Saturday, December 13, 2008


Sat., Dec. 13, 2008 - Interactive-Learning - K.O'Regan Grades 6 to 12

Site found on

“This site is a smorgasbord of interactive lessons on history, English, and music. Wonderful for the Humanities teacher, it allows teachers of any of those subjects to pick and choose what best fits their plans. Some examples of topics include archaeology, ancient Rome, South American Empires, ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, letter writing, gorgeous grammar, common spelling errors, the Renaissance, the Middle Ages, poetry, the theatre, film, composers, and at least twenty other topics.” <<>>

Entire review and suggestions for using this site “In the Classroom”:


Sat., Dec. 13, 2008 - Nobel Prizes 2008 / Nobel Peace Prize 1964: Martin Luther King, Jr.

The Nobel Day, December 10, 2008
Scroll down for the 2008 Nobel Prize winners

From the site:
“Every year since 1901 the Nobel Prize has been awarded for achievements in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature and for peace… In 1968, Sveriges Riksbank established The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, founder of the Nobel Prize.”

[NOTE: Other pages from previously posted. - Phyllis ]


The Nobel Peace Prize 1964: Martin Luther King Jr.
Site includes links to the Presentation Speech, Biography, Nobel Lecture, Acceptance Speech and other Resources


Sat., Dec. 13, 2008 - Helping Children Cope in Unsettling Times: The Economic Crisis: Tips for Parents and Teachers

Helping Children Cope in Unsettling Times: The Economic Crisis; Tips for Parents and Teachers - NASP - Grades 0 to 12
Shortened URL:

Site found on

“…easy-to-implement suggestions for teacher and parents in helping children and teens cope tough economic times. Many of the tips are similar to what we may already know about helping students in times of stress, but this article refocuses adults to tune into the economic crisis from the point of view of the child/teen.”

Entire review and suggestions on using this site “In the Classroom”:


Sat., Dec. 13, 2008 - Student Research Resources

--------Forwarded Message--------
Awareness Watch Newsletter V6N8 August 2008 Announcement
Student Research Resources

IT GIVES ME GREAT PLEASURE TO ANNOUNCE MY AUGUST 2008 V6N8 AWARENESS WATCH NEWSLETTER. IT IS A FREELY AVAILABLE 62 PAGE .PDF DOCUMENT (1.60MB) FROM THE BELOW URL. THE Awareness Watch Featured Report this month features Student Research Resources. These resources and sites bring you the latest information and happenings in the area of student research that are currently available on the Internet. It is designed to aid the student in performing research for their independent research projects as well as undergraduate and graduate subject research. Having the ability to access the latest research resources will keep the student at the leading edge for knowledge discovery and the ability to learn in a more efficient and effective manner! The Awareness Watch Spotters cover many excellent and newly released annotated current awareness research sources and tools as well as the latest identified Internet happenings and resources including a number of neat and must-have tools! <<>>

August 2008 V6N8 Awareness Watch Newsletter
Shortened URL:

Student Research Resources and Sites

Friday, December 12, 2008


Fri., Dec. 12, 2008 - NY Times Movie Reviews

Movie Reviews: New York Times

From the site:
“Browse or search 28,000 New York Times movie reviews. Included in the free review archive are all films reviewed since 1960, reviews of all Best Picture Academy Award winners, as well as The New York Times guide to the Best 1,000 Movies Ever Made.”

[NOTE: Previously posted. - Phyllis ]


Fri., Dec. 12, 2008 - Outlaws and Highwaymen

Outlaws and Highwaymen
From the site:
The History of the Highwaymen
and their Predecessors, the Medieval Outlaws

[NOTE: Previously posted. - Phyllis ]
From Librarians' Internet Index
“Songs, poems, stories, memoirs, letters, satires,
sermons, and other writings from the times are
used to tell about the English highwayman from the
14th through the 19th centuries. For further
research, there are annotated links and an
extensive bibliography.”

