Friday, November 18, 2005


Fri., Nov. 18, 2005 - Native Americans

Delaware Tribe
[NOTE: Previously posted. - Phyllis ]

Native America
American Indian History
Includes a page on The Trail of Tears

Native American Art & Culture Links


Fri., Nov. 18, 2005 - Liberty's Kids

---------Forwarded Message--------
Hi! It's Thursday, August 11, 2005 and time for History at ClickSchooling!

Recommended Website:
Liberty's Kids
[NOTE: Previously posted – updated URL. – Phyllis ]

Today's website is a companion to an animated TV series, titled "Liberty's
Kids," that provides students with a fresh and fun experience as they learn
about the people and events that shaped American history from 1773 to 1789.
Through the eyes of two young apprentice reporters named Sarah and James,
viewers of Liberty's Kids go on adventures in search of the real stories of
the American Revolution. The website contains all kinds of resources
(designed for students 7-12 years old) that includes:

*Liberty Archive -- Start here to find biographies of famous men and women
of the Revolution, examine artifacts and documents of that period, and learn
about famous places and events that formed the backdrop for the Revolution.

*Now and Then -- Fun, short video animations that report on the difference
between life in the 1700s and today.

*Liberty News -- Use the online template and follow the instructions to
write and illustrate your very own American Revolution newspaper! Print it
out and share it with your friends and family!

*Fun and Games -- Enjoy the interactive games that challenge students'
knowledge of the American Revolution including an online wordsearch and fun
clue-based guessing games. You can print and color images of characters from
history (and from the TV show), solve some riddles, and learn some Ben
Franklin witticisms.

This is a great little unit study all by itself, and a fun way to introduce
or enhance knowledge of American history for elementary age students.

Diane Flynn Keith
Author of Carschooling,

Note: We make every effort to recommend websites that have content that is appropriate for general audiences. Parents should also preview the sites for suitable content, and then review the sites together with their children.

Click Schooling (Clickschooling) is a Registered Trademark and may not be used without written permission of Diane Flynn Keith.

Planning a family road trip? For FREE educational car games visit:


Fri., Nov. 18, 2005 -
From the site:
“ is maintained by the Education Services and Staff Development Association of Central Kansas (ESSDACK) as part of an effort to help build success in social studies classrooms. This site features Web resources, ESSDACK workshop information, links to state and national social studies standards, lesson plans, help with technology issues, and more.”
Web Links


Fri., Nov. 18, 2005

Found in:
PBS Teacher Previews: November 20 - December 3, 2005

"Katrina's Animal Rescue" TV> PBSOL> Middle / High School
Sunday, November 20, 2005
8 - 9:00 pm
They're the flood victims who were left behind -- the tens of
thousands of household pets separated from their owners in the
aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Travel with us to the front
lines of the battle to rescue these helpless animals -- before
it's too late. (CC, Stereo, DVI, 1 year)

Learn more about the rescue efforts at the companion Web site.
(Available November 17, 2005)

Secrets of the Dead
"Killer Flu"
TV> PBSOL> Middle / High School
Monday, November 21, 2005
10 - 11:00 pm
As the threat of an avian flu pandemic looms, tune in for this
updated episode "Killer Flu," an investigation of genetic links
between today's pending crisis and the devastating 1918 virus.
(CC, Stereo, DVI, 1 year)

Log on to to talk with molecular
pathologist Jeffery Taubenberger on Nov. 22 at 12 pm ET.

"Storm that Drowned a City"
TV> PBSOL> MARC> Middle / High School
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
8 - 9:00 pm
Hurricane Katrina precipitated the greatest natural disaster in
U.S. history, killing more than 1,000 people, leaving 100,000
homeless and causing damage in the hundreds of billions of
dollars. Tune in for this minute-by-minute reconstruction of
the disaster told through gripping eyewitness testimony. (CC,
Stereo, DVI, 1 year)

Log on to "Map the Flood;" lay a map showing the full extent of
the flooding in New Orleans over a map of your city or part of
the country. You'll be shocked at just how extensive it was.
(Available November 15, 2005)
[NOTE: Teaching Guide pasted at end of this posting. – Phyllis ]

