitise important cultural archives.

The recordings explore the lives of 66 Jewish people before, during and after the Second World War.


Announcing, the world’s largest database of freely-licensed library records

LibLime [has] announced the launch of–a free browser-based cataloging service with a data store containing over thirty-million records. Records are licensed under the Open Data Commons, making the service the world’s largest repository of freely-licensed library records. <<>>

From the News Release:


Gary Price
Editor, ResourceShelf
The ResourceShelf & DocuTicker Team
"Post via ResourceShelf"
for even more resources visit


Fri., April 2, 2010 - World Health Day: Apr. 7 / National Library Week: Apr. 11-17 / Earth Day: Apr. 22

Sites found in:
The April 2010 issue of The Link: The Official Newsletter of ipl2.


World Health Day: April 7

Collection of links to sites related to World Health Day. “On this day around the globe, thousands of events mark the importance of health for productive and happy lives.” Also includes links to recent UN documents on the subjects of human health and illness prevention and treatment. Available in several languages. From the Dag Hammarskjöld Library of the United Nations (UN).


National Library Week (April 11-17)

Information about National Library Week, celebrated in April, including a list of the celebration dates for upcoming years. Provides the history of the celebration and links to library promotional events. From the American Library Association (ALA).


Earth Day: Apr. 22

Information for children and teachers about the annual celebration of Earth Day on April 22. The site features a history of the day (including information about U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson, who introduced the idea in 1969).

[NOTE: Previously posted. - Phyllis ]



Fri., April 2, 2010 - Problem Solving with Smithsonian Experts: The American Experience, World Cultures, Mysteries of the Universe, Our BioDiverse Planet

Problem Solving with Smithsonian Experts

Researchers from across the Smithsonian meet online with teachers and students around the world. The presenters show how they address big questions in their fields of expertise. The interactive format allows you and your class to contribute your own ideas.

The conference sessions span the arts, history, science, and culture, and are organized around four key themes. All sessions below take place live online — you participate and interact directly from your computer in real time. Each session will be recorded and posted after it takes place for on-demand access.

The conference is open to everyone and is free of charge. About half of our audiences are teachers and students at all levels.
You only need to register once to attend one or all sessions during the four days of the free online conference. You can log on or off as many times as you like.

The American Experience
Tuesday, April 13
What does it mean to be an American? What has it meant in the past? Among the presenters is Doug Owsley, a forensic anthropologist whose work has uncovered details of life in the first English settlements, including a four-hundred-year-old murder mystery.

World Cultures
Wednesday, April 14
What can art and music tell us about the values of a culture? What can a culture tell us about the environment in which it developed? The presenters include ethnomusicologist D. A. Sonneborn and Bill Fitzhugh, director of the Smithsonian's Arctic Studies Center.

The Mysteries of the Universe
Wednesday, April 28
How big is the universe and how can we tell? Are we alone in this vastness and will we ever know? The presenters include astronomer Lisa Kaltenegger, who is studying ways to detect life on planets beyond our solar system.

The Our BioDiverse Planet
Thursday, April 29
How and why do we count living things? How does a healthy ecosystem contribute to our own well-being? Presenters include entomologist Christy Jo Geraci, who demonstrates a new way of precisely measuring biodiversity. Join us for this session of "beetlemania"!

An archived version of all sessions from "Problem Solving with Smithsonian Experts" will be available within 24 hours of each session's conclusion




Fri., April 2, 2010 - PBS: Celebrating Earth Day / Teaching Anne Frank / NATURE: Moment of Impact / NOVA: Hunting the Edge of Space

Sites found in:
PBS Teachers Newsletter
April 1, 2010


    Free April Webinars: "Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day" and "A Fresh Look at Teaching The Diary of Anne Frank"

    On Monday, April 5 at 8 p.m. EDT, PBS Teachers will host "Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day." During this event, participants will learn about two new PBS projects: "Earth Days: American Experience," a new film by Robert Stone chronicling the history of the modern environmental movement, and Growing Greener Schools, a film and educational resources aimed at empowering students, teachers, and parents to incorporate green ideas into both school buildings and classroom curriculums. Presenters include the filmmakers and educational experts who will provide resources and strategies to help teachers celebrate this important anniversary in innovative and meaningful ways.