Copyright 2001 by Librarians' Index to the Internet,


Fri., Dec. 12, 2008 - Fear of Physics

Site found on

Fear of Physics - - Grades 6 to 12
“…explanations of some of the more common physics questions – why satellites don’t fall, how gravity affects various objects, and the like. Each phenomenon has a visual example, and the complexity of these varies. Check this one out if you’re looking for an idea or illustration for an experiment. The Visual Physics link offers over twenty science topics: Roller Coasters, Why Things Fall, Zero G, Einstein's Relativity, Sound, and many others. There is also a physics dictionary and a link Bad Science.” <<>>
[NOTE: Previously posted. - Phyllis ]

Entire review and suggestions on using this site “In the Classroom”:


Fri., Dec. 12, 2008 - PBS: NATURE: Chimpanzees: An Unnatural History

Site found in:
PBS Teachers Newsletter: December 14-20, 2008
Current PBS Teacher Previews Newsletter

Chimpanzees: An Unnatural History
On-Air & Online
Gr. 6-8 / 9-12
Sunday, December 14, 2008
8 - 9:00 pm
Thousands of our closest living relatives have lived among us
for well over a century, many in solitary confinement. We've
dressed and trained them to be like humans, sent them into
space and infected them with diseases. An entire population of
these captive chimpanzees has been left behind by science,
entertainment and the pet trade, their care neglected, their
stories forgotten, their records lost. Today, a few dedicated
individuals are working hard to give these long-suffering
creatures the freedom and sanctuary they so richly deserve.
(CC, Stereo, 1 year)
Shortened URL:


Copyright 2008 PBS Online


Thurs., Dec. 11, 2008 - Integrating Art Across the Curriculum

Integrating Art Across the Curriculum
From the site:
“Using art across the curriculum can be a way to engage visual learners, to launch collaborations between teachers, and to add new depth to subjects from social studies and language arts to math and science. Enjoy!”

Site includes annotated sites for Elementary, Middle School, and High School,

List Created 11/2008
Last updated 12/03/2008


Thurs., Dec. 11, 2008 - Integrating Art Across the Curriculum

Integrating Art Across the Curriculum
From the site:
“Using art across the curriculum can be a way to engage visual learners, to launch collaborations between teachers, and to add new depth to subjects from social studies and language arts to math and science. Enjoy!”

Site includes annotated sites for Elementary, Middle School, and High School,

List Created 11/2008
Last updated 12/03/2008


Thurs., Dec. 11, 2008 - All Sewn Up: Millinery, Dressmaking, Clothing, and Costume

Site found in:

The Scout Report
July 25, 2008
Volume 14, Number 29

The Scout Report on the Web:
Current issue:
This issue:


All Sewn Up: Millinery, Dressmaking, Clothing, and Costume
Shortened URL:

>From millinery to dressmaking, this excellent digital collection from the
University of Wisconsin Digital Collections group brings together a myriad
of books from the early 20th century on the world of such matters, along
with forays into costume design. Interestingly enough, the University of
Wisconsin offered courses in these fields in the 1910s and 1920s. Visitors
can start their exploration of these materials by browsing through a few of
the titles, which include Florence Anslow's 1922 work "Practical Millinery"
and Gene Allen Martin's "Make Your Own Hats" from 1921. In total, this
collection contains 36 complete works, and visitors may be inspired by the
site to create their own costumes, dresses, and so on. [KMG]


>From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout 1994-2008.


Thurs., Dec. 11, 2008 - ZipcodeZoo

----------Forwarded Message--------
Hi! It's Thursday, July 24, 2008 and time for Social Sciences at


Recommended Website:

Age Range: 4-17+ (Grade Range: PreK-12 - Non-readers will need a little
help from mom or dad.)

Are you having trouble identifying the bug or weed your little naturalist
found outside? ClickSchooling subscriber Theresa Kempker may have
discovered a website that is the answer to your problem! It offers an
interactive Field Guide of plants, animals, birds, and insects all over the
world - that is personalized to your geographical area by inputting your Zip
Code in the search engine!