American Experience
"Influenza 1918" TV> PBSOL> Middle / High School
Monday, November 21, 2005
9 - 10:00 pm
In September 1918 a killer virus spread across the country.
Hospitals overfilled, death carts roamed the streets and
helpless city officials dug mass graves. It was the worst
epidemic in American history, killing over 600,000 -- until it
disappeared as mysteriously as it had begun. Join us for this
story of the spread of Spanish Influenza across America. (CC,
Stereo, DVI, 1 year)

Download our lesson plan in which students study an infectious
disease that has reemerged as a serious public health threat.
[NOTE: Previously posted. - Phyllis ]

Copyright 2005 PBS Online.


--------Forwarded Message--------
Date Sent: Friday, November 18, 2005 2:52 PM
Subject: [NOVA] "Storm That Drowned a City"

Broadcast: Tuesday, November 22, 2005 at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT
(NOVA airs Tuesdays on PBS at 8 p.m. Check your local listings as
dates and times may vary.)

In less than 12 hours on August 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina
devastated the Louisiana coast, leading to more than a thousand
deaths and transforming a city of over one million into an
uninhabitable swamp. "Storm That Drowned a City" is NOVA's
definitive investigation into the science of Hurricane Katrina,
combining a penetrating analysis of what went wrong with a dramatic,
minute-by-minute unfolding of events told through eyewitness
testimony. What made this storm so deadly? Will powerful hurricanes
like Katrina strike more often? How accurately did scientists predict
its impact, and why did the levees protecting New Orleans fail?

Here's what you'll find online:

Interview, Time Line & Slide Show

The Man Who Knew
Hurricane expert Ivor van Heerden has long predicted the tragedy
brought by Katrina.

A 300-Year Struggle
Follow the Big Easy's ever-bigger battles with the water
surrounding it.

Flood Proofing Cities
What can New Orleans learn from Venice, the Netherlands, and
other flood-prone places?


Anatomy of Katrina
Track the hurricane from its birth in the open ocean through its
catastrophic encounter with the Gulf Coast.

How New Orleans Flooded
Examine a visual chronology of exactly where and how 85 percent
of the city wound up underwater.

Map the Flood
See how much of your city would have been submerged.

Also, a series of downloadable audio and video podcasts on Hurricane
Katrina, including a three-minute excerpt from the broadcast,
Links & Books, the Teacher's Guide, and more.

Thursday, November 17, 2005


Thurs., Nov. 17, 2005 - Wolfnotes

Wolfnotes brand of FREE literature booknotes

Study Guides

[NOTE: Lots of ads and “free essays” – Phyllis]


Thurs., Nov. 17, 2005 -

Found in:
The Scout Report
July 22, 2005
Volume 11, Number 29

The Archive of Early American Images

Drawn from the holdings of the John Carter Brown Library at Brown
University, the Archive of Early American Images is designed "to assist
historians in their quest for contemporary images to illustrate their
research findings and to facilitate the study of historical images in their
own right and in proper context." This evolving image database (planned to
eventually contain some 6,000 images) contains numerous images that have
been culled from relatively obscure books printed in Europe that have visual
documentation related to the Americas in the period before 1825. First-time
visitors can browse the materials here by time, geographical area, or
subjects, which include such headings as flora and fauna, industry, maps,
and portraits. With such a wide array of images available, many visitors
will be tempted to come back to this site numerous times, as they will
definitely find materials that may help them in the classroom setting. [KMG]

Smithsonian: Spotlight on Science

Since 2003, the Smithsonian Institute has provided this topical online
weekly newsletter to those persons interested in learning about the latest
scientific discoveries and endeavors that have originated from any one of
its various institutions. Visitors to the site will want to browse through
the most recent newsletters, and they may also wish to search the previous
newsletters by keyword or by browsing entire back issues. Some of the more
recent pieces include information about the recent success story of the
Florida panther, supernovae, and the river channels on the planet Mars. Each
issue also contains information about recent publications in which the
research appeared, and in select instances, also includes links to the full
text document. Overall, this electronic newsletter will be of great interest
to teachers, students, and the general public. [KMG]
[NOTE: Previously posted. - Phyllis ]

Early Stuart Libels [pdf]