    On Wednesday, April 7 at 8 p.m. EDT, we will host a webinar entitled, "A Fresh Look at Teaching The Diary of Anne Frank." Webinar participants will get a sneak peek at the all-new adaptation airing on Masterpiece and review educator materials created for middle school and high school. These materials include a teacher's guide created in collaboration with the Holocaust education organization Facing History & Ourselves as well as an omnibus Resources Listing, which collects the best existing resources on Anne Frank and her historical context and offers resources for teens interested in journaling with digital media. Speakers include the author of the teacher's guide and an educator from Facing History and Ourselves.

    For details, visit:


Nature: Moment of Impact: Hunters & Herds
On-Air & Online | Sunday, April 4, 2010, 8 - 9:00 pm
Grade Range: 6-8, 9-12

(Premieres Sundays April 4 and April 11) New technologies reveal what's behind incredible "moments of impact" - when animals come into contact with each other and the world around them.
Savannahs and grasslands, where the planet's largest concentrations of herd animals come up against some of nature's most successful hunters. In Africa's Serengeti, wildebeest, built like marathon runners, are under constant attack from lions, born sprinters. In California's grasslands, ground squirrels face a regular battle with rattlesnakes that hunt using heat-detecting organs located on the sides of their heads. (CC, Stereo, HD, 1 year)


NOVA: Hunting the Edge of Space: The Mystery of the Milky Way
On-Air & Online | Tuesday, April 6, 2010, 8 - 9:00 pm
Grade Range: 6-8, 9-12

Three centuries of engineering have produced telescopes far beyond Galileo's simple spyglass; these telescopes are revealing the solar system in detail Galileo could only dream of. (CC, Stereo, HD, 1 year)
[NOTE: See guide below from NOVA Teachers. – Phyllis]


PBS Online Copyright 2010


--------Forwarded Message--------

[NOVA Teachers] Hunting the Edge of Space: Hour 1 airs April 6

Hello Educators,

In the first hour of this two-part special airing April 6 and April
13, NOVA examines how a simple instrument, the telescope, has
fundamentally changed our understanding of our place in the

Here is what you'll find online:

Watch the Program
View the entire program online beginning April 7 and 14,
respectively. (Grades 6-8, 9-12)

Giant Telescopes of Tomorrow
Immense optical and radio telescopes now in the works promise to
make astonishing discoveries about the cosmos. (Grades 6-8, 9-12)

The Founders of Modern Astronomy
William Herschel often gets the credit, but his sister Caroline was
also a pioneer astronomer. (Grades 6-8, 9-12)

How Hubble Sees
Assemble the famous image of the Eagle Nebula from the telescope's
raw data. (Grades 6-8, 9-12)

The Two Types of Telescopes
Galileo's refractor and Newton's reflector remain the two standard
kinds of optical telescopes today. (Grades 6-8, 9-12)

Media-Rich Lesson Ideas from NOVA
NOVA is delighted to bring an exciting new way to engage your
students in the wonders of science. These media-rich lesson ideas
help you navigate the myriad resources on the NOVA website and
integrate NOVA video, interactive features, lessons, and much more
into your science or social studies classroom. Check out the lesson
ideas for "Hunting the Edge of Space."

Program Transcript
The transcript is usually available one to three weeks after the
original broadcast date.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Wed., March 31, 2010 - Learning Vocabulary Fun

--------Forwarded Message--------

Hi! It's Wednesday, January 28, 2009 and time for Language
Arts at ClickSchooling!

Recommended Website:
Learning Vocabulary Fun
[NOTE: Previously posted. - Phyllis ]

Age Range: 8-17 (non-readers will need assistance)

Our friends at and sponsor
this website that provides free, interactive games to help
build vocabulary skills.