No more flipping through page after page of a gigantic field guide of North
America (or any other region of the world) trying to find the flora or fauna
in question. Just enter your zip code and narrow the field of possibilities
to your own backyard! Just think - only the species that typically inhabit
the neighborhood where you live will come up in the search. That means the
salamander found beneath the old tire near the garage or the plant that your
preschooler is munching on will be much easier to identify!

When you get to the site you'll see an introduction, a featured plant or
animal, and a menu bar. Read the introduction to understand how best to
navigate and use the site. Then, place your cursor over the menu tabs to
see drop down lists of the extensive content available on the site. Pick
your area of interest and explore it! The site includes:

*State-of-the-art technology and multi-media (turn your speakers on) to not
only educate you, but help you provide specific criteria that will assist in
the identification of various plants, birds, and animals. Use the "Key" - a
tool that helps you step through kingdom, phylum, class, order, and family
to decide what species you have at hand.

*Photographs submitted by amateur and professional naturalists from all over
the world. You're not limited to just one or two pictures when trying to
identify a species - you can see a variety to help you really narrow it down
and avoid misidentification.

*Sophisticated search engines, Google maps, popup definitions where you can
listen to how a scientific word is pronounced, and engaging slideshows of
plants and animals. Be sure to watch the "Ask a Biologist" podcasts.

*Fun quizzes that help you develop skill matching a bird, mammal, fish, or
amphibian with the sound it makes. There are interactive crossword puzzles
that will challenge and build your vocabulary.

*Find out about invasive plants or threatened and endangered species near
you. Join other amateur naturalists and help build this field guide by
recording your observations using the "LifeList" button at the bottom of
every species page. Or provide helpful feedback by suggesting edits to
pages where the information is faulty or incomplete.

*A translator that allows you to read every page in a variety of languages
including Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese,
Korean, Portuguese, or Spanish.

This site is vast - and you may have to wait a few minutes while content
downloads as you move from one page or section to another. I found
occasional glitches and redirects, but overall this is a terrific site in
applied Biogeography that you'll want to bookmark and visit again and again.

Diane Flynn Keith
for ClickSchooling
Copyright 2008, All Rights Reserved


DID YOU MISPLACE A ClickSchooling Review? Do you need to find an educational website - fast! Visit the ClickSchooling archives at:

Note: We make every effort to recommend websites that have content that is appropriate for general audiences. Parents should ALWAYS preview the sites for suitable content.

Click Schooling (Clickschooling) is a Federally Registered Trademark.


Thurs., Dec. 11, 2008 - Sites found in ResourceShelf, July 18-24, 2008

Sites found in:
July 18-24, 2008
The July issue of the Wise Guide to the Library of Congress Web - July 2008
Includes: Vaudeville: Before Laurel & Hardy, there was Joe and Carrie
The Changing Role of the Citizen-Soldier
Experiencing War: The Global War on Terror