A number of collaborative online projects have developed during the past few
years that draw on the resources of institutions and individuals that are
frequently separated by hundreds, if not thousands, of miles. This website,
which features early seventeenth-century political poetry, is just such a
project. The team of collaborators includes professors from both Rutgers
University and the University of Exeter, and was generously supported by
funds from the Arts & Humanities Research Council. The poems themselves are
largely those of satire and invective, and were originally penned in the
decades between the rise of King James I to power and the outbreak of the
English Civil War. Visitors to the site can search the entire collection by
name or by source, and they may also want to peruse the introduction which
offers some nice background material about the importance of these pieces of
writing. [KMG]

>From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2005.


Thurs., NOv. 17, 2005 - Dr. Grimaldi's Literature Site

Dr. Grimaldi’s Web Site:
Lesson Plans for Literature
Dr. Grimaldi is a high school English teacher.
From the site:
“This web site provides you with some interesting literature links I have found on the web.”


Thurs., Nov. 17, 2005 - Walt Whitman and Leaves of Grass

Found in:
The Scout Report
July 8, 2005
Volume 11, Number 27

Revising Himself : Walt Whitman and Leaves of Grass

An impressive feat of literary collation, the Library of Congress presents
this exhibition on Walt Whitman, probably America's first superstar author,
and Whitman's book of poetry, _Leaves of Grass_. Initially published in
1855, _Leaves of Grass_ contained 12 poems. Whitman continuously revised it
until his death in 1892, when it contained 400 poems. The poet added new
poems, renamed older ones, reworded lines, changed punctuation, and
regrouped poems (through the 1881 edition), as well as inventing typography,
and posing for frontispiece portraits wearing various styles of clothing and
props. (front and back views of a cardboard butterfly that Whitman posed
with in 1877 are included in the show). The exhibition traces this evolution
of _Leaves of Grass_ and Whitman's life, as a poet and a person, from the
first appearance of the lines "I am the poet of the body, And I am the poet
of the soul" in a notebook dating 1847-1950s, to the final "Deathbed
edition" of 1891-1892. A wealth of interesting biographical material on
Whitman, his friends and associates, his work as a teacher, tending the
wounded during the Civil War, and for the federal government, also appears
in the exhibit. [DS]

>From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2005.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Wed., Nov. 16, 2005 - Internet Picture Dictionary

The Internet Picture Dictionary
“The Internet Picture Dictionary is a completely free, online multilingual picture dictionary designed especially for ESL students and beginning English, French, German, Spanish and Italian language learners of all ages.”


Wed., Nov. 16, 2005 - Center for Creative Photography: Educator's Guides

Center for Creative Photography - Educator's Guides

Educator's Guides: Each year the Center for Creative Photography provides new teaching resources for elementary through college educators through its program of changing exhibitions. Educators across the curriculum are encouraged to explore exhibition images, issues, and related topics as opportunities for inquiry and interdisciplinary study both in the museum and within their classrooms. This series of guides offers educators everywhere images selected from the CCP collection and suggestions for integrating the exploration of photography and its fascinating range of artistic interpretations into diverse curricula. There are guides for the exhibitions Indivisible: Stories of American Community, Reframing America: Photography through the Eyes of Immigrants, Encounters 7, and Sea Change: The Seascape in Contemporary Photography, as well as for the Archives of Ansel Adams, Aaron Siskind, and Max Yavno and the Tesng Kwong Chi collection.”

[NOTE: Each guide also contains a biography of the artist.
Ansel Adams - biography
- Phyllis ]


Wed., Nov. 16, 2005 - Video Classroom

Found on:
The Eisenhower National Clearinghouse (ENC)
Digital Dozen, January 2005

Video classroom
Grade(s): K - 12
Publisher: Soundprint Media Center
Synopsis: Accept this digital invitation and enter into a series of classrooms making innovative use of technology for teaching and learning. Clicking on the "Featured Classroom" of your choice lets you watch a video clip of a classroom or school situation, read the transcript, provide feedback, and explore additional videos on related topics. There are three categories of clips from which to choose: strategies for administrators, teaching and learning, and pre-service teachers in action.