When you get to the site you'll see a menu of games that

*Word Search
*Word Scramble
*Hang Mouse (like Hangman)
*Match Games
*Letter Blocks
*SAT Vocabulary

Click on any one and a new page opens with instructions. Some
games allow you to set a difficulty level as well.

Below the game menu on the home page you can find an
explanation of how these games help develop vocabulary. Use
the menu on the left side of the screen to find links to
resources for vocabulary development (most are available for a


Diane Flynn Keith
for ClickSchooling
Copyright 2009, All Rights Reserved

DID YOU MISPLACE A ClickSchooling Review? Do you need to find an educational website - fast!  Visit the ClickSchooling archives at:

Note: We make every effort to recommend websites that have content that is appropriate for general audiences. Parents should ALWAYS preview the sites for suitable content.

Click Schooling (Clickschooling) is a Federally Registered Trademark.


Wed., March 31, 2010 - Endangered Species Program: Bats

---------Forwarded Message--------

Site of the Day

Endangered Species Program: Bats

[NOTE: Previously posted. Site updated. - Phyllis ]

Today's site, from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, presents an exhibit on a
creature whose bad press is legendary -- the bat. Gentle Subscribers will discover
an interesting range of information, based on the academic work of two university
researchers, about this much maligned mammal and the threatening circumstances
affecting a number of bat species which have placed them on the endangered list.

"Bats may be the most misunderstood animals in the United States, although as
consumers of enormous numbers of insects, they rank among the most beneficial.
Almost all United States bats, and 70 percent of the bat species worldwide, feed
almost exclusively on insects and are thus extremely beneficial. In fact, bats are
the only major predators of night-flying insects. One bat can eat between 600 and
1,000 mosquitoes and other insect pests in just one hour." - from the website

The presentation discusses the beneficial roles played by bats in the U.S.,
including their activities as vital plant pollinators, disseminators of fruit seeds
and as mosquito feeders. Additional sections in the exhibit cover the common myths
and misconceptions about bats, information on bat biology, hibernation and
migration habits, as well as details about the six specific bat species which are
endangered. An overview of the reasons for bat population decline is also

Swoop over to the site for an informative exhibit on bats at:

A.M. Holm
view the List archives on the web at:


Wed., March 31, 2010 - Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears

Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears
    is a new online magazine to help elementary school teachers
    develop their knowledge of the Arctic and Antarctica and
    organize science and literacy instruction around polar themes.
    The first two issues, "A Sense of Place" and "Learning from
    the Polar Past," provide lessons and readings on data
    collection and representation, map skills, comparing the
    Arctic and Antarctica, measuring ice sheets, and paleontology
    and archaeology.  Book recommendations are included. 

[NOTE: Previously posted. Site updated. New issue available.- Phyllis ]


Wed., March 31, 2010 - Early Earth / Groundwater Flash Animation / GeoGreeting

Sites found in:
January 30, 2009 "Earth Science Sites of the Week"


A NEW PICTURE OF THE EARLY EARTH, Kenneth Chang, (Charles Burrows), “Over the last decade, the mineralogical analysis of small hardy crystals known as zircons embedded in old Australian rocks has painted a picture of the Hadean period “completely inconsistent with this myth we made up,” Dr. Harrison said. Geologists now almost universally agree that by 4.2 billion years ago, the Earth was a pretty placid place, with both land and oceans.” [Free registration required]


GROUNDWATER EDUCATIONAL FLASH ANIMATION, Leaping Media, (Sarah Boggia), My K-5 kids like this little cartoon. It works if you are looking for something simple and quick and have the technology to show this animation. Just jot down some questions for them to answer after.
[NOTE: Previously posted. - Phyllis ]


EARTH GREETING, Geogreeting, (Tom Vitti), Boy, someone had A LOT of time on their hands... Another use for google earth for sending a greeting.  [As you enter a letter, the location displays. Click on the letter to see map,]

From the site:
While working on a different Google Maps project, I noticed that a number of buildings looked like letters of the alphabet when viewed from above. This is the point where I should have just said 'hmmm, good observation' and gone on with my life. But I didn't and that's why this website is here.