From the site:"study on "The U.S. Citizen-Soldier and the Global War on Terror: The National Guard Experience": National Guard's role in the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq"
Press Release:
[NOTE: Other themes from Experiencing War previously posted. - Phyllis ]
World Heritage List - Twenty-seven new sites inscribed
The World Heritage Committee, meeting for its 32nd session, finished inscribing new sites on UNESCO's World Heritage List on 8 July with the addition of 19 cultural sites and eight natural sites to the List.New cultural sites inscribed during the 32nd session:
* Temple of Preah Vihear (Cambodia)
* Fujian Tulou (China)
* Stari Grad Plain (Croatia)
* Historic Centre of Camagey (Cuba)
* Fortifications of Vauban (France)
* Berlin Modernism Housing Estates (Germany)
* Armenian Monastic Ensembles in Iran (Iran)
* Baha'i Holy Places in Haifa and Western Galilee (Israel)
* Mantua and Sabbioneta (Italy)
* Sacred Mijikenda Kaya Forests (Kenya)
* Melaka and George Town, historic cities of the Straits of Malacca (Malaysia)
* Protective town of San Miguel and the Sanctuary of Jeszs de Nazareno deAtotonilco (Mexico)
* Le Morne Cultural Landscape (Mauritius)
* Kuk Early Agricultural Site (Papua New Guinea)
* San Marino Historic Centre and Mount Titano (San Marino)
* Archaeological Site of Al-Hijr (Madbin Sblih) (Saudi Arabia)
* Wooden Churches of the Slovak part of Carpathian Mountain Area (Slovakia)
* Rhaetian Railway in the Albula / Bernina Cultural Landscape (Switzerland and Italy)
* Chief Roi Mata's Domain (Vanuatu)
Source: UNESCO
SAMHSA Launches New Homelessness Resource Center Web Site
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has launched a new Homelessness Resource Center Web site. The Web site is designed to support individuals working to improve the lives of people affected by homelessness who have mental health conditions, substance use disorders, and histories of trauma.
"The new Homelessness Resource Center Web site provides a platform for creating an interactive community of providers, consumers, policymakers, researchers, and public agencies at federal, state, and local levels working to prevent and end homelessness," said Terry Cline, Ph.D., SAMHSA administrator.
This social networking site is designed to help users network with other providers of homelessness services, such as by sharing knowledge and experiences. Other features include accessing resources from the library, downloading resources and practical tools, rating and commenting on content, posting helpful information, and learning about upcoming events.
Topics, such as how to reach out to the homeless, the transition from homelessness, health care, self care, and housing, are included to promote recovery-oriented and consumer-centered homeless services.
LC's FRD Updates Nigeria Country Profile
Full Text Book from FBI and GPO: THE FBI: A Centennial History, 1908-2008
You can preorder the book from the GPO (soft or hardcover) and/or read online/download/print the 100 page book from this link on the FBI website. Online access is available at no charge.
This 130-page coffee-table book-The FBI: A Centennial History, 1908-2008-traces our evolution over the past century from a makeshift band of 34 investigators to a full-fledged national security and intelligence agency with 30,000 special agents and specialized professionals working around the globe to protect the nation.
The book takes you on a walk through seven key chapters in FBI history, showing how the Bureau has been there for our country every step of the way-from WorldWar I and the early days of terrorism to the gangster-driven crime wave of the'20s and '30s from the anxious age of World War II and the Cold War to the turbulent '60s and its burgeoning civil rights movement from the systemic corruption of the Watergate years to the rise of global terror and crime and the transformative post-9/11 era.
Source: FBI
Agriculture Glossary
A product of the Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress at the request of the U.S. House Committee on Agriculture
Upgraded BLM Image Library Offers Views of American West
Shortened URL:
The Bureau of Land Management has launched an enhanced online image library that combines thousands of digital photographs of landscapes and historical images of the American West.
The BLM Image Library, available through the BLM Website at, contains more than 60,000 images of public lands, mostly in 12 Western states, including Alaska. A special collection maintained by the BLM's National Operations Center includes 3,600 historical photos dating back to the early surveys of the West.Users are able to search state and national collections by keyword or descriptions, then download images in a variety of sizes. A "shopping cart" feature allows users to collect a number of images and then download all in acompressed folder.
The BLM Image Library was established in 2001 and went on to become a popular resource used for publications, presentations, Websites, and news stories. The system has been upgraded and enhanced to work within the BLM's redesigned Website. A large collection of images from the BLM-California State Office nearly doubled the size of the library to 64,000 images.
Among the images are thousands of illustrations of areas managed by the BLM, including National Monuments, National Conservation Areas, and popular recreation areas. The collection also includes spectacular images of the agency's vast landscape resources, as well as images of multiple uses and resources managed by the BLM, including livestock grazing, mineral development, energy production, wild horses and burros, wildfire, and cultural sites.
Source: Bureau of Land Management
Have you visited the WorldWide Telescope project from Microsoft Research?
The WorldWide Telescope (WWT) is a Web 2.0 visualization software environment that enables your computer to function as a virtual telescope-bringing together imagery from the best ground and space-based telescopes in the world for a seamless exploration of the universe.
[NOTE: Download required. - Phyllis ]