This web site, funded in part by the U.S. Department of Education, offers a searchable digital library of video and radio programs that feature the use of technology in the classroom. Videos portray K-12 teachers, student teachers, faculty, and administrators in real life classrooms, implementing real-world examples of teaching and learning with technology. Users can search the library via content area, grade level, instructional setting, professional needs, or keyword. Most clips are labeled with at least a description, grade level, school name, and duration of the clip.

One science video presents the development and use of the Virtual Chem Lab software in high school and collegiate classrooms. Footage introduces viewers to the developers and the intent of this simulation software. Viewers learn that the virtual chemistry laboratory is designed to enable students to participate in instructional laboratories that are reproducible, consistent, and efficient. The developers promote the use of scaffolding learning with the software in order to help students eventually rely on their own intellect and intuition in experimenting. In addition, interviews explain that through use of the software, instructors are assured that students are considering the appropriate concepts when performing the experiment. Video Classroom also offers extended interview, classroom, and panel discussion segments, as well as suggests relevant web sites. Abstracted 12/04. (Author/JAT)


Wed., Nov. 16, 2005 - History of Thanksgiving

The History of Thanksgiving
From the site:
“Travel back to Plymouth and discover some of the humble origins of Thanksgiving traditions we celebrate today and what the original celebration was actually like!”

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Tue., Nov. 15, 2005 - Gene Almanac / DNA Workshop

Gene Almanac @ Dolan DNA Learning Center
Includes information on Genetic Origins, Greenomes, Eugenics Image Archive, Your Genes, Your Health, DNA from the Beginning, DNA Interactive, MyDNAi, and BioServers.

PBS: You Try It - DNA Workshop
The activity in this section places you within the cell, involving you with the processes of DNA replication and protein synthesis.

[NOTE: Other activities from You Try It ( ) previously posted. – Phyllis]


Tue., Nov. 15, 2005 - Visible Embryo / Embryology

The Visible Embryo List of Embryology Sites
From the site: “The following links represent some of the best sites
for basic science in embryology.”
[NOTE: Home page ( ) previously posted. - Phyllis


Tue., Nov. 15, 2005 - Internet Stroke Center

--------Forwarded Message--------
Site of the Day for Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Internet Stroke Center

Today's site, a non-profit, educational service of the Stroke Center at
Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine in St.
Louis, Missouri, provides comprehensive information about strokes. Gentle
Subscribers will find this a detailed and wide-ranging resource on the
topic, designed for the layperson.

"The Internet Stroke Center exists to advance understanding of stroke
research and clinical care. Our goal is to provide current, professional,
un-biased information about stroke. The information on this site is
obtained from published accounts, meeting presentations, internet searches,
and direct correspondence." - from the website

The site explains what a stroke is and covers the different types of
strokes with clarifying diagrams, and a neurological terms glossary.
Warning signs or symptoms of stroke are provided, as well as recent U.S.
statistics concerning the condition. In addition, information is presented
on diagnosis and treatment, including reducing the risk of stroke with
lifestyle changes and medication. Further resources offer material on
post-stroke recovery, help for caregivers and links to clinical trials and
treatment centers.

Travel to the site for an excellent reference for stroke information at:

A.M. Holm
view the List archives on the web at:


Tue., Nov. 15, 2005 - / Bird Flu Pandemic
The official U.S. government Web site for information on pandemic flu and avian influenza.
Provides key facts, FAQs and background information.


NewsHour Extra – Special for Students
Health Officials Prepare For Bird Flu Pandemic - Posted: 10.12.05
The threat of a deadly bird flu is the latest health scare to spur emergency planning in the United States and around the world.

Monday, November 14, 2005


Mon., Nov. 14, 2005

Found on:
Aug. 5-11, 2005

Source: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
New Guidebook, "Welcome to the United States"
"Welcome to the United States also gives new immigrants tips on how to get involved in their new communities, and how to meet their responsibilities and exercise their rights as permanent residents."
[NOTE: Available in several languages. Free download. Fee for hard copy. – Phyllis ]


Source: glbtq, Inc.
glbtq: The Online Encyclopedia of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Culture
"The glbtq encyclopedia was founded with a single objective in mind: to serve as the most comprehensive, accessible, and authoritative encyclopedia of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and queer (glbtq) culture.... The encyclopedia's Literature, Arts, and Social Sciences Departments feature more than 1.2 million words in more than 1200 entries. Hundreds of complementary illustrations help showcase the lives and contributions of thousands of glbtq people who have influenced society through literature, the arts, law, politics and more.... More than 300 artists, academics, independent scholars, and practicing professionals have contributed signed entries to the glbtq encyclopedia." Searchable.