Mark Francek
Central Michigan University

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Tues., March 30, 2010 - Free Clip Art

Free Clip Art by Phillip Martin

From the site:
“Remember, it really is FREE art for your classroom, newsletters, or wherever you can find a non-profit use.”


Tues., March 30, 2010 - ImageIde@s - free digital images


From the site:
“Imageide@s offers high-quality, copyright-free digital images. All of the images in the imageide@s repository are free for educators world-wide to use within their classrooms. Our images use the Creative Commons licensing in this category: Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike. Attributions should read: Image(s) provided by imageide@s:


Tues., March 30, 2010 - Secret Life of Scientists: Caroline Moore

Site found in:
NOVA scienceNOW Bulletin
Date        Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 5:13 PM

Secret Life of Scientists: Caroline Moore

Caroline Moore--who loves to sing, dance, and stargaze--is the
youngest person ever to identify a supernova. View her video and
blog page, then send in your questions.


Tues., March 30, 2010 - Mathematics Illuminated

Site found in:
The Scout Report
January 23, 2009
Volume 15, Number 3

The Scout Report on the Web:


Mathematics Illuminated [Macromedia Flash Player]

Everything (mathematics) is illuminated in this excellent thirteen-part
series created by Annenberg Media for adult learners and high school
teachers. As their website notes, the series "explores major themes in the
field of mathematics, from humankind's earliest study of prime numbers, to
the cutting-edge mathematics used to reveal the shape of the universe."
First-time visitors can read a brief introduction to the series, and then
look over some of the thirteen units, which include "Game Theory", "Other
Dimensions", and "Geometries Beyond Euclid". Each unit includes a relevant
video segment (free registration required), a video transcript, and a
different interactive feature designed to complement the material within.
Also, visitors can take advantage of a glossary and a "Math Family Tree",
which highlights major mathematical discoveries from the year 25000 BCE to
present-day Fields Medal winner, Grigori Perelman. [KMG]

>From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout 1994-2009.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Sun., March 28, 2010 - This Just In: CNN News Blog

This Just In

From the site:
“This Just In” is CNN's news blog. This is where you will find the latest news and information from CNN’s correspondents and sources around the world. We’ll cover fresh stories big and small – stories that are breaking, developing or otherwise driving the collective daily conversation, along with some items we find interesting and worth sharing.


Sun., March 28, 2010 - Liberty, Equality, Fraternity: Exploring the French Revolution

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity: Exploring the French Revolution

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity: Exploring the French Revolution provides an accessible and lively introduction to the French Revolution as well as an extraordinary archive of some of the most important documentary evidence from the Revolution, including 12 topical essays, 250 images, 350 text documents, 13 songs, 13 maps, a timeline, and a glossary

[NOTE: Previously posted. - Phyllis ]


Sun., March 28, 2010 - Cuban Missile Crisis: Primary Documents

The Cuban Missile Crisis

275 primary documents relating to the Cuban Missile Crisis

Foreign Relations of the United States
1961-1963 - Volume XI : Cuban Missile Crisis and Aftermath
Washington, DC : Government Printing Office.

[NOTE: Home page previously posted.
List of Major Document Collections:
URL updated - Phyllis ]


Sun., March 28, 2010 - Poems = Word Comics

Poems = Word Comics - Austin Kleon - Grades 6 to 12

Site found on TeachersFirst:

Poems = Word Comics is the perfect venue to view poetry in an entirely new way and hook your students into creating poems. You won't hear any more moans and groans when you mention poetry workshop time. Many poems are like word comics, in that they jump from one image to another in a short amount of lines. Transform your poets into cartoonists by creating a comic strip of images on a page and using the artwork to propel text to convey a message. After all, communication is an art. Be careful, it may become addicting!

Entire review and suggestions for using this site “In the Classroom”:

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