----Gary Price
Editor, ResourceShelf
The ResourceShelf & DocuTicker Team
"Post via ResourceShelf"for even more resources visit

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Wed., Dec. 10, 2008 - NJ Hall of Fame Voting Extended to Jan. 1 / The Achievement of New Jersey Citizens Teaching Unit

New Jersey Hall of Fame Extends Voting for Class of 2008

New Jersey Hall of Fame
From the site:
“Thanks to a formal lesson plan developed by a team lead by the NJEA, teachers and schools across the state use the voting as an opportunity for instruction at all levels – from elementary to high school – to teach students about the importance and the process of voting.”

Teaching Unit

---------Forwarded Message--------

New Jersey Hall of Fame Extends Voting for Class of 2008
NJ Hall of Fame
Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 2:18 PM

Dear Friends of the NJ Hall of Fame,

The New Jersey Hall of Fame has extended the voting for the Class of
2008 through the first of January. There are 30 great New Jerseyans
out of which only ten will be inducted into the Hall at our gala red
carpet induction ceremony on Sunday, May 3rd. As an early supporter of
the NJHOF, you will receive advance information on getting tickets in
late winter.

We need you to cast your vote and spread the word about the New Jersey
Hall of Fame voting before the end of the month. Anyone can vote and
possibly win prime seats to the May ceremony.

Log onto and cast your vote for the newest
inductees to the New Jersey Hall of Fame. Together, let's celebrate
the Garden State.

With best regards,

Don Jay Smith
Executive Director
Marketing/Public Relations
New Jersey Hall of Fame
4 Ridge Road
Lebanon, NJ 08833-4625


Wed., Dec. 10, 2008 - Sites to See: The Eyes Have It!

Sites to See
The Eyes Have It!

From the site:
“How do humans see? Vision and eye anatomy can be hard for students of all ages to understand. Join us as we look for the Web's best sites for sight! Included: Sites geared toward the elementary, middle, and high school students, with crossword puzzles, Spanish translations, movies of the eye, and much more!”

Source: Education World


Wed., Dec. 10, 2008 - Susan B. Anthony: Celebrating "A Heroic Life"

PBS: Blythe Bennett Recommended Site
Susan B Anthony: Celebrating “A Heroic Life”

Women and Civil Rights!

Explore an online exhibition with letters, photos, memorabilia and papers from Susan B. Anthony and some of her well-known colleagues. The work is illustrated with multiple primary documents and personal letters


Wed., Dec. 10, 2008 - Offshore Drilling (2) / The Vietnam Center and Archives

Sites found in:

Librarians' Internet Index
Websites you can trust!
NEW THIS WEEK, July 24, 2008
Read This Online :


Offshore Drilling and Exploration
"News about offshore drilling and exploration, including commentary and archival articles published in The New York Times." Includes articles on President Bush's July 2008 lifting of "nearly two decades of executive orders banning drilling for oil and natural gas off the country's shoreline," and others back as far as 1981 when a Congressional moratorium on drilling was enacted.
Shortened URL:
LII Item:
[NOTE: Free registration required for NY Times. – Phyllis ]


Minerals Management Service (MMS): Offshore Energy & Minerals Management
Material from the U.S. government about its management of "the mineral resources on 1.76 billion acres of the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). The OCS is a significant source of oil and gas for the Nation's energy supply." Includes information on topics such as alternative energy programs, coastal impact, environmental assessment and monitoring, leasing (for Alaska, Gulf of Mexico, and Pacific regions), and more. From the Minerals Management Service, Department of the Interior.
LII Item:


The Vietnam Center and Archive
This center's mission "is to support and encourage research and education regarding all aspects of the American Vietnam experience; promoting a greater understanding of this experience and the peoples and cultures of Southeast Asia." Features a virtual archive with over 2.7 million pages of scanned materials including "documents, photographs, slides, negatives, oral histories, artifacts, moving images, sound recordings, maps, and collection finding aids." From the Institute for Modern Conflict, Diplomacy and Reconciliation, Texas Tech University.
LII Item:
[NOTE: Previously posted. - Phyllis ]


Librarians' Internet Index
Websites You Can Trust!
Copyright 2008 by Librarians' Internet Index.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008


Tues., Dec. 9, 2008 - Mark Twain at Large: His Travels Here and Abroad

Site found in:

The Scout Report
December 4, 1998

Mark Twain at Large: His Travels Here and Abroad

Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) took his first extended trip in 1853 at the age
of 17 and returned from the last in 1910, just a few days before he died.
In between, he "visited five continents, steamed across the Atlantic
twenty-nine times, and crossed the Pacific and Indian oceans as part of one
complete round-the-world circuit." For Twain, travel was at times an
escape, an inspiration for his writing, and a financial necessity. This
exhibit from the Mark Twain Papers and Project, the Bancroft Library at the
University of California, Berkeley, makes good use of its extensive
collection to examine the role of travel in Twain's writing and his life.
Each section examines Twain's experiences in different locations, such as
along the Mississippi, the American West, Europe, and Bermuda. Each section
consists of images of photos and items such as letters, journals, and
books, with explanatory text and some excerpts. The site would benefit from
an index and the option to enlarge the images, but on the whole it offers
an interesting glimpse into a lesser-known facet of this very American
writer's life. [MD]
[NOTE: Previously posted. Site and URL updated. - Phyllis ]

>From the Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-1998.


Tues., Dec. 9, 2008 - British Life and Culture

Woodlands Junior School's British Life and Culture website.
From the site:
“Our website contains fascinating facts and information about England, Scotland and Wales (Britain), in a way that is easy to read and to understand for people of all ages and cultures.”

Site includes pages on:
Daily Life l Food and Drink l The People l Languages l Symbols l Royalty


Tues., Dec. 9, 2008 - Odyssey Online: Greece

Odyssey Online: Greece
[NOTE: Previously posted. Site and URL updated. - Phyllis ]

Site includes sections on: Death & Burial, Victory & Conquest, Gods, Goddesses & Heroes, Animals Real & Imagined, Greek Democracy, Architecture, Geography, Living in Style, American Cities/Greek Names, Epics & Actors.


Tues., Dec. 9, 2008 - Shopping Mall and Shopping Center Studies

---------Forwarded Message--------
Site of the Day for Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Shopping Mall and Shopping Center Studies

Today's site, from Eastern Connecticut State University, offers
information on that favorite spot anywhere on the globe -- the
shopping mall. Gentle
Subscribers will discover an interesting range of material on the
venue where shopping, one of the most highly rated leisure time
activities, takes place.

"These ... pages provide an introduction to shopping malls as
subjects for historical, social, and cultural studies of the United
States." - from the website

The exhibit provides an overview of the history of shopping centers,
along with mall etymology and an explanation of terms used in
conjunction with these shopping bazaars, such as the generally high
end "galleria", the down market "value-oriented" mall and the last
gasp shopping centers, the "greyfields". Additional sections feature
a history of the shopping mall in the United States, along with links
to an analysis predicting an inevitable decline of the local mall,
and facts on the largest malls in the U.S. and around the world.
Notes on fiction with a shopping mall setting and a helpful
bibliography are also included.