Check Processing--United States
Source: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (via DocuTicker)
Writing a Check: Understanding Your Rights (PDF; 290 KB)
From press release: "The advisory, 'Writing a Check: Understanding Your Rights,' discusses the different ways checks can be processed, and the significance for consumers of those differences. Many checks are now being processed electronically, which may mean that funds are taken from consumers' bank accounts more quickly than before. As a result, it is even more important that consumers are careful to assure that they have enough money in their accounts to cover checks at the time they write them."

World Wind
+ Wow! Forget Static Satellite Images, How About Real-Time Satellite Imagery?
Note: If you haven't tried NASA's World Wind it’s worth a look.
from the site:
“World Wind lets you zoom from satellite altitude into any place on Earth.”


Gary Price
Editor, ResourceShelf

The ResourceShelf & DocuTicker Team

"Post via ResourceShelf"
for even more resources visit



Mon., Nov. 14, 2005

Found in:
The Scout Report
August 5, 2005
Volume 11, Number 31

MSN Virtual Earth

Geographers, urban planners, and those with a penchant for the spatial
always enjoy knowing as much as they can about a given locale, and they
especially enjoy knowing about spatial relationships in a given locale. For
those aforementioned persons, MSN's Virtual Earth website will be one that
is quite worthy of numerous visits. Drawing on detailed aerial photographs
of the United States, visitors can look at photographs of their home, their
business, or a local sports stadium. Visitors can also type in city names,
and zoom in on various features at their leisure. A real treat is offered by
the tabs feature, which allows visitors to look for local businesses, such
as book stores and pharmacies in any given locale. A "scratch pad" also
keeps track of recently visited destinations as well. All in all, this site
can be both quite helpful and, at times, somewhat addictive. [KMG]

The Metropolitan Opera [Macromedia Flash Player]

The Metropolitan Opera (or the "Met", as it is known to many) is perhaps the
most well-known and beloved opera company in the United States, and
possibly, the world. The website is a mirror onto the world of the Met's
numerous opera productions, its history, and the overall portrait of this
delightful melding of words, emotions, and song. Visitors will want to start
by perusing the "Discover Opera" section of the site, where they can read
plot synopses of Met productions and also look through a entertaining
interactive exhibit that covers the Met's history from 1883 to 2004. Here
they will learn when the production of Salome offended polite New York
society, and continue on to learn about the tenure of Rudolf Bing. Perhaps
the most outstanding feature of the site is the Met Opera Database, which
give users access to information on every single performance at the Met
since 1883, complete with statistics, photos, and set designs. [KMG]

Patent Room

The US Patent and Trademark Office has been in existence since 1790, when it
granted the first patent to one Samuel Hopkins of Philadelphia for "making
pot and pearl ashes", which was a cleaning formula used in soapmaking. Over
the past 215 years, millions of patents have been issued, and this creative
site provides the original images from some of the original patent
applications. Intended as a showplace for interesting examples of industrial
design, the site brings together patents from the 1920s to the 1950s. The
patents can be browsed by type as well, including architectural renderings,
illustrations of proposed cars, toys, and numerous others. It is quite
interesting to wander through this site and imagine what Jerome Watt might
have been thinking in 1932 when he patented a building design that looks
suspiciously like some type of irate porcine Pilgrim. Finally, visitors may
also leave comments on each patent, if they are so inclined. [KMG]

>From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2005.



Mon., Nov. 154, 2005 - Library History Buff / World Processor

Found in:
*** NEAT NEW STUFF, JUNE 24, 2005

Library History Buff
Links to fascinating bits of library history and realia: bookplates, library buttons, postcards and postage stamps, a virtual tour of America's library heritage, the history of traveling libraries, and much more.

World Processor
The globe re-envisioned -- by life expectancy, debt, TV ownership, refugee populations, energy consumption, and lots more. A brilliant way to make numerical data meaningful.

Neat New Stuff I Found This Week
Copyright, Marylaine Block, 1999-2005.


Mon., Nov. 14, 2005 - Online Interfact Atlas / Maps.Huge.Info

Online Interfact Atlas
From the site:
“From the World Map of the Online Interfact Atlas you can zoom-in to any one
of the Continent maps. Or, if you want, you can search for any country, or
capital city, using the Search Box.” Search Box is located in the lower left.
There are icons for Key, Land Coverage, Help and Printable Maps.


Enter a zip code in the US and this site maps it out for you, showing
you what area that zip code includes.

Sunday, November 13, 2005


Sun., Nov. 13, 2005

Found in:
The Scout Report
July 29, 2005
Volume 11, Number 30
Social Science Information Gateway

Located within the Institute for Learning and Research Technology at the
University of Bristol, the Social Science Information Gateway (SOSIG) is an
online database of high quality Internet resources that primarily deal with
the vast array of social science fields and subfields. Visitors can perform
a simple search, or browse through the subject headings offered on the
homepage. Each one of these discrete sites has been catalogued and
annotated, making it easier to find specific resources quickly. Within each
field or subfield, the editors of SOSIG have also listed some of their top
choices. One particularly fine feature of the site is the "Grapevine", which
offers a place for people in the social sciences to find out (and publicize)
information about career opportunities and upcoming events. Visitors can
also post their vitas in order to facilitate such opportunities. Finally, it
is worth noting that the coverage of events and the like here is
particularly strong for the United Kingdom and continental Europe. [KMG]
[NOTE: Some subjects included are: Anthropology, Economics, Environmental
Science, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, and Women’s Studies. – Phyllis ]

From Dublin to Ithaca: Cornell's James Joyce Collection

Though the mention of Ithaca, New York, may not immediately make one think
of that giant of 20th century literature, James Joyce, there is a compelling
connection between that city's fine Cornell University and this legend of
letters. The Joyce Collection came to Cornell via the generosity of one of
its alumni, William G. Mennen, who had the foresight to purchase dozens of
Joyce's manuscripts and working drafts from the widow of Joyce's brother.
This online exhibit provides ample information about these wonderful
documents, along with an overview of Joyce's work and life. Moving through
the different segments, visitors can learn about his early years and his
struggle to produce his masterpiece, _Ulysses_. Along the way, visitors can
view a selection of items, including a handwritten note to Henrik Ibsen and
several rare photographs of Joyce. The site also contains an interesting
story from Professor Emeritus M.H. Abrams on how the collection arrived at
Cornell in the 1950s. [KMG]

The Cultures and History of America: The Jay I. Kislak Collection at the
Library of Congress [Macromedia Flash Player]

The Library of Congress has a number of important documents and historical
items due to the kindness of persons who have amassed broad collections over
the years, and then subsequently donated them for the use and consideration
of the general public. One such gift is that which is profiled in this fine
online collection. The Jay I. Kislak Collection includes a number of rare
maps and books, and is largely focused around the early years of European
exploration and early Florida, the Caribbean, and Mesoamerica. Moving
through the collection, visitors can view a selection of these fine
documents, including a 1493 transcription of Columbus's account of his 1492
voyage and a handbook for priests created by Dominicans working in the
Guatemalan highlands. One real find on this site is the interactive
presentation of the famed 1678 work, _The Buccaneers of America_. Through
this presentation, visitors can listen along to a reading of various
passages from this extremely dramatic account of Alexander Exquemelin (who
is thought to be a French surgeon who worked with buccaneers) and view the
pages of this original document. [KMG]

Markkula Center for Applied Ethics [pdf, Microsoft PowerPoint]

Based at Santa Clara University, the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics
concerns itself primarily with investigating such topics as character
education, global leadership, business ethics, and health care ethics. From
the Center's homepage, visitors can peruse many of these topics, and also
locate useful teaching resources that will be of use to those who hope to
incorporate some of these themes into their own courses. The Publications
area is worth a look as it contains articles on such topics as "Is it
Ethical to Shop at Wal-Mart?" and "Dying with Dignity." For visitors who
plan on visiting over an extended period of time, there is a section on the
homepage that allows them to quickly access the most recent materials added
to the site. The site is rounded out by a thematic organization of helpful
external links, organized around such topics as ethical theory and public
policy. [KMG] [NOTE: Includes Character Education Resources. – Phyllis ]