Stroll over to the site for a different perspective on shopping malls

A.M. Holm
view the List archives on the web at:

Monday, December 08, 2008


Mon., Dec. 8, 2008 - NOVA: Neanderthals on Trial

Neanderthals on Trial
From the site:
“In 1856, bones of an unrecognizable hominid turned up in Germany's Neander Valley. This early human and others like it—sturdy, large-headed individuals—came to be known as Neanderthals. Despite a century and a half of study and debate, Neanderthals remain an enigma. Were they our ancestors, or an evolutionary dead-end? Were they assimilated into early modern (Cro Magnon) populations, or were they wiped out en masse in a Pleistocene genocide? "Neanderthals on Trial" investigates this long-standing mystery.”
Original broadcast date: 1/22/2002 – [NOTE: Previously posted. - Phyllis ]

Site Contents:
Welcome to the companion Web site to "Neanderthals on Trial," originally broadcast on January 22, 2002. The film probes the enigma of our Neanderthal cousins and the roots of our own ancestry. Here's what you'll find online:

Casts of Characters
Using fully rotatable 360° QuickTime movies, compare casts of two famous skulls—the La Chapelle-aux-Saints Neanderthal and Cro Magnon I. Learn their histories and ferret out their anatomical differences.

Into the Fray: The Producer's Story
In this straight-from-the-shoulder essay, Mark Davis, the producer of "Neanderthals on Trial," describes how he went about making a balanced film about a subject on whose particulars no two experts seem to agree.

Tracing Ancestry with MtDNA
By studying mitochondrial DNA, some geneticists have traced the maternal lineages of all modern humans back to a common ancestor who lived 150,000 years ago. They've also found no evidence that we're related to Neanderthals. What's the logic behind their theory?

Dig and Deduce (Hot Science)
Uncover bone fragments and artifacts at three Neanderthal excavation sites, then step into the morass known as archeological interpretation.

Plus Resources and a Teacher's Guide.


Mon., Dec. 8, 2008 - The Year of the Polar Bear / Bear Facts / Polar Bear FAQ

2008 Is The Year of the Polar Bear
From the site:
“We are committed to polar bears and arctic habitat conservation through support for scientific research and educational outreach programs.”

Bear Facts

Polar Bear FAQ
From the site:
“Scientists predict that, if current warming trends continue in the Arctic, two-thirds of the world's polar bears could disappear by 2050.”


Mon., Dec. 8, 2008 - Our Earth as Art

Our Earth as Art
From the site:
“Welcome to the Earth as Art Gallery! Here you can view our planet through the beautiful images taken by the Landsat-7 satellite - and most recently, the Terra Satellite's Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER). This gallery of images uses the visceral avenue of art to convey the thrilling perspective of the Earth that satellites provide to the viewer.” Click on map to view images by continent.

Index of Images (In Alphabetical Order)


Mon., Dec. 8, 2008 - National Gallery for America's Young Artists

--------Forwarded Message--------
Hi! It's Saturday, July 19, 2008 and time for Art at ClickSchooling!



Recommended Website:
National Gallery for America's Young Artists

Age Range: 5-18 and beyond (Grade Range K-12)

ClickSchooling subscriber Suzi suggested this website as worthy of a review
- and I agree! It features a variety of FREE interactive art activities to
engage the budding Pollock, O'Keefe, Rodin, or Frank Lloyd Wright in your

When you get to the site you'll see a menu featuring three main sections as

I. Free Art Sites: Experiential - Click on any one of 5 links that will
open to a multi-media, fun art activity you can try such as ArtZone, ArtPad
Painter, Jackson Pollock, Interactive Color Wheel, and Architect Studio 3D.
Virtually draw, color, paint, build, and experiment with color and design
online. Suzi wrote, "I think 'Architect Studio 3D' is great for the budding
architect. Based on the famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright, it incorporates
his philosophies and has a good balance of learning and fun. My son is
constantly creating 3D buildings with construction paper and enjoys playing
at this site, since it easier to use than his Home Architect software."

II. Interactive Activities About Art - This collection of fun activities
provides multi-media lessons in art history as well as art media and
technique. Learn about color symbolism, how to make prints, bronze casting,
take a tour of the Vatican artwork, find out what's in an artist's toolkit,
and learn all about cave art.

III. Online Art Galleries - Explore other online art galleries by clicking
on links to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the British Museum, the National
Museum of African Art, Native American Art, and a great online exhibit about
myths and legends in art. All of these galleries use multi-media to enhance
art education.

You could design an entire art curriculum around the information and
activities archived here. Be sure to bookmark it to return often.

Diane Flynn Keith
for ClickSchooling
Copyright 2008, All Rights Reserved


DID YOU MISPLACE A ClickSchooling Review? Do you need to find an educational website - fast! Visit the ClickSchooling archives at:

Note: We make every effort to recommend websites that have content that is appropriate for general audiences. Parents should ALWAYS preview the sites for suitable content.

Click Schooling (Clickschooling) is a Federally Registered Trademark.

Sunday, December 07, 2008


Sun., Dec. 7, 2008 - Net Know-How

Net Know-How

Site includes pages on Teaching, Searching, Web 2.0, Plagiarism, Copyright, Net Safety, and Cyberbulling.

From the Plagiarism Overview page:
“Educators at the K-12 level must create environments for learning within their classrooms that openly promote and support the culture of life-long intellectual honesty. If plagiarism or cheating occurs at any time, consequences can include a course of action that will not only discourage future infractions but also educate and support the student in engaging in more appropriate behavior in the future.”


Sun., Dec. 7, 2008 - A Visit to Copyright Bay

A Visit to Copyright Bay
[NOTE: Previously posted. - Phyllis ]

Designed by graduate students at George Washington
University, this site is meant to be a guide "to general and
specific concepts about copyright as they apply to the
non-profit educational setting." Copyright, fair use, and
infringement tutorials are presented as an interactive map
of "Fair Use Harbor" with "Multimedia Wharf," "Cove of
Multiple Copies," and other educational areas. Includes
quizzes and a bibliography. Not intended as legal advice.
Note: has some broken links.

Copyright 2003 by Librarians' Index to the Internet


Sun., Dec. 7, 2008 - Lead in Paint, Dust, and Soil

---------Forwarded Message--------
Site of the Day for Monday, July 21, 2008

Lead in Paint, Dust, and Soil

Today's site, from America's Environmental Protection Agency, offers
an extensive presentation about lead, with crucial information about
its effects and where it is most likely to be found. Gentle
Subscribers will find this an excellent source for authoritative
material on a substance which can prove to be a major health hazard.

"Why Do You Need to Be Concerned About Lead? ... Lead is a toxic
metal that was used for many years in products found in and around
our homes. Lead also can be emitted into the air from motor vehicles
and industrial sources, and lead can enter drinking water from
plumbing materials. Lead may cause a range of health effects, from
behavioral problems and learning disabilities, to seizures and
death." - from the website

The site provides the basic facts about the different materials, from
paint to plumbing fixtures, where lead has been used in the past and
how to minimize the risk of exposure to lead from such sources. The
potential adverse health effects, particularly for children, are
clearly outlined, while guidelines are suggested for taking remedial
action for the removal of lead from different sources. Links to
additional essential resources, including a U.S. nation-wide lead
hotline are also available, as well as the rules and regulations
governing renovations where lead paint may be present.

Stride over to the site for an essential reference on relevant safety
topics with respect to lead at:

A.M. Holm
view the List archives on the web at:


Sun., Dec. 7, 2008 - Bookmark Managers / Author Pseudonyms / Science Fair Projects

Sites found in:
Don's Patch #97, July 15, 2008 from

Current Issue: Online:



Bookmark Managers
[NOTE: Sites not checked. Some previously posted. - Phyllis ]

Losing all the links you've saved in your browser can be one of the
really devastating things about a major computer crash. One way
to back them up is to save them online,


Who really wrote that book? – Author Pseudonyms
[NOTE: Previously posted. - Phyllis ]


Looking for the ultimate Science Fair project?
[NOTE: Previously posted. - Phyllis ]


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