First-Person Narratives of the American South

>From its online beginnings in 1995, the Documenting the American South
initiative at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has created a
number of helpful digitized collections that document the Southern
perspective on a wide range of areas of American history and culture. One of
the project's latest additions is the First-Person Narratives of the
American South collection, which contains diaries, autobiographies, travel
accounts, and ex-slave narratives written by Southerners. The collection
contains dozens of these invaluable primary documents, including Eliza
Andrews' "The War-Time Journal of a Georgia Girl, 1864-1865" and Sara Agnes
Rice's "My Day: Reminiscences of a Long Life". Visitors may feel free to
browse the collection alphabetically, as they will no doubt find much of
interest, particularly if they are generally interested in the history of
the American South. [KMG]
[NOTE: Other pages from previously posted. – Phyllis ]

>From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2005.


Sun., Nov. 13, 2005 - CNN Special 25th Anniversary

CNN25: Educator and Parent Guide
“June 1, 2005, marks the 25th anniversary of the launch of CNN. While most of the parents and educators in our audience can remember a time when we didn't have 24-hour cable news, most of our students have never known anything else.
As CNN celebrates its anniversary, use this opportunity to get your students thinking about the impact that 24-hour global news has had on the world in which we live.”

Flash forward!
“As CNN celebrates its 25th anniversary, we are taking stock of past trends that changed our lives, and the future trends that will transform everything -- from medical treatments to leisure activities to how we clean our homes.”



Sun., Nov. 13, 2005 - Squashed Philosophers

CNN25: Educator and Parent Guide
“June 1, 2005, marks the 25th anniversary of the launch of CNN. While most of the parents and educators in our audience can remember a time when we didn't have 24-hour cable news, most of our students have never known anything else.
As CNN celebrates its anniversary, use this opportunity to get your students thinking about the impact that 24-hour global news has had on the world in which we live.”

Flash forward!
“As CNN celebrates its 25th anniversary, we are taking stock of past trends that changed our lives, and the future trends that will transform everything -- from medical treatments to leisure activities to how we clean our homes.”



Sun., Nov. 13, 2005

Found in:
The Cool Tricks and Trinkets Newsletter # 355 6/16/05

Studio 3D

Frank Lloyd Wright, who inspired a generation of American architects with
his unique style, is generally considered to be one of the great architects
of the 20th Century. Ambitious architects will love this website, which
combines a biography of Mr. Wright with a 3D introduction to the art and
science of architecture.

Architect Studio 3D allows young architects to learn, through an
interactive process, how to design a new home. In addition to the 3D
design experience, the site also has a wealth of information on Frank Lloyd
Wright's life and work, as well as images of many of the homes and
buildings he created.


Encyclopedia of Philosophy
[NOTE: Previously posted. - Phyllis ]

The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy is a non-profit website that
provides free information to users all around the world. The site has a
volunteer staff of twenty-five, as well as hundreds of contributing
writers, professors and editors from the United States, United Kingdom, and

Visitors can simply browse through the alphabetical index of brilliant
philosophers and fascinating topics about "the study of life". The website
contains articles and info on subjects in all areas of philosophy, from the
writings of Aristotle to the "Neo-Confucianist" teachings of Zhang Zai.


This charming online museum pays tribute to old electronic musical
toys. Browse one collector's vintage collection of keyboards,
synthesizers, singing calculators, and musical toys from the 1950's-1980's.


Magazines Covers From the Future

Why bother with the trendy magazines of today when you can read the
magazines of the future? This fun website, courtesy of The Magazine
Publishers of America, has a gallery of popular magazine covers from the

You'll have a laugh looking at the "future" covers of "Time", "Esquire",
"Better Homes and Gardens", "Travel and Leisure", and other popular
magazines. The designers that put these fake covers together have done a
spectacular job of combining futuristic expectations with sharp humor.


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